Astral Time Travelling.....

Astral Time Travelling.....

Yup No Problem. I came very close last night at getting the canon ball one to work. My eyes just started to twitch outta control though, almost as if i was entering REM stage for a dream.
Astral Time Travelling.....

Greetings everyone

Astral travelling this is my area i fell :)
I have studied for about 3 years now i did never know that the forum had a section like this
i didnt know anyone exept me toke this serius as i am writting this and im very tierd i just scrolled down
to make a reply i did not read any of the other post but i will. Im glad that there is a section like this
i have made a nummer of astral travels and i know a few other astral travellers one of them claim to be abel to slow down the fysics of time :S. I know toxic or who ever it was now did astral time travel i read thouse posts i find it intresting i love to talk to everyone intrested in any storys or tales what so ever about the sucjeckt astral traveling i can how ever tell on of my storys :)

One of my frined named Jon hartley (some of you may have talked to him on mIRC)
did once ask me if i could projeckt over to Canada newfoundland. As i got the exact addres and map of where to go i didnt know if i could succse but i did know i had done a few trips b4 this. I was never really sure if it was my imagenation bugeling around in my head or if it was really astral travel but this got me more beliving in that it really was OBEs. I sat down meditating and i got in to alpha state of meditation after few minutes of relaxing and memmerializing (tecnic i use to astral travel). I focused on dan tien center of ki energi the universal life force and began my visualizing of my astral body i in this case used the rope tecnic but with a little diffrensed how ever i will not go in to that now. As i draged my self out of the sittng figure of me i moved accros the space with my astral white shining body i memorised the map and i focused on target after a few secounds or what to call it "moments" everything flashed around me and i arrived in middle of the night i think i arrived in newfoundland at given point. I saw an house with an opend door so i went inside i did notice everything about the sorunding but it was in 16 gray scale (i will not sayto much about the sorrunding)
as i went inside the door i saw a stair to my left and two door to my right. the door on the farright led in to living room the other door on the right led to kitchin. I sawa woman coming out of the kitchin holding a baby and baby crying the woman had ling brown hair and pretty face. then after a while she shouted "jonatan" or "jon" out of the living room came a man looking iris sort of if you catch my drift after this everything flashed and i went mack in to alpha state then i told my self to wake up out of meditation.

This was one of my many astral tripd :)
pleas tell me what you think leav any coment this is the first time i posted one of my trips
exept on i did post one that was deleted :S oh well looking forwared talking to you all

"May the love be with you"

Astral Time Travelling.....

nothing more to say about it ey :D to be houndest i didnt even know it tillthis morning you astral traveled pyrro :).. I will PM you with some questions later on pyrro :) I heard quiet a deal about you from madice :)
Astral Time Travelling.....

Oh Wow. I just tried to Astral Travel, in my computer chair. I was listening to Moonlight Sonata- Bhetoven (SP i know), and i just felt these waves, nothing like the vibrations That I have felt. It was amazing. The only way to describe it is like an ocean, only they kept gaining in frequency. Can anyone answer if I was coming close to astral travelling someway that I have never researched before?
Astral Time Travelling.....

pyrro i think i can safely say: AAAHHHH! :D
this tecnic is called memmerializing you say it felt like waves and gainin in frequently this is a form of medidation i use it almoste evry time i meditate i did write about it on in "greetings earthlings"
im gonna PM you with some more tecnics on astral travelling later and you can post them :)
