Clues left behind by John Titor? - 01


Senior Member
So please go ahead and show us Titor's post where he predicted 9/11.

In a fax to Art Bell (one of them), he mentioned that on his timeline there is a building missing in New York City. I remember reading about him also mentioning this in one of his posts.

Go track it down yourself if you're interested.
Yea that's it and there is also another mentioning.


It was said that he showed up earlier, on the 911 thing. From NBC studios, on the morning of 9/11 they showed one side of one of the towers on the WTC building. There was smoke coming out of one of the windows facing the NBC camera nd Bryant Gumble said apparently there is a small fire within that building, it's proably a fire in one of the paper stationary store rooms.

It was after this, that the other plane hit, but as they showed the building being hit, they at the studios thought that it was a replay, when it was not.You can't tell me that entire thing was not staged. Did anybody here, also see this?

You don't have to convince me...

It was said that he showed up earlier, on the 911 thing.

That was about the same time I encountered a group of "investigators" to, what I now presume was, monitor my whereabouts in order to confirm my exclusion from involvement; deductive reasoning - I didn't do it.

I can tell you the core of what it was all about and you won't believe it or will dismiss and ignore it. I already have. No one cares. They are too busy peering around and between trees trying to spot the forest. Otherwise they are too busy playing "clean-up", trying to contain a potential disaster with truth.

I am still piecing things together, sorting things out, but I will summarize with a general overview of what I can gather and conclude: There is a vast grid-work of information frozen in time across many centuries, that reads like a message using various mediums and does not necessarily conform to the normal constraints of time as we normally perceive it. ...looks kinda like a great big connect the dots, ..or sort of like The Matrix or something.

There is a patch of dots, events and circumstances surrounding a lot of money and power and influence and big things. Within that patch is a string or cluster of events and some death and destruction that corresponds to people, some of them a family and friends network and regular everyday good folks. It kind of looks like a victims list or something, as if justice is being served. The 9/11 attacks is a cluster of dots, represents a small group of people who aren't terrorists.

I think someone is pissed off about something.


I had the same concern about his setup...too many stray EM fields going on. However to his credit he did say the effect lasts over time then wears off. I'm assuming without any EM fields generated.

Unfortunately Einstein is in a bubble, refuses to discuss any similiarities to other people's work and discoveries. Probably due to his young age and failure to deprogram from school yet. Takes time.

The real question is, do saucer UFO's work off the principles of anti-gravity, or is it a unique type of propulsion system that would count as work against gravity? Due to its maneuverability, it seems to be anti-gravity. I'm not going off topic here, UFO's are a type of time machine, just not the same type John was using. Space-time is integrated as one entity, to travel through space is to travel through time, offset spacial divergence. Therefore, to travel through time, you just need to cover a lot of ground in a short period. Travel near the speed of light, your time slows down while the universe continues on at normal pace. You are travelling to the FUTURE! It's a one way trip though, so don't let this happen:

