Clues left behind by John Titor? - 01

Pam is sweet and kind. Normally I do not speak of her out of respect. No one gives her any privacy. People keep forcing her into threads, which is hard to keep silent over. She's a very brave girl who has endured way too much. I don't know her in person, but I feel compelled to do my part in protecting her on whatever level, because of my participation in discussing John Titor. Some people will never get it.

IMO, she is a JT martyr. And not of her own accord. (Definition of martyr: One who endures great suffering.)
Pam is sweet and kind. Normally I do not speak of her out of respect. No one gives her any privacy. People keep forcing her into threads, which is hard to keep silent over. She's a very brave girl who has endured way too much. I don't know her in person, but I feel compelled to do my part in protecting her on whatever level, because of my participation in discussing John Titor. Some people will never get it.

I understand that your compelled to protect her but, I would appreciate you not lumping me into a extremist group. Yes some people are completely crazy about finding people for whatever reason but, how can I gain any form of respect when people are jumping the gun about me? Just because i'm new to the forums and, haven't been seen on others doesn't mean i'm a crazy extremist who is going to stalk someone over John Titor. Your not the first person to make me sound like this. I think your being a little over protective in assuming that I'm a stalker or extremist for mentioning her. However I do understand were your concern is.
Actually, I posted separate comments about 2 different subjects: 1) the invitation 2) her privacy. Those are two different subjects. The topic of this thread is an example of her not getting any privacy. I understand what you're saying too, so let there be peace.​
The topic of this thread is a perfect example, and you are the creator.

A perfrect example of the fact that the user under the name PamelaM217 spoke privately and, publicly with the a personal claiming to be a Time Traveler called John Titor or Timetraveler_0. The fact is she was the one who talked with him and, she is the one who most likely knows more about him then, any other and, your saying as a John Titor researcher that we should simply turn a blind eye to someone who played a key role in the John Titor saga? If she considered it to be that bad and, terrible she could have left the internet or changed her online name. Leaving everything behind. She knows she plays a role in the saga and, chooses to continue help people by answering there questions. It's something she could easy quit but, chooses not to.

So once again I ask that you not consider me a extremist stalker seeing as that is not the way I am.
The lyrics to "Trism" do sound like something a JT Time Traveler might say to a girl.
'Trism' could almost be an anagram for TimeTravel + Prism...
A cryptic message in the song could possibly mean a guy and a girl traveling on parallel time lines.
'Course, I'm sure B52 didn't have Time Travel in mind when they wrote it.
But what if the song was used as a cryptic message to a girl from John Titor?
I know it might sound far-fetched, but you never know. ;)
John loved leaving cryptic messages, and someone (maybe John I or II?) did write the title of the song in a book to a girl, so it had to have some meaning.

She has to leave
She has to go
The fastest way
Is by trism

Steps off the curb
Stella Corona hopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset

She asked me to give her a ride
She said she had to go
Dropped her off by the trism
Through the atmosphere by prism

Go trism, trism
Trism, trism, trism

Gotta keep, gotta keep movin' on
And gotta keep movin', and gotta keep movin', movin'
Gotta keep movin' and gotta, gotta keep on

It was a human race to get away, year
And then back again
Like the sun bends light through a prism
She bends herself through the trism

Like the sun bends like through a prism
She bends herself through the trism
In the smoky streets of the night
She pulls the lever and then bright light

Trism, trism

DEFINITION of Prism: A solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.
The lyrics to "Trism" do sound like something a JT Time Traveler might say to a girl.
'Trism' could almost be an anagram for TimeTravel + Prism...
Cryptic message in the song maybe meaning a guy and a girl traveling on parallel time lines.
'Course, I'm sure B52 didn't have Time Travel in mind when they wrote it.
But what if the song was used as a cryptic message to a girl from John Titor?
I know it might sound far out there, but you never know. ;)
John loved leaving cryptic messages, and someone did write the title of the song in a book,
so it had to have some meaning.

She has to leave
She has to go
The fastest way
Is by trism

Steps off the curb
Stella Corona hopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset

She asked me to give her a ride
She said she had to go
Dropped her off by the trism
Through the atmosphere by prism

Go trism, trism
Trism, trism, trism

Gotta keep, gotta keep movin' on
And gotta keep movin', and gotta keep movin', movin'
Gotta keep movin' and gotta, gotta keep on

It was a human race to get away, year
And then back again
Like the sun bends light through a prism
She bends herself through the trism

Like the sun bends like through a prism
She bends herself through the trism
In the smoky streets of the night
She pulls the lever and then bright light

Trism, trism

DEFINITION of Prism: A solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.

Theres also the fact that maybe TRISM was a distraction and, is meant to get our attention what if the real clue is left in the B-52's themselves and, he wants us to look at another song maybe like this one - The B-52's Song For a Future Generation

Here are the full lyrics to it

Wanna be the ruler of the galaxy
Wanna be the king of the universe
Let's meet and have a baby now!
Wanna be the empress of fashion
Wanna be the president of Moscow
Let's meet and have a baby now!

La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!

Hey, I'm Fred the Cancerian from New Jersey
I like collecting records and exploring
The cave of the unknown

Hello, I'm Cindy, I'm a Pisces
And I like chihuahuas and
Chinese noodles

Wanna be the first lady of infinity
Wanna be the nicest guy on earth
Let's meet and have a baby now!

La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now!
Now! La! La! La! La! La!

Hi, my name is Ricky and I'm a Pisces
I love computers and hot tamales

Hey, I'm Kate and I am a Taurus
I love tomatoes and black-capped

Hey, my name is Keith and I'm a
Scorpio from Athens, G-A and I like
To find the essence from within

Wanna be the captain of the Enterprise
Wanna be the king of the Zulus
Let's meet and have a baby now!

Wanna be a daughter of Dracula
Wanna be the son of Frankenstein
Let's meet and have a baby now!

Wanna be mother-father
Wanna be daughter-son
Wanna be captain
Wanna be ruler-king and empress

I'm mean controlling time itself would mean controlling the world and, universe. You could undo your death or become the richest man ever. This went a lot with what John said about CERN. So i wounder if there could be a message in collaboration with several of there songs.

Also pam said that TRISM was written in the book. It's not the one that he asked her to remember although I think I may have found a post that she posted that says the song he asked her to remember although I can't say for sure.
