Debate Any cure for Schizoaffective and autism besides B12


Senior Member
Because of my schizoaffective disorder, I have pstd flashbacks as well as labels from others including the dreaded R word. Any way to decrease fear and increase control in my life will be appreciated.
You are very brave to tell us all about that awful condition you have, and i sincerely hope it will get much better for you very very quickly...
Unfortunately i have no knowledge of how to help you, although i feel certain that many of our members will offer their support to you... May i suggest you take the support that only resonates with you as an individual..


Temporal Engineer
Because of my schizoaffective disorder, I have pstd flashbacks as well as labels from others including the dreaded R word. Any way to decrease fear and increase control in my life will be appreciated.

I've thought about how one would do something like that. It takes a willingness on the afflicted to learn how. Generally a portion of your brain is damaged. You have to learn how on your own how to elicit a manual override. Fear is not real. It is just an emotion. Learn to substitute a desirable emotion in its place. Kind of like choosing to think your choice rather than the old habitual choice. You can learn to reprogram your brain this way. It may take some effort at first. But it is your head. You are in charge! Perhaps start with meditation as a tool to elicit control.
