Cow Farts & the Apocalypse


Cow farts are changing the entire planet’s temperature? First, humans occupy 10% of the planet, so I'm sure cows occupy less. Second, there were more dinosaurs than cows, many with enormous feces & gas emissions. Plus, volcanoes emitted carbon dioxide, yet earth fixed it by growing vast amounts of vegetation. And yes, the ice age still occured. Tell me again how not eating steak is going to fix climate change, that occurs naturally every 100,000 years. :unsure:

Furthermore, MSM is attempting to cause fear by commenting about a hot summer. Iowa may reach 100 degrees next week, and they're all screaming "climate change"!!!! I'm sure a meterologist can explain the reason it's happening. El Nino is going to pass through this fall and down south, we're going to have a cooler, wetter winter. And guess what? Humans caused none of it and neither can we change it.

Adapt. Why aren't we building efficient homes without charging so much that only millionaires can afford them? Why can't we build homes partially underground? Why do we remove so many trees? Why is money and greed so important? Humans are terrible. Our downfall is going to be from greed, not the changing temperatures.

Don't get me wrong. I do believe in breathing in clean air and having a clean environment. I would be happy going back to glass and ditching plastic, because animals are suffering. My point is, humans aren't causing changes in climate and seasons.


Senior Member
To put how large the world's population is in perspective, imagine that the atmosphere is divided by tall barriers and each person is given the rough equivalent of a football field to breathe in. The air reaches high up, but the balance is only affected by what is happening on the ground, for the rest is just a buffer. While not enough to create a large change in temperature at once, the balance tips slowly and gradually. We are now only at one degree's increase, which causes evaporation to be slightly higher than the rainfall each year, slowly draining groundwater reserves. After a thousand years of evolutionary selection, nature might find a new balance but historical evidence provides no guarantees due to the selective perception of only seeing home worlds that did not have all life going extinct. New creatures can cover the ground to prevent evaporation, but they have to be rewarded before it dries up completely.


Active Member
"Climate Change" is how the LWO manipulates everyone into submission through hysteria from natural cycles. We had an early start to summer in Texas. It's just like last year with high pressure stalling on top of us and stopping the rains. We're close to 20 times over 100f so far this year, but it isn't global warming. The high pressure slipped a little this weekend and a cold front came through, so we've been at 95f the past couple days. It will be back to 100f again tomorrow. Climate worshipers don't understand winds, weather, and cycles.


"Climate Change" is how the LWO manipulates everyone into submission through hysteria from natural cycles. We had an early start to summer in Texas. It's just like last year with high pressure stalling on top of us and stopping the rains. We're close to 20 times over 100f so far this year, but it isn't global warming. The high pressure slipped a little this weekend and a cold front came through, so we've been at 95f the past couple days. It will be back to 100f again tomorrow. Climate worshipers don't understand winds, weather, and cycles.

Florida had record cold temperatures this winter! Global warming? LOL

And you're right, weather fluctuates. There is a reason for everything. If the general climate were changing that fast, animals and plants would be dying.

Bill gates wants to cloud the sun with some powder. Does he realize how many animals will die? Leave nature alone. Earth takes great care of herself. She mended the Ozone, for pete's sake! :)


Senior Member
Florida had record cold temperatures this winter! Global warming? LOL

And you're right, weather fluctuates. There is a reason for everything. If the general climate were changing that fast, animals and plants would be dying.

Bill gates wants to cloud the sun with some powder. Does he realize how many animals will die? Leave nature alone. Earth takes great care of herself. She mended the Ozone, for pete's sake! :)
He wants that to block out solar power and get an excuse for selling more oil from his fossile portfolio.


Temporal Engineer
"Climate Change" is how the LWO manipulates everyone into submission through hysteria from natural cycles. We had an early start to summer in Texas. It's just like last year with high pressure stalling on top of us and stopping the rains. We're close to 20 times over 100f so far this year, but it isn't global warming. The high pressure slipped a little this weekend and a cold front came through, so we've been at 95f the past couple days. It will be back to 100f again tomorrow. Climate worshipers don't understand winds, weather, and cycles.



Cow farts are the ultimate distraction. If they can distract us with that, everything will work, period.

I understand that the world population of cows has to release more fart gases than humans... But... To the point, it's one of the main causes of global warming and they are bothering us with it? Come on, don't be that lazy.

As it's been mentioned earlier, what about Dinosaur farts? Some of the dinos were absolutely massive, weighing over 50 tons and eating grass and tree leaves. Now, imagine the mind-blowing farts these dinos would release. And yep, I found articles saying the dinosaurs contributed to global warming 150M years ago.


I'm not sure what to say next. lol


Temporal Engineer
The biggest lie is the fact that every narrative bypasses natural emissions by the planet itself. Wild fires comes to mind. Seems like the carbon particulate in the air lingers around for weeks on end. Likely thousands of times what man produces. The other kind is natural gas emissions by the planet. We never hear anything about those. Yet methane is a normal constituent of our atmosphere. The natural management of these gasses by our planet far outweighs anything we could possibly do.


Temporal Engineer
A meteorologist explains a heat dome that happens every 100,000 years is the cause of the extra heat this summer. He didn’t mention humans causing it or cow farts.

I keep telling everyone to look at the big yellow sun in the sky. Right now it is in a high sunspot activity mode. Which is a normal part of its eleven year cycle. A sunspot is just a region on the sun where cooling takes place due to extreme magnetic field activity. The cooling spots emits larger amounts of infrared radiation which comes to us as heat. The only thing wrong with the CO2 lie is that CO2 rises in the atmosphere when heated. The exact opposite of what they are trying to convince us of what is happening.

It's the same for weather casts too. Just look out the window. If its sunny it will be a nice day. That method works better than a cloudy forecast with rain.

I've noticed extreme temperature variations between a field of grass and large areas where the land is bare. The area covered with vegetation is always cooler. By a lot on a sunny day. Funny thing is at night time that hot barren field cools down to the same temp as the vegetation. We don't seem to have mechanisms that retain heat. It always radiates away at night.
