Donald Trump's Announcement HERE: A 5-Million Dollar challenge to President Obama!


Junior Member
Donald Trump is a moron. He should also probably **** off. I doubt millions of people have contacted him. I don't really see how any of this has to do with Trump since he is not in government and is not even running against Obama.

Childish antics by a member of the 1%


Senior Member
Donald Trump is a moron. He should also probably **** off. I doubt millions of people have contacted him. I don't really see how any of this has to do with Trump since he is not in government and is not even running against Obama.

Childish antics by a member of the 1%

Well there is an enormous sector of the American population who disagree with you about this announcement, and are going to be very pleased with it. Obama has spent enormous amounts of money in legal fees to hide his past. He spouts transparency, but does not have it. I have done the homework on Barry Soetoro. In fact, no proof has been given that he ever legally changed his name to Barack Obama. That in itself would disqualify him from being able to hold the office as President. I'm very happy about this challenge.


Senior Member
It is truly pathetic that a President has to be bribed to produce these documents, but that's what it has come to. :rolleyes: Obama is a hypocrite for spouting 'transparency' and then spending millions to hide his background information. If he has nothing to hide, then he should produce the documents. Let us see what he comes up with, documents or an excuse.


Or better, sloppily done documents. There have been a LOT of crappy policies that passed by his desk. Null and void if he turns out to be fake. Saves the next guy the trouble of having to pass new legislation or just dealing with it.

I honestly hope it turns out he was a liar. Not out of bitterness or hatred but because our country needs a wakeup call.


Time Travel Professor
Obama won't release any of his personal history, because no one would vote for him if he did release the information.


Temporal Engineer
I like this outcome. No one will vote for Obama if he does release his info. And no one will vote for him if he doesn't. And of course everything you know about Romney came from Obama. All slanderous lies.


Senior Member
Donald Trump Tells Forbes Why He's Offering $5 Million For Obama's Records

It sounds like the plot of a B movie Bond rip-off. On Wednesday at noon, Donald Trump posted a YouTube video making President Obama an offer he can’t refuse, to use a cliche not far removed from the real estate mogul’s own words.

The billionaire birther has given the President a week to produce his college records and passport applications in return for a $5 million donation to the charity of Obama’s choice. Trump has long claimed the American public knows little of the President’s background and says this move will put the issue to rest.

Forbes called The Donald a few minutes after his announcement, which caused a predictable collective eye-roll among media types on Twitter. Trump denied his Obama ultimatum is in any way self-serving, nor intended to generate publicity for himself or the upcoming season of his NBC show Celebrity Apprentice.

“This should be seen as a positive for Obama,” Trump told us. “There’s a huge cloud hanging over this presidency. This could be solved in a positive and easy manner.”

Trump was less forthcoming when asked why he didn’t take the traditional route of the super-rich and donate his $5 million to one of the many right-leaning super PACs propping up Mitt Romney’s election bid.

He hasn’t given any money to Romney-backing super PAC Restore Our Future. To date, 38 other billionaires have. He has, however, co-hosted and attended fundraisers for the GOP hopeful.

(A Trump Organization insider confirmed to Forbes that Trump, who is worth $3.1 billion, has indeed given money to conservative groups this election cycle, but that he’s chosen to give via tax-exempt nonprofits that don’t disclose donors.)

Trump has yet to hear from the White House, but hopes President Obama’s team responds in the affirmative. “I’ll be extremely happy to write this check,” he said. “Except you’ll have to knock $5 million off my net worth.”
