Does President Trump have a Time Machine?


Hi Paula :)..
I believe that President Trumps aides will be posting 99.999% of all his tweets, and Trump himself will be advised of some of them, only in an extremely annotated manner, because of his obvious heavy workload.....His aides will be very aware of his family background including any tenuous links to Tesla :)..[/quotes]

He could have certain peoples' tweets archived to read later. I personally believe he really controls his own twitter account, though.
Nothing has stopped him from day 1.

Trumps uncle JGT as you already know was a physicist and inventor and the stuff he worked on in collaboration with other people such as Van Der Graff (creator of the Van Der Graff Generator), developed the first one million volt X-Ray machine used for Cancer therapy..
You might be able to help me Paula if you are are aware of any links JGT had with Tesla, other than analysing Teslas papers after he died.

Not off hand. Will have to research.
