Does the positive side of tribalism/racism outshine the negative side?


Senior Member
Define what is racist. There are places online where you can't mention crime or education statistics, regardless of their validity, because it points out that a hierarchy exists. And in this brave new world, you can't have anything that proves that some people are better than others.

In this brave new world "better" is also subjective as well. Truth is it always was.
People argue over whether math or writing skills are more important.
Who decides what is "more important" and who decides who is "better"
I say many skills are necessary not just a few nor are only a select few "granted" the right to posses them.
And today graduating from college might just mean you're more brainwashed
than anyone----not necessarily "better"

Why do you think conservatives complain about professors so much? Duh.

Right now we have NBA and NFL players who think they're "better"
and at the same time disadvantaged due to white privilege yet they make
millions of dollars to not even play sports anymore and just stand there or kneel.
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Gnostic Christian

Active Member
How can you say tribalism is good and then say we're all the same?
If we were all the same tribalism wouldn't be good.
I think tribalism might be good in regards to family and some things.

I would not choose someone else if I had a choice to save a family member that I will say.

An old saying on this, that is thought to be wisdom.

Me against my brother
Me and my brother against my cousin.
Me and my brother and cousin against the stranger.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Fellowship is the camaraderie felt by those who share mutual interests and offer friendly support to one another.

Indeed, as any good group or tribe, which includes racial mutual interests.

That is why analogically, tribalism and racism are connected and tribalism is good and so is racism.

No one demies that those have an evil side, but it is controllable. Look about. There is a lot more good than evil going on.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
To be fair this guy literally believed that white people did not really exist.
Yep. They were a "social construct" apparently.
Guess he never looked in the mirror.

We might define things differently, but would the white race, if it can even be called the, exist without black DNA?

White light holds all the colors, thanks to black, so be happy for the black in you.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
I proved that the God of the Old Testament was a god of tribalism, possibly THE god of tribalism.

Of course. I do not know what made you think otherwise. Goof.

He is in fact a fascist bastard just like Christianity and Islam.

The question is, does his negative use of tribalism negate the positive side which, god of course, would want it to?


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
I am not asking this to be insulting, but am genuinely curious. Does referring to God as "a fascist bastard" make you feel powerful in some way? More intelligent? More ethical?

I imagine that it must make one feel very good indeed to believe that one is better than God, but I wouldn't know.

I have no particular feeling for doing my duty to the reader by telling the truth.

If it is a truth, it may hold power to those who like the truth.

Does it give you power to adore a genocidal and infanticidal god and support his homophobic and misogynous religion?

