Are you aware of aliens who appear as talking orbs, with an interest in mind control, work with the DoD and have some sort of connection to cats?


New Member
check my topic on the alien i encountered after a UFO dream. super similar to this stuff
I will do that. Even before I do, that sounds like, human or alien, it could be related, since they're very big on dream manipulation. For years before I found out about targeted individuals or knew I had anything more than a very persistent stalker I had dreams that perfectly match dreams many targets report to have, about being chased and accosted by government thugs and aliens and being followed by the government. When you take into account the fact that I never subscribed to any kind of conspiracy or alien theories before all this and assumed the government was there to help me, as well as the fact that it bears no resemblance to my usual pattern of dreaming, it makes the case for dream manipulation more compelling.


New Member
ive never has any security issues with the link i gave it just says unsecure but ive had no problems its been up for years anyhow
Yep. I'm sure it's fine for most people but it would be a prime vector for attack for someone like me, especially since you allow filesystem access. Maybe I'll write to the site owner and suggest they get a free letsencrypt certificate. Sometimes I do that.


New Member
Yep. I'm sure it's fine for most people but it would be a prime vector for attack for someone like me, especially since you allow filesystem access. Maybe I'll write to the site owner and suggest they get a free letsencrypt certificate. Sometimes I do that.
Unless you've got our problem, it's impossible to fathom the level of hacking we experience.


New Member
whats an ssl
An SSL certificate is something that allows for symmetric encryption with a website, keeping the information you enter private. The reason browsers give a privacy error is because a site either doesn't have one or the certificate is fake or revoked. Sites with https have a certificate and sites that are just http do not.


Most of the most recent videos on my YouTube page are about the orbs, such as this one:

Looking forward to hearing your input.

I have literally seen hundreds of video and pictures supplied by people whom hired me for investigation into the paranormal.

In your video unfortunately, there is a lot of dust which will appear to look like an orb.....But,
I watch for orbs that are more autonomous in their motion.

@1:26 in your ORB video...I found 1 such orb that moved in a way that would not be considered as just dust.
(Just above the right fan blade, over the curtain. It appears and then abruptly moves upward against any airflow.)
That caught my attention.


Is this stuff bothering you?
Are you being haunted by really bad things that are mentally or physically harming you?
Do you have Witnesses?
Physical evidence other than orbs or voices on picture or video?
(Scratches-bites marks-weird symmetrical marks or symbols appearing on your person or on other occupants?)

Do you suddenly find yourself in strange places with no awareness of how you got there?

Prescription drug side-affects?

Alcohol usage?

History of mental illness or have seen a psychological professional for verification of stability?

These^^^ are some of the most average questions I ask before ever taking on an investigation.
They are the same questions I was asked some 40+ years ago when living in fear from a true event.


New Member
I have literally seen hundreds of video and pictures supplied by people whom hired me for investigation into the paranormal.

In your video unfortunately, there is a lot of dust which will appear to look like an orb.....But,
I watch for orbs that are more autonomous in their motion.

@1:26 in your ORB video...I found 1 such orb that moved in a way that would not be considered as just dust.
(Just above the right fan blade, over the curtain. It appears and then abruptly moves upward against any airflow.)
That caught my attention.


Is this stuff bothering you?
Are you being haunted by really bad things that are mentally or physically harming you?
Do you have Witnesses?
Physical evidence other than orbs or voices on picture or video?
(Scratches-bites marks-weird symmetrical marks or symbols appearing on your person or on other occupants?)

Do you suddenly find yourself in strange places with no awareness of how you got there?

Prescription drug side-affects?

Alcohol usage?

History of mental illness or have seen a psychological professional for verification of stability?

These^^^ are some of the most average questions I ask before ever taking on an investigation.
They are the same questions I was asked some 40+ years ago when living in fear from a true event
Their purported agenda certainly bothers me. So does the fact that what sounds like my voice, coached by others, is saying very bad things while I'm asleep. It also bothers me that these things seem to be able to physically control us.

The physical damage they're doing is considerable. All of us wake up with mysterious scratches and bruises, especially on our hands, legs and along our spines. I'm losing bone in my spine, hips and knees and it's getting worse at an alarming rate. That's presumably due to directed energy weapons, though the bruises on the spine kind of make me wonder if that is the whole story. They LOOK and feel like the epidural marks I had after giving birth. We're all losing so much hair that I can fill up my vacuum every day with the spiderweb of hair that covers everything. We've also all had the same strange combination of 16 heavy metals found in our system, which includes uranium, polonium and the most valuable metal on earth, rhodium, along with others which have primarily or solely high-tech applications.

Once, when this all started, 12 years ago, I did somehow end up across town after boarding a bus in my pajamas. Nothing before or since.

I don't use drugs and I don't get drunk. None of us are crazy. I saw a therapist a few times, hoping they could help me strategize and find a way to function normally with all of this going on, my devices constantly getting hacked and my things being sabotaged. They didn't think I was nuts but it was clearly above their pay grade, so that went nowhere.
