Boycott the NFL


It's an American tradition. Don't like American culture? Find another country.

In other words; If you disagree with our terrorism, get out.

Do you realize what you're saying? Really think about that. Defending propaganda, tradition and murderers is more important than respecting those who value rights?

Maybe you are the one who needs to find a place where they don't object to your violence.



Like many, including myself, you were raised in a society with a government and ruling class that has distorted and confused everything principled rightful and true in favor of whatever motivates you to be a good serf and raise serfs like you.

It's not really about this or that party or persons, but rather how the system functions. Try to erase all of that garbage from your mind. Focus on what are rights, what it means to be a human.

The core element of your system of social organization is nothing but violence. Everything that is done, is done through coercion with a threat of up to and including being murdered for noncompliance. Anything written into law that is not STRICTLY about defending rights, is wrong, a form of violence, evil. (about 90% of laws)

That is the problem. That is what the athletes are protesting. It looks like a right/left, class or racial thing because that's what they want you to see and think, because that is what confuses you and allows you to be more easily influenced, makes you look the other way at something other than government, ..

...but it is simply people tired of being abused by a violent system.


Senior Member
Bottom line...I am going to continue to boycott the NFL cause the idiot protesters are not respectful of the flag, anthem, or what is all stands for. The protesters are idiots, followers, and attention seekers. If they aren't happy they need to pack up and leave. If they do stand I will still boycott until Roger Goodell leaves because he didn't have the balls to stop this in the early stages.


Bottom line...I am going to continue to boycott the NFL

Maybe that is best. If you don't like it, then leave. Find somewhere else to enjoy sports. Makes sense to me.

cause the idiot protesters are not respectful of the flag, anthem, or what is all stands for.

What DOES it stand for? Why should it be respected? What is so great about serfdom or killing hundreds of millions of people for harming no one? What makes it worth investing so much into? Why are people so proud of violence?

The protesters are idiots, followers, and attention seekers.

Have you ever considered that they have a legitimate gripe? What is so offensive about not supporting evil? Why, if they are doing nothing to you, would you be so offended by someone who disagrees?

If they aren't happy they need to pack up and leave.

It stands to reason that the ones doing the violating should be the ones to leave. ...or is violence to get your way more important than life or ethics? How does that apply when/if you are on the receiving end of it?


It's an American tradition. Don't like American culture? Find another country.

In other words; If you disagree with our terrorism, get out.

Do you realize what you're saying? Really think about that. Defending propaganda, tradition and murderers is more important than respecting those who value rights?

Maybe you are the one who needs to find a place where they don't object to your violence.

What violence? I am not violent. You don't know me.

We aren't going to shut down our culture and history because someone hates America. We don't have to change for anybody.
We have the right to sing the anthem, too. We have the right to the pledge of allegience. We have the right to love our president and be proud of our country. If the left is so incredibly unhappy, why stay? Either that, or get into politics and try to change things. Whining, crying, insulting, breaking windows, and burning down buildings isn't effective.

Left ideology - if they don't agree with me, they must stop. Shut them down. No. We will fight to defend the America WE love.

It stands to reason that the ones doing the violating should be the ones to leave. ...or is violence to get your way more important than life or ethics? How does that apply when/if you are on the receiving end of it?

I see the LEFT committing violence. Not sure what you are talking about.

Should we move to Mexico illegally, demand freebies, protest, try to change the culture, and burn things down?
No. Mexico is its own country with its own culture that should be respected. I am not running off to other countries getting
offended because they aren't like America, am I? I visited Europe and totally accepted their culture and ways of doing things. I didn't even EXPECT them to speak English (they did anyway, because Holland is friendly). See my point? America doesn't have to turn into a different country just because a select few are unhappy. And all I'm saying that is if a country makes you THAT unhappy, find a better life somewhere. Life is too short to live like that. (If the above offends you, insert any country you want in place of MEXICO. It was an example only).


What violence? I am not violent. You don't know me.

Do you vote? Are you an avid supporter of the organization known as the USA (or any other government)? If you answer yes(your comments indicate as such), then you are a criminal, a willful member and supporter of a violent terrorist organization, arguably a violent religious cult.

Get this. If you understand nothing else about political science, understand this; EVERYTHING GOVERNMENT DOES IS VIOLENT. EVERYTHING. This is not an idea or opinion, perception or fantasy. It is demonstrable fact, by definition.

It starts with a vote and ends with someone being stolen from, caged, assaulted and/or murdered/destroyed. It is not sometimes or sort of, but a prescribed standing 24/7/365 order, an edict, a command, a law. It is not negotiable.

When you vote, you are demanding that someone create rules, edicts and orders, on your behalf, to be forced onto everyone from your neighbors to people on the other side of the planet. You are basically hiring a gang to force your wants needs and opinions onto everyone it claims as property.

That's violence.

There is all kinds of support and feel-good mechanisms to make you rationalize it as something else more palatable or necessary, but it is still just glorified violence. That flag and national anthem is a representation of terrorism.

So when they take a knee, they are making a statement that they do not support or condone systematic violence. They do it in solidarity for the black folks, but at the root of it is an objection to systematic violence. When you object to them, are offended or what have you, you are offended that they don't like you sending thugs to kill them and their communities for not obeying the demands of you and your fellow gangsters/terrorists.
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Active Member

Like many, including myself, you were raised in a society with a government and ruling class that has distorted and confused everything principled rightful and true in favor of whatever motivates you to be a good serf and raise serfs like you.

It's not really about this or that party or persons, but rather how the system functions. Try to erase all of that garbage from your mind. Focus on what are rights, what it means to be a human.

The core element of your system of social organization is nothing but violence. Everything that is done, is done through coercion with a threat of up to and including being murdered for noncompliance. Anything written into law that is not STRICTLY about defending rights, is wrong, a form of violence, evil. (about 90% of laws)

That is the problem. That is what the athletes are protesting. It looks like a right/left, class or racial thing because that's what they want you to see and think, because that is what confuses you and allows you to be more easily influenced, makes you look the other way at something other than government, ..

...but it is simply people tired of being abused by a violent system.


You're assuming you know what's in my mind.

I'm against anyone who threatens me.

Any protestors who say it's fine to harm or kill white males, is my enemy.

I'm not here to change the world, I'm here to protect myself from anyone who wishes me harm or wishes to control me.

I have no stake in politics or religion.

I know that the only freedom is the freedom I attain for myself.

Kneeling, group violence, mass protests won't change the world.

The only freedom is self-liberation.

I've been through the protests of the Vietnam era and the only thing that changed is that freedoms are less now, not more.

If I support the kneelers, I'm giving the elite an excuse to tighten the noose around my neck.

They're not helping, they're making things worse.


I'm against anyone who threatens me.

Who isn't? Who shouldn't be against those who threaten them?

Any protestors who say it's fine to harm or kill white males, is my enemy.

Of course. You can't just kill people for being a particular race. You can rightfully necessarily kill people who pose eminent danger to you or violate your rights.

I've been through the protests of the Vietnam era and the only thing that changed is that freedoms are less now, not more.

That isn't a result of protests. That is a result of more laws restricting and forcefully regulating more of life. Protestors don't make laws. Governments do.

If I support the kneelers, I'm giving the elite an excuse to tighten the noose around my neck.

If you support them you are agreeing with their objection. If you oppose them you support violence. If you stay out of it you are tolerating evil.

They're not helping, they're making things worse.

How so? How is objecting to systematic violence with peaceful action harming anyone? How is it making anything worse?


What violence? I am not violent. You don't know me.

Do you vote? Are you an avid supporter of the organization known as the USA (or any other government)? If you answer yes(your comments indicate as such), then you are a criminal, a willful member and supporter of a violent terrorist organization, arguably a violent religious cult.

I disagree that the entire country of the U.S. is a violent cult.

When you vote, you are demanding that someone create rules, edicts and orders, on your behalf, to be forced onto everyone from your neighbors to people on the other side of the planet. You are basically hiring a gang to force your wants needs and opinions onto everyone it claims as property.

Thank you for your input, but I do plan on practicing my right to vote.

So when they take a knee, they are making a statement that they do not support or condone systematic violence. They do it in solidarity for the black folks, but at the root of it is an objection to systematic violence. When you object to them, are offended or what have you, you are offended that they don't like you sending thugs to kill them and their communities for not obeying the demands of you and your fellow gangsters/terrorists.

I am not offended. I am not sending thugs to kill anybody. And these guys are millionaires. They are not oppressed.
Nobody is holding back their success based on color. They ARE successful. They have much to be grateful for.

One of my heros - Dr. Ronald Mallett - a black physicist who battled true racism in the 60's and 70's and he is now a professor, author, and time travel researcher. He is not complaining that he is oppressed. He fought with intellect and won. I admire him more than people who cry and whine instead of changing their own lives.


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Bottom line...I am going to continue to boycott the NFL cause the idiot protesters are not respectful of the flag, anthem, or what is all stands for. The protesters are idiots, followers, and attention seekers. If they aren't happy they need to pack up and leave. If they do stand I will still boycott until Roger Goodell leaves because he didn't have the balls to stop this in the early stages.

If they have a right to kneel, you have a right not to watch. Amen.
