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How do you travel, specifically? Whats your max range.

You've never wanted to go to far ahead or behind?
You know, the real difference in cultural/social attidues and behaviour, is to go far into the future or past.

Jumping from one similar time line to another is a great learning tool, but to experience a 'totally' new time, brings about about totally new attitudes and learning. These can be either positive or negative. But will evolve you just as profoundly.

never been tempted?

I don't know if you really are a TT, however your reasons, mindset and understanding - make me believe you more then most. Of course there are some great fakers out there. But you've got my attention a lot more.

Kindest regards,
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I'll set aside time for you to discuss this further at some future point. Right now I am looking for Michael's response, not yours.

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Hi I'm Frog I am a astral traveler a beginner in this timeline I can travel and see and hear the past but I have not tried to see and hear the future just yet I use a pendant in order to do this I have three questions for you so here they are and if I become annoyed or ask too many questions let me know for sure:

1. Did you time travel using a machine or device or through some other type of result?

2. What do they teach like in lessons from your timeline like science, technology, history, math, and so much more?

3. Are games, movies, music, and other entertainment still around in your timeline?

thanks michael for your time and patience and thanks for listening I am not rushing you at all when you have some sparetime let me know when you can reply back to me well got to go now I will talk with you later on and thanks for being cool!
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Hi Michael. Hope your doing well. I just have a few questions for you and here they are.

1- What year is time travel invented in? Do you have schematics or pictures of your time machine to show us? Does the machine have a selection of what worldlines you can enter?

2- What year do we reach Mars? What do we find? What other planets or solar systems do we explore in the future?

I heard that NASA in a few years is gonna put out in space a science instrument named LISA that will measure gravity waves that enter and leave our dimension.

3- Will this lead to other parallel worlds being discovered? Will we be able to travel to and from them? What do you know about black holes and mini-black holes?

4- What can you tell us about stem cells? Nanotechnology? Genetic modification? And designer babies? Will we have cures soon for diseases like Parkinson?s, diabetes, AIDS, cancer, spinal cord injuries, ect? Will our clothes in the future be made of special nanotechnology material?

5- What will computers be like in the future? Will the internet and cell phones be really high-tech? When is the first quantum computer invented? How about the holographic TV? And true teleportation? Flying cars, hoverboards, jetpacks and hovering homes (when will all of these items be invented)?

Thanks in advance for the answers to my questions.

Bluefreeze :D
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Originally posted by August@Jan 13 2005, 11:41 AM
Hello Michael,

Thank you for answering many questions in a very clear format. But if you read above in this thread you will see a question you have not yet answered. You said,

The only ?true? way to study history is to experience it. That, my friends, is one of the reasons for time travel in the future.

And with so many young people at this forum, I asked you if this was a responsible statement. You see, I tend to believe TTs are responsible folks. It is a job requirement, no?

I want to know his answer to this also. I should think that Starlord and Grayson would, too, and many others.
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Aye Brother, that I would indeed.

Here's a thought while we wait for him to wind up, if his premiss is correct to the point of modus operandi, whith all the time spent experiencing history as he claims is necessary, he would be way too old to make it back to make a formal report in writing for posterity, an possibly he would hardly have to nesessary wind to make an oral report and summation. While we might steal time in either direction for the experience, we still have spent that time in observation and that we may not gain back.

For some reason I have this grizzled old figure in mind making it's way to the podium, coughing and hacking in preperation, only to surcumb to stolen time, and colapse to a pile of very smart bones indeed.
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Trinux - a few questions...

1 - How does Baltimore (and Hunt Valley) fare in the future, seeing that you moved to York, PA, you should be familar with the regions.

2 - What are computers like in the future? (I'm a computer programmer, BTW) Any new operating systems? Programming languages?

3 - Any generalized dates to look for (if that can be asked)? (i.e., some natural event occuring in XYZ month of this year, or some other non-preventable event -- natural disaster, or some news event).
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From what Michael has told us so far, I have assembled five additional questions for him. I am holding these until we receive his response to my history/responsibility question. My colleagues have posed many other questions that need answering as well.

Thank you for your support, Paul.

Michael, I am starting to think you enjoy exchange as long as it is on your terms alone.
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I had a biggie to post here, questions, observations, witty conjecture, you know the stuff... I am now too underwhelmed and feel the need to go sit down and listen to some music instead. The flesh is willing, but unfortunately the spirit is weak...

The Footure is bright, the Footure is Orange. :blink:
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Grayson, you said,

I had a biggie to post here, questions, observations, witty conjecture, you know the stuff... I am now too underwhelmed and feel the need to go sit down and listen to some music instead. The flesh is willing, but unfortunately the spirit is weak...

And I was just talking to CaryP about this. I was curious why Michael was not getting more attention on this forum. What makes us underwhelmed? Michael, in theory, is the most believable traveller in months. This is strange.
