Does President Trump have a Time Machine?


Its my business WHO i give likes to, and i have the distinct advantage over you of knowing Einsteins personal sense of humour when he said, Shoot a Democrat season will be opening up soon...Our member Einstein is far from being human garbage, and if you manage to stay on Paranormalis as a member, which I doubt very much, you might see for yourself..

That is not called a sense of humor. You seem to be missing a large section of your brain.


If Donald Trump had a time machine, he’d have won the election. So he doesn’t have it right now.

Meaning if he had one, he lost it... And y’all still worship the toilet seat he sits on? No matter which way you slice Donald Trump, all you get is a shit sandwich.
Unless the goal was to reveal how crooked and corrupt the system actually is? You know they've got Pelosis laptop now right? They took it during the capitol siege. Pelosis twitter, video - 1:03, see her admit it herself
Lets just wait until the 20th and see what happens.


When did this forum become so political? As a Brit, it’s embarrassing for a country that calls itself a “great democracy” to be acting like children. If Trump was a British politician he would have been forced to resign after his first day. He’s incompetent and a compulsive liar. Nothing about me being left wing or right wing, it’s objectively true.

With that in mind, he is probably stupid enough to have a time machine and still fuck everything up, mishandle a pandemic and lose an election. Not because of politics, but because he is a fucking moron!


Senior Member
When did this forum become so political? As a Brit, it’s embarrassing for a country that calls itself a “great democracy” to be acting like children. If Trump was a British politician he would have been forced to resign after his first day. He’s incompetent and a compulsive liar. Nothing about me being left wing or right wing, it’s objectively true.

With that in mind, he is probably stupid enough to have a time machine and still fuck everything up, mishandle a pandemic and lose an election. Not because of politics, but because he is a fucking moron!

I don't see what being a Brit has got anything to do with President Trump...He is American President and therefore decides what he wants to do until his Presidential time runs out, obviously nobody has forced him out yet..


I feel that there is still enough information the leave it an open question. From the old book with Don, Barron, the Last President, the hotel in Manhattan on Fifth Ave, people rioting over his win, etc. And then there is Trump. On too many occasions he said things that had not happened but they did later. Elon Musk making a huge factory when no one had any idea what he was talking about or a deal with Japan to which Japan said, What deal? And some of the events were completely out of his control. For example, when there was an explosion and immediately he said it was a terrorist attack and then he was attacked because there was no info on what had happened - but he turned out to be right. Also, what would you do with a TM? Become a billionaire? A TV star? President? Or maybe, start a new political part?


* MTC on Trump`s presidency, IF he could NOT speak the world would call him the greatest president in history. The first president in ages not only to not start a war, he made it so people could get fired from the VA, gave the troops a raise, gave them choice when they were committing suicide at a rate of 22 a day, fully armed them, brought them home. And when Obama said the biggest challenge was North Korea Trump went there and no more missiles were fired over Japan. He destroyed the ISIS Caliphate, killed Baghdadi and Soleimani, armed Ukraine, armed Taiwan, got NATO to spent countless billions more, got South Korea and Japan to make new trade deals because we defended them for nothing. Made new trade deals with them, Canada, Mexico and China. Made America the largest producer of oil and gas in the world and energy independent for the first time since the 50s. Sent the stock market to new heights scores of times increasing retirement funds, removed many thousands of murderers, rapists, drug dealers, etc. Having them stray in Mexico so they cannot commit crimes here but over there. Built the wall to help keep criminals and drugs out. Increased wages for the first time in many years, had the lowest African-American, Asian and Hispanic unemployment numbers in history. Got the pipelines approved which helps us and hurts Russia which are safer environmentally and create about 30 thousands jobs. Killed NAFTA which was horrible the the country. Left the Paris Climate Accords because Russia and China do not have to abide by it now but America does which would send even more jobs to China and factories, too. And of all the major nations in the world which country reduced pollution and it`s carbon footprint? Only America. He killed the Obama Care Mandate that made people pay for NOT having the insurance. Stopped flights from China prevents many thousands from entering the country at the beginning of the pandemic to which the very next day Biden said he was being extremely xenophobic. Paid companies billions of dollars to create, produce and MANUFACTURE the vaccines BEFORE the were tested. So when they were green lighted they could be given out immediately. On that note Biden said he was going to have 100 million people vaccinated in 100 days. A reporter said we are doing that now. He replied, give me a break, man. When asked later about the pandemic he said there is nothing that we can do for several months. Anyway, that`s just part of Trumps numbers..oh yeah, remember when he was asked about gas being lower than over a decade ago? He then said he thanked Saudi Arabia personally for doing that for him. Now Biden wants to raise the tax per gallon from 16 cents to 67 cents. When Trump left office gas was under $3 a gallon nationally and during this pandemic unemployment was 6.7%. Wait to see what Biden does. He already helped Mexico, Russia and China. America? Not so much...Indian tribes and Canada are going to sue him as is Texas.
