An Insight To Shadow Folk


New Member
On another note I enjoyed reading up on some of the energy reading you mentioned, this I have experienced and I enjoy reading new articles of information based around it. If you have anymore information on energy reading and seeing the energy itself I would love to learn more. Along the lines of the shadows I think i'll continue to avoid them, a least for a little while.
The energy we're talking about is literally emitted from the temporal lobe. There are people who tend to be more right-minded, or left-minded. This directly affects the frequencies of the brain. The frequencies of the brain are constantly changing, depending on several factors, like static moods (not dynamic moods, like being upset over a small amount of time.), long-term stress, life changes, etc. The color of one's aura is dependent on these frequencies. I'm not sure what the difference between someone's aura being blue, or red is, but it plays directly into their brain frequency, among other factors.

Also i have witnessed shadow people first hand but never have they been at all malevolent towards me or anyone i was with, they rather run and hide than confront or try to steal our energy, but one i did run across well a fellow investigator, he claiemd it had Yellow eyes, any information on yellow eyes?

From the top of my head, I don't remember shadows having yellow eyes. Only blue eyes, red eyes, or no eyes. It's quite possible that it is still a shadow, I can't rule the possibility out. Also, keep in mind that just because something is a incorporeal, doesn't make it a shadow. It's easy to jump to conclusions. I can guarantee you that shadows do in fact, steal our energy; I accept that you are skeptical, and I would have been offended if someone didn't approach with at least a little skepticism. There is a chance that I, and my source, are both equally crazy, and are talking out of our rear-ends because we are delusional. Again, I never rule out the possible. I don't believe that to be the case, but most nuts don't think that they are.

Blacks are the most common of shadows, because they are the weakest of the shadows. It takes less energy for a black to exist, so there are naturally more of them. Blacks are the most skiddish of the shadows, and they are also the most likely to be at a site where the paranormal is most prevalent. The sites where extreme violence, and suffering have happened, such as mental institutions, and prisons, are the places where it's more likely to find reds. Blacks may seem harmless, because they seem so fearful, but the more they are undetected, the chances of being run off are significantly less. This doesn't mean they always go undetected, but it's much easier for them if no one knows they're there.



New Member
These things are not set in stone, mind you. There are exceptions to everything. I do not recommend going near shadows, or attempting communication. You might seem like a curious target.


Senior Member
I have heard the "eyes" theory as you have stated PS, and believe me i am not one to doubt anyone's storys or advice. I've seen it brought up a few time's in a paranormal chat room our group use to have but i never knew what the significance of it was till you told us just now.

What would be the ideal way of seperating a incorpreal from a shadow? at night they would look identical if not for the eyes correct?


New Member
Unfortunately, unless you're a perceptive, you can't tell the difference except for the eyes. That's the unfortunate thing about it. I believe that you can feel the heavier shadows, though. I can definitely feel a difference when I enter a house or apartment with a red in it. Most of the time I don't know that there's a red there, but I feel the change of environment, and one of my perceptive mates tells me. I suppose the best way to tell the difference is with communication. If it's a spirit, it will communicate (more positively, I'd hope). Communication with spirits is quite easy, as they usually aren't really meaning to cause anyone harm, and they don't typically get to interact with the human realm any more. Think, if you moved to another continent, you'd want to talk to someone from back home if given the opportunity. That's part of the appeal to a spirit to communicate with us. This can be misleading as well, because not all spirits have the energy to talk to us, and sometimes they might just not feel like talking. Shadows don't really care to talk to you. I believe they see us as inferior because of our lack of energy manipulation. The red my friend got rid of, was incredibly intimidated by him, and actually communicated with him, in a last-ditch effort to make him go away.

I haven't had a whole lot of experience with dealing with shadows without a perceptive nearby. So, it's hard for me to give advice on something I've never done. The best thing I can say is the communication thing. Based on what I know about shadows, that seems to be the best thing. I wouldn't do the whole "Ghost Adventures" approach, and make anything angry, because those jerks have a good time having a go at previously non-violent spirits. Besides, I wouldn't purposefully make a shadow angry. They do have the ability to kill us, you know.


Junior Member
I'm writing in for the first time about my mother and brother and sisters. My mother around 6 months ago would sit in her living room and see a shadow person from the corner of her eye outside looking in her window from the corner of her picture window. When she would notice it it would run real fast past the window and my sisters and little brother would see it too. It takes the same path and stands in the same corner outside all the time. It also knocks on the side door which is the same path it runs past. All my family members have thought at different times that someone was about to come to the door or has opened the door thinking someone was there. The only one who seen a clear view of it was my mom who said he was wearing a trench coat. My sister has heard knocking on the back door and heard someone come in and when she would check noone was there. All family members have heard it knocking as well. No one is scared of this shadow creature except my 11 year old brother. My mom thinks it's there protecting her but as i read above can this be the case? Or is it trying to trick her? She said she never seen a color of his eyes just a clear plain view of a trench coat. She has also awoken to the feeling of someone running there fingers through her hair and she just looked around saw nothing and went back to bed. She's had a dryer, fridge and toilet also stop working during this time. She thinks it's protecting her because just two days ago someone cut her break line to her car. OMG I KNOW. but when she went to start it the battery was dead which is very unusual so she thinks the shadow person drained her battery so she wouldn't get hurt. I hope I'm posting in the right section or if i should of started a new thread but any input to this would help me out in my research about why this is all of a sudden happening at my mom's house. No grave yards around, she's lived there 16 years. No deaths in the house. Lives in the suburbs surrounding Chicago Thank you...


I had one claim to be the devil. It spoken in my mind and I woke up and there it was. It slowly walked out of my room up the stairs looking back at me at the base and the top of the landing. This was in may.

I've also had two dreams about it in my lifetime. Once when I was about 10 (13 years ago) another when I was 20 ( 3 years).

I really think this thing has been in my life much longer than that. I met someone two weeks ago who can see spirits. She saw it in the room staring at me wherever I walked. She also described it perfectly. A black figure shaped like a man.... I pray but it comes back. When I travel distances I usually have a day or two for it to catch up.


Senior Member
I'm writing in for the first time about my mother and brother and sisters. My mother around 6 months ago would sit in her living room and see a shadow person from the corner of her eye outside looking in her window from the corner of her picture window. When she would notice it it would run real fast past the window and my sisters and little brother would see it too. It takes the same path and stands in the same corner outside all the time. It also knocks on the side door which is the same path it runs past. All my family members have thought at different times that someone was about to come to the door or has opened the door thinking someone was there. The only one who seen a clear view of it was my mom who said he was wearing a trench coat. My sister has heard knocking on the back door and heard someone come in and when she would check noone was there. All family members have heard it knocking as well. No one is scared of this shadow creature except my 11 year old brother. My mom thinks it's there protecting her but as i read above can this be the case? Or is it trying to trick her? She said she never seen a color of his eyes just a clear plain view of a trench coat. She has also awoken to the feeling of someone running there fingers through her hair and she just looked around saw nothing and went back to bed. She's had a dryer, fridge and toilet also stop working during this time. She thinks it's protecting her because just two days ago someone cut her break line to her car. OMG I KNOW. but when she went to start it the battery was dead which is very unusual so she thinks the shadow person drained her battery so she wouldn't get hurt. I hope I'm posting in the right section or if i should of started a new thread but any input to this would help me out in my research about why this is all of a sudden happening at my mom's house. No grave yards around, she's lived there 16 years. No deaths in the house. Lives in the suburbs surrounding Chicago Thank you...

Welcome Christina and thanks for posting your story! Have you had any Deaths in the family recently not just in the house? You said it scares your 11 year old brother, is there a reason he is scared?

It's hard to distiguish good from bad at times. My best suggestion to you Christina would to do a EVP session when you notice it is around and get your self a Disposable camera and try to snap a picture of the thing, a picture can help in determining good from bad.

it is very fesable that it is trying to trick her but at the same time it could also be there to help her the problem is it can be difficult to tell, i would do a little digging to see if any relatives close to your moms side have died or any recent deaths in the family at all. And also talk to your brother and find out why it scares him and no one else, he may have insite that everyone else dosen't


Junior Member
I'm writing in for the first time about my mother and brother and sisters. My mother around 6 months ago would sit in her living room and see a shadow person from the corner of her eye outside looking in her window from the corner of her picture window. When she would notice it it would run real fast past the window and my sisters and little brother would see it too. It takes the same path and stands in the same corner outside all the time. It also knocks on the side door which is the same path it runs past. All my family members have thought at different times that someone was about to come to the door or has opened the door thinking someone was there. The only one who seen a clear view of it was my mom who said he was wearing a trench coat. My sister has heard knocking on the back door and heard someone come in and when she would check noone was there. All family members have heard it knocking as well. No one is scared of this shadow creature except my 11 year old brother. My mom thinks it's there protecting her but as i read above can this be the case? Or is it trying to trick her? She said she never seen a color of his eyes just a clear plain view of a trench coat. She has also awoken to the feeling of someone running there fingers through her hair and she just looked around saw nothing and went back to bed. She's had a dryer, fridge and toilet also stop working during this time. She thinks it's protecting her because just two days ago someone cut her break line to her car. OMG I KNOW. but when she went to start it the battery was dead which is very unusual so she thinks the shadow person drained her battery so she wouldn't get hurt. I hope I'm posting in the right section or if i should of started a new thread but any input to this would help me out in my research about why this is all of a sudden happening at my mom's house. No grave yards around, she's lived there 16 years. No deaths in the house. Lives in the suburbs surrounding Chicago Thank you...

Welcome Christina and thanks for posting your story! Have you had any Deaths in the family recently not just in the house? You said it scares your 11 year old brother, is there a reason he is scared?

It's hard to distiguish good from bad at times. My best suggestion to you Christina would to do a EVP session when you notice it is around and get your self a Disposable camera and try to snap a picture of the thing, a picture can help in determining good from bad.

it is very fesable that it is trying to trick her but at the same time it could also be there to help her the problem is it can be difficult to tell, i would do a little digging to see if any relatives close to your moms side have died or any recent deaths in the family at all. And also talk to your brother and find out why it scares him and no one else, he may have insite that everyone else dosen't

Thank you so much for your reply and yes there was a death on my mom's side of the family a distant cousin around three months after she first starting seeing this shadow creature. I swear I've read everything online about these shadow people and took it as an omen of some sort? But she continues to see it and I was under the impression to not speak to it at all costs just to ignore it. (not sure if that is accurate or not) but she likes this thing around for some reason? My brother just said he was scared because my mom wasn't home when he heard the knocking other than that he says it does nothing to him. just my mom. I don't live there and whats even stranger is my mom reported seeing it during the day as well which is another reason i'm not sure what is really going on. I also personaly do not really believe in god...would not say i'm wiccan but believe more in there ways. So i suggested white sage but she says no I like him here. sorry to go on forever but my mom was also given a ring to help open her third eye as a gift from me a while back? So could it be the ring? EVP oh I wish I can afford one because this is so so interesting to me. She's just had a very rough patch in her life over the past year my mom and younger sisters and brothers that I also wondered if it's picking up on weakness? Again thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. Must add a little about the rough patch in there lives - a divorce - 13 year old sister attacked by pervert - money troubles - unstable conditions.


Junior Member
Evp can really be done with a cellphone with recording features or a comp with a microphone.

oh really thanks for the info - now i do have one of those. I'm sorry but what should I do with the cell phone? walk around with it or just set it on the house ledge and walk away? also because of where she lives very close to midway airport in chicago airplaanes and cars are very very frequent. With the recorder on the cell phone is the main purpose to pick up an image or a voice? Thank you
