Does anyone believe in UFOs?

Many years ago myself and a friend seen a long blue cigar shaped object in the sky close to our houses walking home. It was what we described as pure blue florescent and felt like it was at power lines height. Hadnt seen anything like that before, and in a sec it was gone, my friend who is no way a believer said 'did you see that'. OH yeah.

No sound or anything, in a residential area wasnt a conventional at least by our mere life experience. Its one of those things were you say well that wasnt man made.
I saw something I cannot explain.

Was driving to work on a day where there were no clouds,
as I drove by a large, open field, I saw hanging in the air
a large, very shiny 'cannister-shaped object' hovering up in the sky over the field.

I thought it was either a plane of some sort or simply a reflection of something on my seat.
But, it had no wings at all and there wasn't anything remotely reflective on the seat.

I pulled over to the side of the road as fast as I could, got out of the car camera in hand and
it was just gone.

I will never forget it.

It was an object that I couldn't identify that was in the air. U.F.O.
Did you take that?
Hi Jenny,

Last night about 10pm. The center bright light is the moon, the other bright light is from street lights, the angular-looking thing wasn't visible in the sky, surely just a bit of lint or something on the lens. All sorts of things can go wrong with a camera.

Still, it's a neat effect whatever caused it.
Many years ago myself and a friend seen a long blue cigar shaped object in the sky close to our houses walking home. It was what we described as pure blue florescent and felt like it was at power lines height. Hadnt seen anything like that before, and in a sec it was gone, my friend who is no way a believer said 'did you see that'. OH yeah.

No sound or anything, in a residential area wasnt a conventional at least by our mere life experience. Its one of those things were you say well that wasnt man made.

That's cool and it sounds like a genuine UFO almost all witnesses say they don't make any sound.
Had no idea you had seen one, Mayhem. Nice to know.
Hi Jenny,

Last night about 10pm. The center bright light is the moon, the other bright light is from street lights, the angular-looking thing wasn't visible in the sky, surely just a bit of lint or something on the lens. All sorts of things can go wrong with a camera.

Still, it's a neat effect whatever caused it.

A closer look at the angular object:


It seems to be behind the clouds, wtf??

I seen something one time that defies belief. I suppose it could be classified as a UFO. It was an early morning on black Friday more than 10 years ago. I was on my way to Office Depot a little after 4:00am in the morning. They opened at 5:00am so I wanted to be first in line. Anyway on the freeway I could see something in the distance moving in the air across the freeway. It almost seemed like I was looking at a big rectangular box. But as I moved closer it appeared to be giving off light. Closer still and it looked like I was looking through a window to what was inside. I could make out a light on the ceiling inside and definitely a doorway inside the room. I was coming up kind of fast at 60mph, and the big lit up rectangular window was in line with my car windshield. I honestly thought I could probably hit it. But changed my mind at the last second and swerved to the side to avoid it. I have no idea what I was actually looking at. It just seemed like something right out of the twilight zone.
I really want to believe but for me there isn’t enough evidence
Please take no offence, but, I am gobsmacked that there are still nonbelievers out there. Of course UFOs exist. There have been probably hundreds of books written on the subject in every decade from the 1940s on. It does take a bit of effort to read them though. Betty and Barney Hill to The Andreasson Affair to The White Sands Incident telling of first hand accounts of UFO Contact to Missing Time telling of abductions, levitation. Steven Greer holds a camp-out in the desert each year to summon them to show themselves. They do this through meditative thoughts and the like and are quite successful with their ask/request to the UFO occupants. I went through a period of research into UFOs in my quest to understand gravity/antigravity and time since knowledge in these areas was not forthcoming otherwise.
With everyone having cellphones more videos are being taken of them too. Check out youtube and such places. Some good ones are "The Secret Nasa Transmissions - The Smoking Gun"
and The Mexico City UFO 1997
Also, Jenette, I think instead of asking if UFOs exist we should all be asking why are they being kept so secret from forever? Wilhelm Reich got thrown in prison where he died after aiming his supercharged cloudbuster (supercharged with radium radioactive material) at a UFO in the desert (whereupon it materialized/dematerialized, went invisible/visible, faded from this time dimension to another and back). This is part of that forbidden knowledge that we are not allowed to possess by our masters to have.
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