Black holes are portals to the 1st dimension


Senior Member

Welcome to the first dimension. Please only move forward or backward as you get squished through the tube. You will get to know the person ahead and behind of you, which you will see for the rest of your life as a one-dimensional being.


You are what you eat and I LOVE Spaghetti!! :love:

Makes me wonder if Science has gotten any closer to studying the Singularity inside a Black Hole. (??)

What if....A Black Hole really was either an entrance (Or exit) to a wormhole ?

It's science fiction at best...But the thought IS intriguing.


Active Member
Well, mathematically, black holes crush down to a single point with no dimensions... but I don't fully believe that.

There's a lot of empty space in atoms. When those get crushed down to a neutron star, most of that space is squeezed out.

At the black hole crossover mass threshold, there's probably a little more space that gets squeezed out. It's a bit unclear how much space there is between subatomic particles. It's also unclear if those subatomic particles could be smashed further to create something else.

It would be really neat to watch a neutron star on the edge of the black hole mass threshold to slowly collapse down. The way it would start bending light would be spectacular... well, at least if there were a star nearby.

One of the little (scifi) creative voices in my head keeps telling me that a great weapon would be to drop large antigravity generators into a black hole, pulse them to counteract/nullify the gravity close to the singularity, then have the black hole explode similar to a hypernova.

I don't buy into black holes being portals because of simple laws of conservation. If a white hole was the other end of a black hole, then the black hole would constantly be losing mass until it became a neutron star again. If a black hole were some kind of dimensional portal, it would probably fall through that portal and disappear. If a black hole did create a stable dimensional portal, it would be losing energy keeping that portal open.

One thing is clear: black holes make great stellar class garbage compactors. Drop any radioactive waste or industrial pollutants down them and don't worry anymore.
