Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

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Here we are members of Paranormalis, a member who thinks people who DONT support his views, are children!!:ROFLMAO:
Narcissistic people (intense love of oneself) have closed minds, they cannot EVER see themselves as being wrong!..

Here we can see our members obsessive need to view everything that our member Einstein has written on Paranormalis...He stated that all of his past postings are filled with hate speech!!...That is obviously total Paranoia, because none of our other members have accused Einstein of any such hate speech, only @Inquisitor has!!...IMHO, maybe somebody should accuse the Inquisitor of inciting hate speech himself!!:mad:..

You can say what you want, but I'm not the one defending someone who wishes death on people!
People are being canceled no matter how famous they are, even over racist jokes.
Justin Trudeau was not cancelled, although he has used blackface. The people only want to cancel the opposition. If their own members (other supporters of their party, which Justin Trudeau is) are racist, they dont care. That is the case nearly everywhere.

Jokes don't automatically make something harmless, and they often DO reflect the true opinion of the person who made it. So you know, he previously said on TTI that he would support WACO events in America in response to the BLM protests.
BLM has a huge racist problem, because a lot of racists walk with them and they dont distance themselves from them. That is another example that they dont call out their own members for racism.
Trump has done this. For example: He distanced himself from the KKK.

Both the left and the right have their racists. Instead of protesting the left could make suggestions, how to improve the country. And they could also protest together without any party affiliation (like in other countries). So it is only a Democrat walk.

I said it in another thread: Obama could not solve the problem as a black president, so they have no clue about the topic either. They only protest to protest. They could also protest around Obama´s house an say he is a racist and Biden is a racist. To vote for Biden would not change anything, because he was vice president under Obama and there he was clueless about the topic.

And Trump had not have enough time. If he had not have to defend himself from conspiracy people like those Russia investigation people, he could have done his job and rule the country way better.
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When there were only 3 or 4 of use posting here several years ago, there was one guy that threatened to kill me and my family.
Compared to that, Einstein is harmless.
That is, I think he's harmless. I haven't read any of his posts since he tried to say that the Pythagorean Theorem proves that there is such a thing as centripetal force.

I don't really have much time for ignorance. When I do take the time, I don't waste it on someone that insists on maintaining his ignorance.

When there were only 3 or 4 of use posting here several years ago, there was one guy that threatened to kill me and my family.
Compared to that, Einstein is harmless.
That is, I think he's harmless. I haven't read any of his posts since he tried to say that the Pythagorean Theorem proves that there is such a thing as centripetal force.

I don't really have much time for ignorance. When I do take the time, I don't waste it on someone that insists on maintaining his ignorance.


OMG! That almost looks like an endorsement from Harte. Thanks Harte!

You guys have to understand that I have a sense of humor that has no boundaries. I make it a point never to pick on anyone in particular. At least I haven't done so for quite a while. There was a time when I used to pick on individuals. And my good buddy Harte may have been the recipient of one too many jokes. Or maybe it was 100 too many jokes. I don't remember exactly how many. I think he may still be holding a grudge against me over that. I'm sorry Harte.

What would the world be without humor? Wanna see? I have another hypothetical virus that still needs to be unleashed on the world. I call it the telepathy virus. We all get infected and become genetically altered so that we all have telepathy. Just think about that! No more free speech. No more free thought. No more privacy. No more liars! Lawyers and politicians would be out of a job. No need for judges or courts. We all would know who it was that exhibited any deviant behavior. No need for government. Hatred would not be allowed. We would all become equal. Would everyone like a world like that? Or do you all prefer to go on liking the fact that Liars run the world?

Anyway my perverse sense of humor has led me on a journey looking for others like me. I found a guy. His name is Liberal Larry. He is actually a comedian. I would have to say he dabbles just a bit too much in satire. He plays both sides of the fence. He still has me guessing whether or not he leans left or right. But as a comedian I guess he has to entertain. So it probably doesn't matter to him. Here is Larry portraying a liberal snowflake:

You fools are so hypocritical and you can't even see it. It's no wonder you support Trump and ignore what he's done, because you won't even hold a single person responsible for the AWFUL things he has said, whether he was joking or not! You wonder why liberals don't even want to be in the same room as half of you, and it's because you don't even recognize the bad apples in the bunch for what they are! You cannot even hold people responsible for their actions consistently! You LET people be this way, because of "free speech", because you clearly don't give a damn about anyone but yourself and your own narrow world view! I'm not wasting any more of my time with this. I've said my piece, and I really don't think any of you will care either. I hope you all enjoy your night, but I won't hold my breath on any of you waking up a better person than the day before.
You fools are so hypocritical and you can't even see it. It's no wonder you support Trump and ignore what he's done, because you won't even hold a single person responsible for the AWFUL things he has said, whether he was joking or not! You wonder why liberals don't even want to be in the same room as half of you, and it's because you don't even recognize the bad apples in the bunch for what they are! You cannot even hold people responsible for their actions consistently! You LET people be this way, because of "free speech", because you clearly don't give a damn about anyone but yourself and your own narrow world view! I'm not wasting any more of my time with this. I've said my piece, and I really don't think any of you will care either. I hope you all enjoy your night, but I won't hold my breath on any of you waking up a better person than the day before.

You are correct on one point, we DONT give a damn about what you think, Mr Snowflake :D..
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