Deja-vu What Is It


Nice find lordalmighty1. He gives a more technical description of what I thought it might be caused by. I have learned something today.
"The phenomenon is thought to be a psychological process where the unconscious mind is stimulated to recall past events of a similar nature that somehow gets mixed up with the present ervent. Some feel it is evidence for reincarnation, memories of the past lives being pushed to the surface of the mind by familiar suurroundings or people in the present. Some say it draws on the collective memories of mankind-while other believe it to be the results of OBE during sleep, or other extra-sensory phenomena." Now I hope that does address the "warm and fuzzy" issue called "de'ja vu" but I didn't think you'd take my word for it, so I got aanother psycchologist and her book. "The Element Encyclopedia of the Psychic World",pp.152-153. Theresa Cheung.


I agree with Peregrini, lordalmighty1. I enjoyed the viewing.
However, I have had instances where I am with friends who are having a discussion and the Deja-vu feeling comes up. I follow along with the conversation and then simultaneously say the same thing along with next one making a response. "How did you know I was going to say that?" Deja-vu, I think I dreamed it. Of course, that ended the DV experience. This type of experience only happened 2 or 3 times when I was in my 20s. While the explanation given in the video for DV experiences was a good one, I do not think it covers all instances.


I am curious if anyone has had a Deja vu experience initiated by something other than sight like an auditory or olfactory stimulation. If it isn't always triggered by a sight event then there is certainly more to it than the video offers.

Amanda Brown

New Member
My husband has deja vu frequently. It is so bad sometimes he can repeat word for word what I am going to say. It really creeps me out. I never have deja vu that bad I just sometimes get the feeling that I have done whatever I am doing before. His family is weird though, his brother can see spirits so I shouldn't be surprised about this deja vu thing.
As simply as I can put it, it's French, meaning "Already seen", applying by parapsychologist that refers to events people feel they have already seen, heard, to the exact words, exact weather, clothings, etc. Not to worry, it's a common event, associated with reincarnation or a belief in it, at least, It usually lasts a few seconds to a minute or more. Most "Wiccans" believe it is a sign of reincarantion or previous lives."The Witch Book", p.127.


New Member
The links between epilepsy and deja vu have been noted more than once. Someone I knew used to suffer from deja vu quite a lot and was later diagnosed with epilepsy. The doctor said that it was common for epileptics to experience deja vu because the mind couldn't quite keep up with what the senses were experiencing. For example if she saw something her senses were subject to the information but there was a few few seconds lapse before her mind caught up and processed what she had seen. This left her thinking that she had already experienced something which was brand new! It does explain the quick "I've already done/seen this" situations but where someone has longer lasting deja vu I can't see how epilepsy would be the answser.

Deja Vu where you know what someone is about to say is surely a premonition rather than deja vu?


When I have a deja vu, I don't seem to know what happens. It all feels very familiar, too familiar, but I'm not quite sure I'd be able to predict something. I kinda feel like I know what's going to happen. I'm not sure I know it though.

Those deja vu, in my case, don't last long enough to predict anything anyway.
