šŸŽ² Forum Game CHALLENGE: 'The Best' Movies ever made! Add your Favorites!

TV SERIES: The Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone ( I like both old and new versions), 24, and documentaries
MOVIE: Revelation,Tribulation, Signs, Ghost, Ben Hur, The Gladiator, The Box, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Event Horizon, and many many more!
NETFLIX: Axmen, Ice Road Truckers, Pawn Stars, Family Guy, Gordon Ramsey/Cooking Shows,
Intervention. Hoarders, Celebrity Rehab, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and stuff like these shows...Am I sick or what? These are great shows!
In this day and age, really good movies are hard to come by. That's why I made a list of the best movies from my library of DVDs. I wanted to share it with others.
If you've and Android device, I suggest you to install "Muze".
It helps you to choose which movie to see based on your preferences. The only films Muze will show you are the ones you will like for sure.
Thanks to the votes you gave to the movies you have seen in the past, this app will be able to create a virtual avatar that shares your preferences. And... his name is 'Muze'.
Try it. It's free...


This past weekend I watched the movie Sleepers...a true story. It was really good, but very intense and difficult to watch due to content (Adults only).

All-Star Cast:
Brad Pitt
Robert De Niro
Kevin Bacon
Dustin Hoffman
Billy Crudup
Minnie Driver
and more

Steven Spielberg has produced a movie about Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Although Assange is not happy with it, I'm still anxious to see it. Here's a statement from Julian Assange posted on Twitter.

Today, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange issued a statement on ā€˜The Fifth Estateā€™ a Dreamworks movie about WikiLeaks set to open in the UK on Friday 11 Oct, and in the US on Friday 18 Oct.

ā€œPeople love the true WikiLeaks story: a small group of dedicated journalists and tech activists who take on corruption and state criminality against the odds. But this film isnā€™t about that. This is a film by the old media about the new media. Viewers are short-changed. Step one: write WikiLeaks staff out of the story. Where is our primary spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson, three time winner of journalist of the year, who we deployed to war-torn Iraq? Where is our courageous journalist Sarah Harrison who spent 39 days protecting Edward Snowden in a Moscow airport ā€“ and is now in effective exile from the UK? Step two: write the old media into the story. Instead of the exciting true story, we get a film about a bland German IT worker who wasnā€™t even there and a fabricated fight over redactions with the old newspapers and the State Department saving the day. The result is a geriatric snoozefest that only the US government could love.ā€
