


factually I have been aware of evil since I can remember and thanks to many other self inflicted stupidity I managed to corrupt my mind to be a pathological liar and is obsessed with sadness misery and other states of ill-being.

Well demons are real and yes for the most part the church got it right. They attack make you think wrong is right and will twist you into behaviour and create situations that seem insurmountable. Now as critical as Dogma is it was and is still open to bad interpretation and this post is not about that.

This is about very real demonic attack that happen frequently and can no longer be explained by sleep paralyses or any other disorder. This is about us and them. Them being the fallen the very real monsters lurking behind the doors inside the places we consider to be safe.

They target us to create confusion fear and the larger game is to get us to abandon our soul and faith. Now for the most part demonology exist in almost every variation of religion and are known to be a destructive force and the enemy of anything good.

It is here that you need to start thinking, was that claw around one's neck real, did one really feel the hand on one's back the sharp pain in one's "private parts" is any of this real or even symptoms of an illness.

Well the doctor did there test and one's given a clean bill of health what remains is a bigger more scary question.

Last night I had my second encounter and was able to get a glance at who's hand I grabbed hold of. Knowing that I was awoke and sober I saw no less than two monsters. Pulling lose from my grip they backed away into the walls.

Normally I am not strong enough to free myself but prayer and control of my fear paid off this time. Now I know what I saw and people will mock and or do whatever they like I really don't care. But let this be a warning to you the reader.

Even when you think you are alone you are never alone.They are real they attack us when we cannot fight back.

this isn't just another movie or ghost story, this is about us VS them. Find your own links do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

Thanks for reading.


Do you fear them? Some say that if you are able to learn how not to fear them, they can possibly go away.

As many dark creatures apparently feed on negative emotions, if you are able to get rid of such negative emotions and energies, maybe they'll go away and leave you alone.

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I actually studied my own behaviour before and after these events. I actually stopped to listen to heavy metal music because I have a massive anger problem and really the music wasn't helping. I stopped eating at night and consuming alcohol and the only medication I use is my asthma pump and I hardly use it anymore.

The only thing that changed I started listening to angry metal with lyrics of death, hate and suicide at the core of it. I am not going to mention names because I think it has more to do with your state of mind than that of the music.

I am not going to pretend that I am a nice person and the very reason why I opened with all my wrongs in this thread. That said I am not an "evil" person I don't go out to torture people hurt little animals and so on.

This is what I do know, these things attack you while you are in a depressed state of mind, emotionally unstable, intoxicated and or listing to very very dark music. It can be any type of music with a darkish or morbid feel to it.

The attacks happen between 12:30 AM to about 3:30 AM and every single attack I ever experienced was between those times. Now if you go study the timing alone you would find very interesting science connected to the human body AND happenings that basically shook the world. Again do your own research. But I think you are going to be shocked.

As for not fearing them. That is not easy, these things are scary their appearance horrific and there is the feel of their "skin" that is just well not human and not right. It is like hardened skin dry and sticky and abrasive.

My opinion ask questions, look for answers and if people mock you, stand strong because they simply don't know and haven't experienced the horror yet. That said by the looks of things on the net a few people have. But always remember for every truth there is a thousand lies.


Junior Member
I can definitely relate to what you saying, as a little where I grow up is on a island so you all ready know there gonna be alot of people doing dark magic and so on, I'm not into stuff like that but I've seen all kinds of horrible thing. I wish all the time I wish this wouldn't happened to me but it did I love from my island to Atlanta for one year and I still experience the same thing so I decided to move to Florida and also the samething I give up because apparently whatever it is it's never gonna stop following me I've just expected them and go on and live my life. They never hurt me but they always come to me at night time there favorite place to be is in my room, some times when I'm sitting outside I see them but in a different forms which I found very unusual. Like always I ignore them. Because I'm afraid to ask them what they want from me or whats their being here so I leave it alone. The only thing now I see a psychiatrist and psychologist twice a week for therapy also they don't leave me and they run all kinds of test on me and everything was perfect I was happy about the news but at the same time all the different types of medication they try on my didn't work I still was seeing them I stop taking the medication but I still go for therapy because the more I talk about it I feel better. Alot of people advise me to see someone that can do some kind of ritual on me and it will take this dark entity from me I told them so because I have a weird feeling that's what they want so I didn't go, I just take it one day at a time and be happy and try to forget they exist it's kind hard but I try everyday.....


I can definitely relate to what you saying, as a little where I grow up is on a island so you all ready know there gonna be alot of people doing dark magic and so on, I'm not into stuff like that but I've seen all kinds of horrible thing. I wish all the time I wish this wouldn't happened to me but it did I love from my island to Atlanta for one year and I still experience the same thing so I decided to move to Florida and also the samething I give up because apparently whatever it is it's never gonna stop following me I've just expected them and go on and live my life. They never hurt me but they always come to me at night time there favorite place to be is in my room, some times when I'm sitting outside I see them but in a different forms which I found very unusual. Like always I ignore them. Because I'm afraid to ask them what they want from me or whats their being here so I leave it alone. The only thing now I see a psychiatrist and psychologist twice a week for therapy also they don't leave me and they run all kinds of test on me and everything was perfect I was happy about the news but at the same time all the different types of medication they try on my didn't work I still was seeing them I stop taking the medication but I still go for therapy because the more I talk about it I feel better. Alot of people advise me to see someone that can do some kind of ritual on me and it will take this dark entity from me I told them so because I have a weird feeling that's what they want so I didn't go, I just take it one day at a time and be happy and try to forget they exist it's kind hard but I try everyday.....

Thank you for your reply.

It is hard when people think there is something wrong with us as people and simply deny outright that what we see is actually real. They want to believe that we have some type of disorder or something like that and very few people are open minded enough to say "I believe you".

Well I believe you. I also live in a country that has seriously bad stuff going on in the occult. I don't see it as "cool" or even want anything to do with it but for some reason something really bad wants to make sure I know about them. It seems to be that you may share that in some way and yet we are a world apart in every way.

As for the ritual thing... I did go for something down those lines and well am I better for it? a little did it work? Yes to a degree but it is what it is. Will I recommend it? NO! HELL NO! UNLESS you knew that person for YEARS and TRUST that person and KNOW what they are about will I say go for it....

There are a lot of bad people claiming they are good and we need to be very careful of that.


Interesting post:). Since I do not pretend to be an expert in demons, demonology, or the like,:rolleyes: I'll leave the clarifications to those more qualified,:ROFLMAO: though I can get a hold of a "monk" that does have specific training and knowledge about "demonic forces"....we play bridge together every Wednesday.:cautious::cautious::ROFLMAO:


Interesting post:). Since I do not pretend to be an expert in demons, demonology, or the like,:rolleyes: I'll leave the clarifications to those more qualified,:ROFLMAO: though I can get a hold of a "monk" that does have specific training and knowledge about "demonic forces"....we play bridge together every Wednesday.:cautious::cautious::ROFLMAO:

I am no expert in monsters or the occult but I know enough to back out of this gracefully because there is no way on this earth that I have any desire to "know" anything more then I already do. When people play with this type of thing I walk the other way. When people laugh at others for believing that this stuff is real I get angry but I don't act because I know in the end you have to see, feel and experience the truth.

Rather play bridge and if you do have a polite conversation about demonic entities along side your cider or tea then so be it. But I wouldn't force the subject. In the end I think some are just more unlucky then others when it comes to these things.

But thanks for reading anyhow :)


label ; I can only say this : knowledge is power

The more you can learn about the "subject" the better prepared you'll be .

I did demonology 30 odd years ago ; what ever happens these days happen naturally - I don't "think" about it , just pure action / reaction .


ok ok... a long long long long time ago bad things started to happen. First it was few and far between but then it got more involved and personal.

Then you realise that "there is no spoon" mentality gets flawed because there is a spoon and it is a nasty one at that. Demons are real so are many other things we would dismiss and yet we cannot because we know the soul is very real.

I live in a "third world" where superstition is still very much alive and well and where real evil is actively dong its very worst almost all the time.

I know a thing or two about a thing or two and I know that these things are not our friends. The reality is they are here for a very specific reason. We cannot deny that there is a greater plan at work here.

I don't think there is a middle ground here it is Good VS evil.

I really hope that it is all just a day dream but.... yea... day dreams don't normally try to strangle you...
