Craziest thing you've ever encountered.


This is not a ghost story but, I once met my apparent Dopple ganger.

Back in the late 80's I was at a local bar setting up my equipment (drumkit) to perform that night.
It was a rather large kit and I always showed up long before the others in my then band
to get set up and be out of the way.

Someone from the front bar came to the back bar area where I was setting up,
looked at me and gasped, I asked what was wrong...He replied,
"How the heck did you get past me Jamie? Dang you're quick!!"

I just stared in confusion saying "What? Me?? No, I've been back here setting up my drums."
Dude looked confused, "Drums? I thought you were an electrician??"

He shook his head and walked back up to the front bar.

I was absolutely Flabbergasted until a Waitress came to the back and told me to go up to the front area.

There sitting up near the enterance of.

I approached, tapped him on the shoulder and he turned looked at me and said,
"Hey, you must be Tom...I guess that you're a drummer."

I couldn't beleive my eyes. The only real difference was slighly higher cheekbones and
different style glasses...Same hair, nearly the same smile..Height, weight....and almost the voice.!

I just said, "Yep..and apparently, I'm an electrician...!!"

We bought each other a drink and then confused a couple of his friends swapping names,
It was a blast!

Half hour went by and he had to go, so we shook hands, he left
and I went back to finish setting up for the nights gig.

I will never ever forget meeting myself! LOL!


Senior Member
This is not a ghost story but, I once met my apparent Dopple ganger.

Back in the late 80's I was at a local bar setting up my equipment (drumkit) to perform that night.
It was a rather large kit and I always showed up long before the others in my then band
to get set up and be out of the way.

Someone from the front bar came to the back bar area where I was setting up,
looked at me and gasped, I asked what was wrong...He replied,
"How the heck did you get past me Jamie? Dang you're quick!!"

I just stared in confusion saying "What? Me?? No, I've been back here setting up my drums."
Dude looked confused, "Drums? I thought you were an electrician??"

He shook his head and walked back up to the front bar.

I was absolutely Flabbergasted until a Waitress came to the back and told me to go up to the front area.

There sitting up near the enterance of.

I approached, tapped him on the shoulder and he turned looked at me and said,
"Hey, you must be Tom...I guess that you're a drummer."

I couldn't beleive my eyes. The only real difference was slighly higher cheekbones and
different style glasses...Same hair, nearly the same smile..Height, weight....and almost the voice.!

I just said, "Yep..and apparently, I'm an electrician...!!"

We bought each other a drink and then confused a couple of his friends swapping names,
It was a blast!

Half hour went by and he had to go, so we shook hands, he left
and I went back to finish setting up for the nights gig.

I will never ever forget meeting myself! LOL!
So Windy you`re a skin basher and paradiddler are you? ;)
I would hate to meet "myself".as im the guy who would never make friends with anybody that was just like me :D


So Windy you`re a skin basher and *paradiddler are you? ;)
I would hate to meet "myself".as im the guy who would never make friends with anybody that was just like me :D

*Old story here;

I was at a band practice and one of my band mates asked me what that insanely fast drum roll was
that I had just played at the end of a song.
I said it was called a paradiddle.
Without hesitation he replied, "So...basically that's drummer speak for a pair of diddles creating
something twice as fast as just one um..diddle? Interesting.
No wonder I just don't understand drummers."

As for the meeting,

it was awesome, he had so many stories of people coming up to him at random
telling him "what an awsome band he had" or "Hey do you remember me?"
His list was endless. If not frustrating.

I think he was happy to finally meet. As for myself, I would have (possibly) never known about the guy
had he not been there that evening, no one had ever come up to me before and called me Jamie
or randomly told me what a brilliant electrician I was.:D


Senior Member
So Windy you`re a skin basher and *paradiddler are you? ;)
I would hate to meet "myself".as im the guy who would never make friends with anybody that was just like me :D

*Old story here;

I was at a band practice and one of my band mates asked me what that insanely fast drum roll was
that I had just played at the end of a song.
I said it was called a paradiddle.
Without hesitation he replied, "So...basically that's drummer speak for a pair of diddles creating
something twice as fast as just one um..diddle? Interesting.
No wonder I just don't understand drummers."

As for the meeting,

it was awesome, he had so many stories of people coming up to him at random
telling him "what an awsome band he had" or "Hey do you remember me?"
His list was endless. If not frustrating.

I think he was happy to finally meet. As for myself, I would have (possibly) never known about the guy
had he not been there that evening, no one had ever come up to me before and called me Jamie
or randomly told me what a brilliant electrician I was.:D
Ok sparky Jamie :D Of all the bands i played in i always felt closer to the drummers as they were a sort of, breed of their own..
Drummers thinking processes have to be different from other musicians as you think unconsciously, many tempos that you display on your hands and feet when youre paradiddling prove this :eek::D...The girl you met during rehearsal was interesting, i hope you dated her ;):D
There was a certain drummer involved in mind control experiments at Montauk who was used for his particular drumming ability, as tempo is required for locking into peoples minds (as you already know) to create a mind and body response to the music..and i still perform to that old dance craze, the twist everytime time i hear it...please dont post that song or i will start doing it again uncontrollably :eek: ;) :D
