does anyone know what kind of being this is

Nikola tesla

New Member
this is a old foto of me with my ex girlfriend.
I want to know if anyone has some more infomation about this being that is visible on the foto. i have had some automatic writing as a kid in the past and heard the name hush hush when i was a child it was saying i am hush hush in my head when i was writting some strange language. sometimes even giving me instructions or controling my mouth but i lost the abilty a year later now a day it's 10 years later i really want to know if someone has had the samr thing or knows more


Active Member
no. if not Photoshop then consciousness can be assigned to matter but if one cannot determine what type then nothing can be ruled out, or sufficianty advanced technology to produce holograms or and something similar.

watched a few horror movies, it is always about people that don't have the power to defend themselves against something that they find scary. Improve your mind, get rid of fear and become curios, make layzer gun, and learn some tia chi and your the one manipulating what was effecting you. People are usually afraid of what they do not understand which can usually be a weakness.

Perhaps that was a 2000 year old alien locked up in some inanimate object and wants you to free it, stop being scared when you can easily with will power gain the power niccissary to not care and not be effects, the only person to blame is yourself for not looking up these methods. Praying, to what? Those who don't help themselves probally don't get help from a five dimensional being that probably can't hear your thoughts.

a langauge? copy and paste? here?

"his teeth"?

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Nikola tesla

New Member
no. if not Photoshop then consciousness can be assigned to matter but if one cannot determine what type then nothing can be ruled out, or sufficianty advanced technology to produce holograms or and something similar.

watched a few horror movies, it is always about people that don't have the power to defend themselves against something that they find scary. Improve your mind, get rid of fear and become curios, make layzer gun, and learn some tia chi and your the one manipulating what was effecting you. People are usually afraid of what they do not understand which can usually be a weakness.

Perhaps that was a 2000 year old alien locked up in some inanimate object and wants you to free it, stop being scared when you can easily with will power gain the power niccissary to not care and not be effects, the only person to blame is yourself for not looking up these methods. Praying, to what? Those who don't help themselves probally don't get help from a five dimensional being that probably can't hear your thoughts.

a langauge? copy and paste? here?

"his teeth"?
Thanks for your reply its no fotoshop this foto is from the celphone from my mother and she does not know how to do that she doesn't even know how to download something thats why i know its real and some people may not belief it but that's up to them why i had written teeth
His teeth seem Visible there it looks like teeth to me That's why I have write it Down there.
im Not Afraid of these entities i want to know if someone has more information so i can Figure out who he is or what it is and sadly i dont have the language Anymore Maybe I can find some papers out of my childhood where the language is Written on then i can share it with you if you like thanks for the tips btw i will try tai chi

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
An age old adage that I try to live by is, "If you hear clip-clop clip-clop outside of your window. think horse not zebra."
My first guess would be damage or a defect in the camera or camera phone. then I would check into the quality of the camera. Statistically that should explain about 95% of cases like this.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i see the ghostly image in the picture it looks non humen and some kind of unknown alien species that shares some traits with humans like nose and mouth and teeth but the head shape and long hair makes it look a bit like something from the planet of the apes movie, and the nose bridge that runs right up nearly to the third eye area is interesting


Senior Member
We already have photos from a member who shall remain anonymous that are fakes, and maybe that trend is still continuing...I believe its a reflection onto the camera lens, or images placed onto a sheet of glass and then photographed though that piece of glass, picking up the two people and background also..
