Can an old building contain sounds embedded in walls?

4/4 for the 8 days of Kryptonica, when all Kryptonians celebrate their deliverance from the tyranny of General Zod.

My apologies for completely confusing you, when answering the comment you made, that the Jewish video clip has a "good beat"....I was merely trying to assist you in the basics of what makes "a good beat", but actually you prefer to remain within the fantasy realms of Kal el, General Zod, and Kryptonica :LOL:..
I wonder a lot about whether "if these walls could talk" could really mean something. If sound can be recorded purposefully onto vinyl, tape, digitally, etc., why couldn't ancient sounds have been embedded naturally in old stone walls, for instance? Sound is nothing but vibration, so couldn't it somehow be extracted from walls?

I read this online:

- In past times, people sometimes thought that all sounds that ever existed were still present, hovering like ghosts. Guglielmo Marconi, who sent the first radio message, in 1902, believed that with a microphone that was sufficiently sensitive he could hear Jesus delivering the Sermon on the Mount, and in 1925 a writer for the Washington Post speculated that a radio was capable of broadcasting the voices of the dead. A radio transmits vibrations, he wrote, and the voices of the dead “simply vibrate at a lower rate.”

Does anyone have any thoughts about this, or sites for further research you could direct me to?

I thought something like that for a long time - ever hear local ghost stories? It's always the same, the same exact story repeated over and over again. The excuse for the repetition is that the ghost is "reliving" an events or "searching for something in the same place" - over and over and over again. Ghosts behave like GIFS.

Coincidence? Or just a recording?
If we really study what the most educated people in the world teach we would call it nonsense. FE: Hawking said that traveling back in time to kill your own grandfather may one day be possible. And Newton said that shooting a cannon ball with enough force would cause it to fall forever. Hmmmm, this would make a great book.
