Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Over time, by Don Primo, another cup was placed in the hands of the cherub. Don Primo did not know the importance of the original cup and wondered why it was removed, but he did not give much importance the incident.
Now we can go back to the moment when Leale used the "mirror of the romitone". Until now we have only described what happened, bringing the testimony of the two eyewitnesses: the deacon and the woodcutter. But what really happened?
I will try to explain it from Leale Martelli perspective.
Why Roberto da Volterra called the mysterious object "throne of the Jews" when he found it? Due to a series of bas-reliefs that reminded the Star of David. There were dozens, of various sizes and thickness. Some, pressing them, produced a sound, other emitted a feeble greenish light, others gave off a slight warmth.
According to Bianco da l'Ancolina the object, which he dubbed "mirror of the romitone", lit thanks to the sound achieved by pressing the appropriate star and praying fervently immediately after, waiting for the object response.
Leale Martelli infact, during his training in the Abbey of St. Gall in Switzerland, followed for a long time music lessons and transcendental meditation. According to the theories of Bianco da l'Ancolina, it was possible to reach a point with the spirit in the past if you had a pure soul, and if you prayed fervently. Bianco used the machinery pushed by the Romitone. Bianco wanted to go back to the time when he was a boy to avoid a violence of which he was a victim.
It was the Romitone to recommend to Bianco to drink from the cup that the Templars brought from the Holy Land, and which at that time was kept in the hermitage of Sambuca under the tutelage of the venerable Luca, before being placed in the Valle Benedetta Church.
The reality is that no one is able to use the mirror of the romitone. It is like getting on a train, the train travels no matter what we do or we want. It is the Romitone that decides the destinations peering in the thoughts of the incautious patrons. Sometimes he favors the person desires, sometimes not, imprisoning him to it.
A curious fact that monks reported in a note, is that the Romitone's mirror, after each use, ooze blood. Subsequent studies carried out on samples of this liquid stored in glass ampoules and analyzed in the Ahnenerbe space base in Popogna, identified this substance as mercury.


An important anecdote about Ahnenerbe base:
at first it was planned that the base was to be built near the village of Valle Benedetta, precisely in Trumpy villa, owned by the family of a famous actress of the time, some Vivi Gioi. This villa was near a small very old church is thought to be the first built in the Valle Benedetta. The chapel was named Chapel of St. Gallen. Throughout the entire structure it was bought by Swiss authorities. To date, this villa is considered unmarketable because of Swiss properties, in a nutshell is part of the Swiss territory, a sort of protectorate.
But back to the Romitone mirror.
We could talk about it endlessly. An unclear question is why it was inside the mosque of Tanta, where Roberto da Volterra found it. In fact, the mosque was not the place dedicated to its housing, its original home was a large pyramid, the largest ever built. It is thought to have been built more than 30,000 years ago. In this huge pyramid they were kept other objects, built with the same material of which was made the Romitone Mirror. The object was part of the instrumental arrangements of the pyramid. In 1221, at the time of Roberto da Volterra, it could still see some ruins of this pyramid. The sand, over the centuries, has covered the little that remained on the surface, but the underground structure is still intact with inside incredible manufactured goods...
After this long, but necessary regression, back to the time when Leale Martelli used the romitone mirror and try to tell the story from his point of view, in first person.
After composing the music notes I sat concentrating intensely as possible. Around me I felt the movement, but I could not understand exactly what was happening. I felt that something possessed me, emptied my mind, like I was lulled by a thousand nurses, like a kitten displaced by the mother, I could not and did not want put up resistance.
At one moment the spaces and furnishings changed suddenly, I found myself sitting on a bench that seemed crystal, inside a top box with a reddish liquid. I looked around, I seemed to be inside a diamondwith a thousand facets. Every facet was a sort of hexagonal or octagonal mirror it was not clear. There was a long corridor full set of mirrors of various sizes and dimensions. The mirrors were positioned sideways, just like the facets of a diamond. It was possible to see moving images in the mirrors, but every time I approached to look better, the picture disappeared only to reappear somewhere else. I saw thousands of pictures, but I could not understand what they represented. I was frustrated, but soon after my attention was caught by a figure who was in the middle of a room down the hall. At first it seemed like a static figure, formless, almost like a shadow. gradually he became more substantial and concrete. The figure began to form nearly humanoid, then changed abruptly taken tone and color, turning several times in animals known and unknown: a kind of winged lion, a fair with hooves, a horse, a bird of prey, a harpy, a phoenix fire.
After the animals touched the human figures: dwarfs, jugglers, drummers, soldiers, knights, religious. Some with faces of people I knew, as my commander, Major Carlo Pace.
The figure continued to turn up to take the form of a hooded monaco and at that point stopped to change ...


An important anecdote about Ahnenerbe base:
its original home was a large pyramid, the largest ever built. It is thought to have been built more than 30,000 years ago. In this huge pyramid they were kept other objects, built with the same material of which was made the Romitone Mirror. The object was part of the instrumental arrangements of the pyramid. In 1221, at the time of Roberto da Volterra, it could still see some ruins of this pyramid. The sand, over the centuries, has covered the little that remained on the surface, but the underground structure is still intact with inside incredible manufactured goods...

Thanks for your interesting story.
Could you tell something more about the pyramid? Where is it, which object were inside?


Junior Member
"Ahnenerbe base" - when I went and visit the area around the farm complex in Popogna I found the exact location where the Captain and the Contact got meetings to exchange informations. I posted one frame of the video I took of the little cavity where was placed a statuette of the virgin Mary - nowadays it is empty.

And so, the same day I walked around finding even the Base getting really astonished.


its name starts with K , it had been built exploiting an older edifice where people knew the clothes were made, its name started with B.
In my opinion this topic is very delicate as at time of facts the Contact decided to hide the cup inside this building with the name starting
with B - if I remember well the Captain said "Contact, take care of this cup........ and hide it into the B that has been positioned on the hill....................."
.........but the Contact didn't feel well to go up there away, so he find a makeshift to execute that order anyway.
Reflect well on this and You'll find out the meaning - I suggest to be cautious in writing about .


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