Can the past truly be changed ?.


If that was the case there would be no real time-line, think about it, in the future everyone has the capability to go back in time to change whatever they want, this time line would simply stop existing as everyone would just go and change it to how they want it to be.

The temptation to make a "perfect timeline" would drive you mad, we'd break the fabric of space and time.

The whole point is to LEARN from the past, mistakes are made for a reason, things happen for a reason so you as a human can grow into something more, if you can simply go change everything you'll never learn or evolve.
@BlastTyrant beautifully said.


Senior Member
If that was the case there would be no real time-line, think about it, in the future everyone has the capability to go back in time to change whatever they want, this time line would simply stop existing as everyone would just go and change it to how they want it to be.

The temptation to make a "perfect timeline" would drive you mad, we'd break the fabric of space and time.

The whole point is to LEARN from the past, mistakes are made for a reason, things happen for a reason so you as a human can grow into something more, if you can simply go change everything you'll never learn or evolve.
Reminds me of reincarnation.


Temporal Engineer
Honestly I think there are already an infinite amount of pasts that already exist. And an infinite amount of future outcomes that already exist. Our minds are made for us to experience just one outcome at a time. But we get to choose the outcome we desire. I just happen to notice as I navigate through different possible future outcomes that sometimes a past that did not exist now does exist.

So changing the past can only be accomplished by changing the future choices we make. So let's call them all navigable timelines. Now it stands to reason that we each could all drift in different directions across the timelines as we age. So different future outcomes have different past outcomes. That much we all can prove to ourselves easily. Just reconnect with someone you haven't seen in years. Compare memories. This is universal. Everyone will notice our memories of past events will be different than those we reconnect with.
