Media aliens + racism


Senior Member
I remember being on Planet Rykanor in the spring. All the trees were in bloom and people were celebrating the festival of Eliri where people trek to the poruna river. At night they place tiny candles in little boats smaller than your hand in size. These little boats they place into the river and they float down all the way to the ancora sea. Truly, it takes your breath away, All those little boats remind me of a warrior procession.

There were more people in the morning. Huge crowds were strolling down the streets of “old town” in the city of poruna. I like walking on the high banks near the river. Often you will see a family eating a picnic. Certainly, the hybrids have a lot of little ones.

Frankly, we saw thousands of hybrids and there was not even one with dark hair or dark eyes. Most were quite pale like an albino, but thin to the point of anorexia. Little kids were jumping for joy. All of them dancing and singing. Alien music filled the air. Older people were walking wonky down the tree lined boulevard, but in a calm orderly manner. There was no pushing or shoving any. What can I say on every one. Like they are all smiling and seem so sunny.

High up in the mountains there is still some snow. It has not all melted away.

Speaking of sunny, like every one is carrying an umbrella, but it is not raining. This is because people want to avoid getting any sun. Tanning is not cool on Rykanor any more. Yeah, I know spring is rainy season. However, there is not one cloud in our sky and we experience both of the twin suns.

If you do not like dreary days, Rykanor is the place for you. Most of the time it is bright and sunny. Ah yes, it is a bit foggy and cool in the morning. However, it soon warms up.

Oh wow, the air is so pure. I grab a lungful and breathe it in. There is no trash any way. Everything looks so clean and crisp. Frankly, most cities do not have streets any more. People use teleporters and do not need cars. That said, “old town”, the historic district in poruna, still has streets and cars. Also, it has little shops just as it was thousands of years ago. Aliens call it a living museum.

Life was like an endless holiday, but the details just slip away. Something was off kilter as we say. For example, let me describe the hybrid’s visage. They are pale to the point of pallor, and pasty rather than ashen gray. Often I would refer to Pam as a wan winsome woman. OK so, what does wan mean. It refers to being pale and sickly, like a hospital patient dying of terminal cancer. These hybrids can sure use more sun. I do not judge people by their appearance. Still, I do understand why humans see hybrids as ghostly or creepy.

Actually, an alien man explained to me the process. He said. “I know that humans think they would be so happy to marry one of us. However, we are another species. This is so wrong. Just like a woman marrying a canine is wrong. What kind of girl would um marry a dog? Definitely, a very negative person.”

Fact is, aliens see this behavior as so repugnant that it makes them want to throw up. Humans claim that aliens are full of racism. However, they see humans as dogs that drink water right out of a toilet bowl – gross!

Please understand that aliens see hybrids as ugly half breed side show freaks that belong in a circus. They laugh at hybrids the way you laugh monkeys in a zoo… or a midget in a circus. Except this monkey feels trapped in a cage. He cannot throw any poo.

TAKEN FROM British Author Links Racism to Manipulative Extraterrestrial Genetic Interference

My research has led me to a remarkable conclusion that I am sure many will find highly controversial. It is based on the fact that abductees have witnessed white Caucasian hybrids within the parameters of the alien craft and are shown scenes of the future by the Greys which only feature white people.

Do Alien-Human Hybrids Walk Among Us? - Alien Invasion

There are many alien races. Not all have the same agenda or purpose. Still, I must report what I have seen. Basically, a giant catastrophe hits earth and most of the people are gone. All the great cities are in ruins. Aliens reseed earth with hybrids and proclaim their “new people” to be a success. There is no more war or crime. NEW PEOPLE all live in harmony and peace.

Isaiah 2:3-4
And many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For the law will go forth from Zion And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.


There is a dog in the manger. Much trouble he does cause. He barks at the pony. Does not let him eat grain. He barks at the cows. Does not let them eat grass. Barking is to cause injury. Well, you see, these are products he cannot consume.


Aliens are called the dog in the manger. This does not mean that they are curious canines. Far from it, they cannot live long term on earth due to its germs. Most of us know that aliens would succumb to earth viruses. However, hybrids are a horse of a different color as they can survive.

Basically, the alien plan is to reseed earth with hybrids that are far less destructive and more progressive. They can come and visit, but the worries on crime are over.


Senior Member
Well this is the most bizarre thing I've read since... ever. :rolleyes:

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Wait, how did you get to this planet Rykanor you speak of? Does the HDR have the ability to do this, and if so, how do I do this?


Temporal Engineer
Well this is the most bizarre thing I've read since... ever. Martians are the master race, you know. :rolleyes:

You know the tall whites are claiming to be the master race. Three tall whites were witnessed leaving the scene at the San Bernardino massacre. But they didn't get blamed for it.


Senior Member
Well this is the most bizarre thing I've read since... ever. Martians are the master race, you know. :rolleyes:

You know the tall whites are claiming to be the master race. Three tall whites were witnessed leaving the scene at the San Bernardino massacre. But they didn't get blamed for it.
I was just kidding, but I heard something similar about San Bernardino. It's the internet, though, so anyone can claim anything.


Senior Member
Dang...reading this post is kinda tough on us dogs.
Drinking out of a toilet bowl or barking at ponies and cows...oh my. And what woman wouldn't like a fury canine at her side?
*just thinking about it causes uncontrollable panting, foaming at the mouth, and tongue dragging on the floor*


Senior Member
Dang...reading this post is kinda tough on us dogs.
Drinking out of a toilet bowl or barking at ponies and cows...oh my. And what woman wouldn't like a fury canine at her side?
*just thinking about it causes uncontrollable panting, foaming at the mouth, and tongue dragging on the floor*
You forgot the leg humpings and peeing up lamp posts :D
