

New Member
My daughter s a Navy nurse receiving patients in SD now for the virus. She told me the military will only hold patients in quarantine for three days, due to the cost of military hospitals. However, she also stated this virus can live on a surface without a host for five days. I questioned her about media reports from all over the world stating HIV medication mixed with flu shots was a cure. She stated not to believe anything I read because that is not true. She said the virus attacks mostly men, elderly and children. Apparently hormones in women seem to help protect against dying with the virus. So why is the government not allow everyone to get hormone patches women get? Why is the government not warning everyone about this virus and implicating rules of mask and gloves?
Also, if this virus was man made as a biochemical weapon in a lab, and it DOES live on a surface without a host; then why are we still receiving airmail from China? My father is a retired Captain with a major airline and when he flew China he told me it was about a 20 hour flight. That would mean the virus is arriving in the US alive and spreading. We have had five times more deaths from the flu this flu season than last year. How can we be so sure this was not the Coronavirus because hospitals just now started receiving the proper kits needed to test for the virus.
We all know China is not putting out real numbers. We all know this was man made and not from snakes. If China created this biochemical weapon , it clearly was to attack us US citizens with it. Why are we not attacking China NOW for such an act while they are no able to focus on a response? I do wonder, since China wanted to so fast point fingers at the US for releasing the virus, if we did not have someone on a suicide mission release the virus there before it reached us.
All I have been told positive from my daughter is simple rubbing alcohol kills the virus on the surface. I ordered two cases of rubbing alcohol from SAMS and had it dropped shipped. I use it all day instead of airfreshner. I wiped my dogs paws with it before they enter the house. I have been trying to teach my family to remove their shoes before entering the house. (children are big carriers and lets face it, there are those people in public that allow their kids to crawl around on public floors. This stuff does not need a host). There are simple preventions we could all take in order to some what try to control this murdering virus) Why are these measures to help secure our safety not being released? The average age of a person that gets it and DIES is 55. We will have light cold symptoms for up to 5 weeks before we test positive. The virus attacks your weakness in your body and if you are healthy it attacks your lungs first. If you stand within five feet of a person with the virus you will catch it. One person WILL spread the virus to three people before they ever get symptoms. These facts need released!!!!
If I had children in school right now, I would withdraw them and teach home school. If I had family working in fast food or public I would be figuring out a job for online sales and stores asap and get them away from public. Or at the very least, give them a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol , rubber gloves and face mask. Which by the way, you will have to wait 6 to 8 weeks as of yesterday to receive face mask by mail. I just ordered some. Its not being paranoid , being safe and avoiding germs.


Senior Member
Problem with the mortality rate is that it's a reduction of the complications rate. If 15% of the infectious will need access to an ICU to evade that 2% fatality rate, and this becomes widely infectious in a pandemic, ICU beds will be filled and most of those 15% will be in a bad spot.

If it does go pandemic and you do end up in that 15% camp, then I suspect the best you are going to get is an oxygen mask and the oxygen will be rationed.

Don't even count on getting antivirals and such. That stuff is made in China. You can thank globalist capitalists for that.


Senior Member
Problem with the mortality rate is that it's a reduction of the complications rate. If 15% of the infectious will need access to an ICU to evade that 2% fatality rate, and this becomes widely infectious in a pandemic, ICU beds will be filled and most of those 15% will be in a bad spot.

If it does go pandemic and you do end up in that 15% camp, then I suspect the best you are going to get is an oxygen mask and the oxygen will be rationed.

Don't even count on getting antivirals and such. That stuff is made in China. You can thank globalist capitalists for that.

Spoken like a true Marxist supporter :D..


Senior Member
Spoken like a true Marxist supporter :D..

Ain't much of a difference between a globalist capitalist and a contemporary Marxist. Both are fragile systems based on centralized control by a managerial class who pays few if any of the costs of their decisions while actively disenfranchising the people who do pay the costs.

A pox on both your houses. If this goes pandemic, I hope these Soviet-Harvard managers get strung up and die, honestly. It's time for a change.

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steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive herd about that of this virus escaping from a lab in china on a youtube video and it's strange this happens right after of during the riots and even though they was losing control of there own people now this happens and now the streets are clear in china its as if they created the virus and used it to self control its own population , as for the snake being the carrier well i herd that on some psychic predictions.


Senior Member
Useless speculation at this point. This epidemic is quite likely to go pandemic, and speculation about bioweapons — while perhaps interesting — I suspect serves as a waste of time for most people. Spend your time thinking about actionable strategies to reduce your risks of infection for you and yours, and mitigate the risks if your household does get infected.

We likely will never know if it was designed, and cannot prove it even if we strongly suspected it. Focus on what is in your power to do right now.


Senior Member
With respect to the managerial class that is wrecking civilization right now..


This applies to everything, not just agriculture.
