Emperor Obama Will “Go It Alone” With Executive Orders on Immigration — Millions of Legal...


Obama says he's doing this so families aren't split up...Okay, but they're splitting themselves up when they send their kids over...

EXACTLY!!! What kind of people abandon their children and then try to send them over in hoards on a bus!!!
I could never do that to my children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
I'm not sure about that third term theory, I mean, I could sadly see him attempting it but I would be extremely disappointed in our nation if we allowed him to actually pull it off...


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I'm not sure about that third term theory, I mean, I could sadly see him attempting it but I would be extremely disappointed in our nation if we allowed him to actually pull it off...
I've heard quite a lot about it, I hope like hell it doesn't happen...


So, no, I'm not finding it to be the best solution considering I'm in debt now and can't do anything about it because I'm already in a medical related bankruptcy.

I'd just like to point out that I don't think the current system is the best one possible, by far. It's just better than the old, worse, system. The best system I know of would be to have something similar to the NHS, where simply paying taxes entitles you to healthcare that is free at the point of sale. The NHS covers most things, with the exception of non-re-constructive cosmetic surgery and dental care. (The latter of which is covered by low-income benefits) The major downside is that queues tend to be somewhat longer. However, I'd take longer queues over no healthcare at all any day. Also, if you're wealthy enough to afford insurance in the US, then you'd be wealthy enough to get private healthcare under an NHS-like system, which doesn't have queues, so it's win-win.

It's worth noting that Obama actually announced that this was his end goal for healthcare back in 2009. I can't see that happening while he's in power, but as long as the next president isn't a Republican, it might happen within the decade. (Otherwise, expect it to take another century) He's done some pretty shady things, but I really can't fault Obama for championing universal healthcare. He's the lesser of two evils, as it were.

Edit: Also, to head off a particular argument people usually make, the UK's per-capita costs for healthcare are far, far lower than the US. The US has some of the highest per-capita costs for healthcare in the world, despite a huge chunk of the population not even being covered.
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