Alternative method for contact


Junior Member
Go outside at night and look at the sky for ufos this is what I did and I started seeing them a lot they even followed me and when i saw them I would ask them to come visit me and they eventually did


Senior Member

I would suggest that you do go outside and look for UFOs, but spend more time such as an hour everytime it goes dark...Last year you were doing this if i remember (or perhaps the previous year), though you tended only doing it for a short space of time, and i think you got put off a bit by bad weather.....Therefore,iam assigning on Monday, at least 1 hour of my time every night looking for UFOs :D..

3 weeks ago i went outside to put my rubbish bin out for collection the next day, when i spotted a cylinder shaped UFO with several lights around it, maybe only 1 or 2 miles away from me...I waited to see where it was going and it suddenly stopped....I dashed inside my house to get a flashlight that gives out an SOS signal (my amateur radio transceiver was not immediately ready for transmitting), but when i got back outside the UFO had vanished!!.....I knew it wasnt an aeroplane nor a helicopter that i had seen, as there was no engine noise....

You and TieDieHippie, have prompted me to test out my own idea of using a radio transmitter (very close to the CB frequencies), transmitting a true White Noise source, rapid repetitive SOS signal, and even the musical notation from the movie, Close Encounters of the Third kind, that ive mentioned to you before...I will need the time between now and Monday night to get those three items ready for transmitting...However my friend, i "will" be outside and ready to try and communicate with any UFO i might see thats reasonably close to me (y)..

I wont be put off by bad weather or lose interest after a few minutes, as years ago some friends of mine and me would regularly go to a specific area near Derby, along a long old Roman road looking for UFO`s....You might recall me telling you about those 2 UFOs we were watching for 10 minutes, until we could not follow them any further across fields.....I have now recaptured that bug AGAIN for UFO spotting...
If i should stop logging onto Paranormalis, it would be because i have been abducted!!...In the event of me dying, my eldest son is tasked with the job of telling Paranormalis members, and also that i require a very good epitaph! :LOL:..


Senior Member
As well as using radio contact, would there be any advantage to using those small laser light devices to catch attention?

Some have been caught out directing them at helicopters and Aeroplanes.

Im not sure if an arrest would be on the cards if shined on an ufo?:)


Senior Member
As well as using radio contact, would there be any advantage to using those small laser light devices to catch attention?

Some have been caught out directing them at helicopters and Aeroplanes.

Im not sure if an arrest would be on the cards if shined on an ufo?:)

Interesting thought....But what if you aimed a laser beam at a UFO and the "force-field" around it deflected the beam away, sending it directly onto the pilots cockpit window of a nearby aeroplane, temporarily blinding him?..:eek: :oops:..
I can really imagine some countries writing that particular scenario into their own laws regarding the shining of laser beams at aircraft :D..
