Clues left behind by John Titor? - 01

good line there keep up the good work remember if someone wants proof whats in it for them if you gave that proof and what would they do with the proof and truth
good line there keep up the good work remember if someone wants proof whats in it for them if you gave that proof and what would they do with the proof and truth


The truth actually works in my favor in many respects, but could be deadly in other ways. It can also pose a potential risk to others. And then there is the whole loop thing and how that can be exploited, etc etc etc etc etc etc....... It has to be worth something in order to justify taking the risks.

I could show you all and explain it, show how it works without actually using specifics, but it would be dismissed. Why bother?

Part of me wants to show you all so that it would give people something to look forward to, maybe a reason to get our collective shit together as a species. But I know better.
good line there keep up the good work remember if someone wants proof whats in it for them if you gave that proof and what would they do with the proof and truth

Steve when jimmy said he had proof of time travel and has time travelled many times but then comes up with an excuse as to why he doesnt want to prove it, it reminds us of all the many hoaxers who have been on here giving out excuse after excuse of why they cant tell us how they do it..

In my opinion he didnt even have to say that he has proof of time-travel because it usually follows that members want to ask him questions about how he does it, which is a very normal response to such a statement...
Steve when jimmy said he had proof of time travel and has time travelled many times but then comes up with an excuse as to why he doesnt want to prove it, it reminds us of all the many hoaxers who have been on here giving out excuse after excuse of why they cant tell us how they do it..

In my opinion he didnt even have to say that he has proof of time-travel because it usually follows that members want to ask him questions about how he does it, which is a very normal response to such a statement...

Never have I claimed to be a time traveler. The closest I have come to that is considering the possibility of it. But I do not claim to be a traveler. I AM living proof of it, however. And I can back that up 100% with facts. But why? For you? Can you handle it?

Tell me your name and info and your whole family's names birth dates, serial/SS number, addresses, where the children go to school, etc. Tell me everything and all the details about your family, right here, publicly. No excuses. If you don't share it's because you don't have a family, or because you are a liar or something.
I can show you the proof you're asking for, right here and now. But it's problematic because I would have to divulge personal information of myself and others mentioned in the posts. It wouldn't be what you expect, probably not what you want it to be, but it is definitely verifiable proof, as there is no way that could happen or be known without time travel in some form.

But what purpose would it serve? To confirm time travel is real? I already know this, I already have my proof, many times over. Why should I care about everyone else?

You see, I am very over the "Is time travel real?" question, and more concerned with how it is being applied and who's doing all the evil shit with it. If I share, my benefit would be to enlist assistance in dealing with all of this. But that is not going to happen because no one cares, because they are all so selfish and think it is about providing them with entertainment or something.

And not only that, but as soon as I do, there will be assholes who suddenly show up and cause problems, admins who assist them, and it'll prbably be buried beneath a whole bunch of nonsense. It would also prove all the liars in the Titor-verse as such, which would probably get me banned or something because it is impirtant that people like you believe the lie or whatever they are doing.

So, why should I? What is it worth?

Jimmy, on your second line you implied that you had time-travelled many times, which means youre a time-traveller...:Quote:..But what purpose would it serve?. To confirm time travel is real? I already know this, I already have my proof, many times over..
Jimmy, on your second line you implied that you had time-travelled many times, which means youre a time-traveller...:Quote:..But what purpose would it serve?. To confirm time travel is real? I already know this, I already have my proof, many times over..

Many times over means many such examples.
Never have I claimed to be a time traveler. The closest I have come to that is considering the possibility of it. But I do not claim to be a traveler. I AM living proof of it, however. And I can back that up 100% with facts. But why? For you? Can you handle it?

Tell me your name and info and your whole family's names birth dates, serial/SS number, addresses, where the children go to school, etc. Tell me everything and all the details about your family, right here, publicly. No excuses. If you don't share it's because you don't have a family, or because you are a liar or something.

I really dont see why my name and info and my families names and birth dates etc etc, would be needed for proof of time-travel, thats just another silly way of yours that you try to avoid answering simple questions, but as of yet i have not asked you for proof, which i dont believe you have anyways...For example, if i wanted to prove i could time-travel, i would simply show the schematics but avoid specifying what the semiconductors were....But, i would NEVER say outright like you and many others do, that i can time-travel, i would keep it only to myself because i dont want the attention from our members that you and the other members on Paranormalis crave for....Im out (y).
I really dont see why my name and info and my families names and birth dates etc etc, would be needed for proof of time-travel, thats just another silly way of yours that you try to avoid answering simple questions

I don't care about your family's info. I was just saying that to put you in my shoes. But I will explain how that information can be used as evidence/proof.

A person's identity is just like a fingerprint. It can pinpoint a thing/person and a point in time or time frame, just like anything else in existence. (You can use just about anything verifiable as a point of reference.) Add to that other references such as the verifiable events of their life in order to further confirm. The more specifics the better.

But it has to be done in a way that the entire time line and all information can be verified, authenticated.

, but as of yet i have not asked you for proof, which i dont believe you have anyways...For example, if i wanted to prove i could time-travel, i would simply show the schematics but avoid specifying what the semiconductors were....But, i would NEVER say outright like you and many others do, that i can time-travel, i would keep it only to myself because i dont want the attention from our members that you and the other members on Paranormalis crave for....Im out (y).

If you wanted to confirm anything, it has to be verifiable, whatever it may be. That's what makes it proof. And there are soooooo many ways to do that. It's coming and I suspect you will one day see.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. It is. And I have the power of light. IF I so choose to, I can change your entire perception of reality. It's like having the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. ...kind of a burden, actually. All you have to do is pay attention long enough to see it. Once you see it, once you understand that it is indeed real, you cannot go back. You cannot un-know it. And it will change your perception.

And, again, I do not claim to be a traveler. I do not reject the possibility, but until I am actually hopping through time, I won't make that claim.

And whatever claims I may make isn't really about getting attention as much as it is getting into the mix, feeling things out and testing how people respond, perhaps to see who is helpful or who has an ideal mindset, etc. Believe me, if I wanted to get attention, I could. In fact, part of the reason I reserve specifics is to avoid unwanted attention. has been explained.
Clues left behind by John Titor? - 01,.. The cJD warning, I figured out why. This is a prionic folding protein disease affliction, which causes massive brain degradation. If you go to the Bush Administration, then to front page ten article saying, "Pentagon scientist say we're going into another ice age", which is now, you will start to see that our level of evolution is way up, as this happens with ice ages.

The Bush Admin. did not lie. Because the organ, or humans are changing so fast because of the ice age evolution factor, cJD apparently jumped from cows, to humans. Titor warned of this way back when. Titor's right on then. I say his name Ti-tor.Not teeter.I have no idea what those other people are talking about,?

So there had to be some form of genunie time travel associated with Titor. The predicted prion plague is year 2078 and before that.
few issues with that cuz Titor claimed a lincoln type figure won in 2004 and tried to keep the nation together. Likely Kerry.
Said by 2012 a full blown civil war was going on with a columbine type shooting every month(which is pretty much happening) and then a surprise nuking from Russia in 2015. We're obviously not on his timeline.

However he did accurately predict 911 and youtube.
