ALIEN Races Visting Earth


Senior Member
Perhaps the BEK are hybrids of humans and grays. That would make some sense. Reports state that they speak in an odd manner. Like it is robotic monotone and scripted with no emotions, but then again...



Senior Member
Perhaps the BEK are hybrids of humans and grays. That would make some sense. Reports state that they speak in an odd manner. Like it is robotic monotone and scripted with no emotions, but then again...

Greys and the sort are able to control how you feel about them plus they wouldn't just ask to come in they would while you sleep lol, BEK sound like Demons mixed with Vampire. a good urban legend


Senior Member
Hi Blast Tyrant:

To tell you the truth, the BEK are not as cute as the girl in the above image. Yeah, they look a bit creepy. This is because they have a sickly pallid appearance. Also, add to that the big black eyes. Still, I prefer to judge a person on his or her actions and not on their unusual appearance.


OK some say that they are demons or grays. I prefer to think that they are an as yet unknown alien race. Basically, one that has been visiting us for many thousands of years. Question is why they are visiting us.


Senior Member
Maybe the ETs hybriding with humans live in the center of the Earth. Reports of UFOs coming and going from within the ocean are very prevalent.


Senior Member
I don't think the BEK are real to be honest, i have done allot of research on the net on them and it's the same old storys repeated i think it is a clever ruse for a new urban legend for this generation like the Slenderman. If they were out to harm us they wouldn't ask to come in, they would just enter, and if they put out the Fear that people say they do there would be no resistance cause people would be to afraid to stop them.

It sounds like a Vampire had Sex with a Demon who gave Birth to angry little kids.

I am chalking up the BEK to Urban Legend till proven other wise sorry guys but not nearly enough evidence with technology these days everyone carrys a phone that can take pictures or security cameras or something yet nothing of these kids except the same repeated storys.

Atleast the Slenderman has youtube videos lol
I don't think the BEK are real to be honest, i have done allot of research on the net on them and it's the same old storys repeated i think it is a clever ruse for a new urban legend for this generation like the Slenderman. If they were out to harm us they wouldn't ask to come in, they would just enter, and if they put out the Fear that people say they do there would be no resistance cause people would be to afraid to stop them.

It sounds like a Vampire had Sex with a Demon who gave Birth to angry little kids.

I am chalking up the BEK to Urban Legend till proven other wise sorry guys but not nearly enough evidence with technology these days everyone carrys a phone that can take pictures or security cameras or something yet nothing of these kids except the same repeated storys.

Atleast the Slenderman has youtube videos lol

Personally I think the BEK are just psychics who can project images like that into other peoples heads. I knew personally several people who did such. Mostly just to fuck with others. Give the appearance of black eyes. The stories from there later evolved into the BEK we know today. (the psychics themselves could project themselves to others as children. I seen that as well..)

Some of the women I slept with told me that my eyes get unnaturally black during sex so I think its a lot of different possibilities.

I doubt they are demons or aliens though.
What I REALLY wanna know is the alien race that abducts pregnant women and implants their consciousness into the baby.. or alters it somehow to give them ridiculously high intelligence. (some of them are the high functioning autistic kids we know today. Autism has a strangely higher prevalence in high tech nations like ours and other first world countries rather than developing countries) The high functioning part I am talking about the kids who are math and science prodigies at the age of 5. I met several mothers who had high functioning autistic kids like that and 95% of them had an abduction experience thats very similar.

What could the goals here be?? Invasion?? An uplift?? Their version of science experiments to add tech to our world to see what happens?? I have been given answers like these but I am always in quest of the truth here. This is something you dont see in the many conspiracy circles. I just happened upon it in 2011.


Senior Member
Autism has a strangely higher prevalence in high tech nations like ours and other first world countries rather than developing countries)

Not meaning to go off topic, but I wanted to mention, a lot of Autism was caused from immunizations. One example was giving Hepatitis immunizations to newborn babies. That happened in the USA. I believe many immunizations to children do more harm that good, and many on adults and children are experimentation without the population knowing.
Autism has a strangely higher prevalence in high tech nations like ours and other first world countries rather than developing countries)

Not meaning to go off topic, but I wanted to mention, a lot of Autism was caused from immunizations. One example was giving Hepatitis immunizations to newborn babies. That happened in the USA. I believe many immunizations to children do more harm that good, and many on adults and children are experimentation without the population knowing.

I think you are right, but my theory is there are multiple factors that go in the causes of autism spectrum and aspergers, as well as ADD/HD. Its a combination of multiple factors including immunizations, different parenting techniques through very early childhood that causes different brain development, as well as any drugs the mother is taking be they legal or illegal, or stress.

However I think the incidence of children with super high intelligence with autism spectrum stuff is wayyy more than mere coincidence. If i was an alien species wanting to do experiments in increasing intelligence of humans, I think hiding it in the autism 'crisis' is a brilliant idea.
