Another way of looking at time


Senior Member
Lots of physicists have their own concepts and Smolin`s is just as worthy as any of the other physicists around, and its a hoot to see when they get together to argue their points, as shown here in the brilliantly funny series of the TV series The Big Bang Theory :LOL:...David Saltzberg a professor of physics oversees the scripts of that show to help describe the differences of opinion (and other things) in the physics world..Here is a list of physicists that have appeared on that show....Stephen Hawking..Bryan Greene..Neil De Grasse Tyson...George Smoot and one of the cast members holds a PhD in Neuroscience..:)

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Dr Zaius

Junior Member
I honestly can't address many of the issues debated in theoretical physics because I don't fully understand much of it. I do find it interesting.


Senior Member
I have found that many religious people do not like time travel and say things like - you could go back and kill Jesus.

Well, they do not like the concept of multiple universes. They say that the bible verses might be different in another universe.

Reality is what it is. It is not what we want it to be or how it seems. For example, I do not feel the earth rotating and I do see a sun rise.



I have found that many religious people do not like time travel and say things like - you could go back and kill Jesus.

Well, they do not like the concept of multiple universes. They say that the bible verses might be different in another universe.

Reality is what it is. It is not what we want it to be or how it seems. For example, I do not feel the earth rotating and I do see a sun rise.

Some even believe there is only one universe.Some even believe that their god would not allow time travel.

Dr Zaius

Junior Member
I would imagine that if there is a higher order to the universe,(GOD) that would imply that we are limited to its laws. Most religions fear change that they can not control and actively work against competing mythologies. The worship of science has become one of the dominant religious movements of our modern era. It provides a soothing balm of certainty in a confusing and unstable world that is rocked by change. As with other religions, its followers point to the many benefits it brings with it while ignoring the tragedies it leaves in it's wake. Science has given us cures for crippling disease, comforts unknown to Kings and helped us to reach out to the universe. It has also brought lack of privacy, brainwashing through media manipulation, widespread ecological disasters and weapons that threaten to destroy mankind. For every well intentioned time traveller there could be two psychopathic monsters. Human nature hasn't always kept pace with advances in science.


Senior Member
The link discusses Smolin's hypothesis that the so-called "laws" of physics change with time.
I want to add that this idea is being investigated by a handful of legitimate theoretical physicists today, with some results.
Read about it a couple of years ago in (I believe) Scientific American.

IOW, the mainstream is exploring, not deploring, this idea.



I would imagine that if there is a higher order to the universe,(GOD) that would imply that we are limited to its laws. Most religions fear change that they can not control and actively work against competing mythologies. The worship of science has become one of the dominant religious movements of our modern era. It provides a soothing balm of certainty in a confusing and unstable world that is rocked by change. As with other religions, its followers point to the many benefits it brings with it while ignoring the tragedies it leaves in it's wake. Science has given us cures for crippling disease, comforts unknown to Kings and helped us to reach out to the universe. It has also brought lack of privacy, brainwashing through media manipulation, widespread ecological disasters and weapons that threaten to destroy mankind. For every well intentioned time traveller there could be two psychopathic monsters. Human nature hasn't always kept pace with advances in science.
You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.This is an example of ying and yang.


Junior Member
I find it amazing that most people do not even know what science really is........

Science for starters does NOT provide any "soothing certainty"..........if anything, it shows us what we do NOT understand, not the other way around.......

Religion is a MAN MADE DEVICE, implemented for CONTROL.........and it damn sure does a good job of keeping people in "fear", which is the best way to control people...........keep them in fear, and people will do ANYTHING YOU TELL THEM!

All diseases are also MAN MADE............ALL OF THEM!

Someone tell me why there is a patent on HIV, and also why there is also a patent for the CURE of HIV?

Lyme disease was a military weapon gone is ALL disease that we suffer from.......

I LOVE finding people who think they have a good grasp on things, and how things work..........

The only thing that is "certain" in this world, is the fact that the history you were brainwashed with is a LIE.....and religion is the BIGGEST lie of all!

Dr Zaius

Junior Member
I find it amazing that most people do not even know what science really is........

Science for starters does NOT provide any "soothing certainty"..........if anything, it shows us what we do NOT understand, not the other way around.......

Religion is a MAN MADE DEVICE, implemented for CONTROL.........and it damn sure does a good job of keeping people in "fear", which is the best way to control people...........keep them in fear, and people will do ANYTHING YOU TELL THEM!

All diseases are also MAN MADE............ALL OF THEM!

Someone tell me why there is a patent on HIV, and also why there is also a patent for the CURE of HIV?

Lyme disease was a military weapon gone is ALL disease that we suffer from.......

I LOVE finding people who think they have a good grasp on things, and how things work..........

The only thing that is "certain" in this world, is the fact that the history you were brainwashed with is a LIE.....and religion is the BIGGEST lie of all!
"All disease are man made" have you ever talked to a medical professional or visited a hospital? My mom has Muscular Dystrophy and I have been taking care of her for many years, tell me asshole, what man created her condition? ...and yet strangely enough you appear to be attempting to defend science. If I ever get my hands on a working time machine bullethead I am going to go back and find out what event happened in your formative years to make you such an obnoxious little troll. Do you ever post anything creative or positive or do you just hang around to mock and throw mud at other people?
