Encountered a Gray Alien

Was the alien in question limp-wristed, speak with a lisp, and possessed of an unhealthy obsesssion with interior decorating?

Oh... wait... gray alien. Never mind.

I woke up around 2:30 AM this morning by these white flashes of light. At first, I thought it was lightning from a storm since these flashes were so sudden, but there were no storms in the early morning hours and it couldn't have been car headlights since my curtains were closed all the way (these were very sudden flashes). What I saw was a gray alien who stood at 4 feet tall (estimated). My room is very dark at night, so I could only see its face (alarm clock's light) and not the rest of it. I tried communicating with it, but somehow couldn't and just went back to sleep. I was able to move, but I felt weak. About 5 minutes later, I saw a few flashes of white light, looked again, and the gray alien was gone!

This is the first time I've ever came in contact with a gray alien and the extraterrestrial alone!
the flashes of white light ive had that to but no aliens yet but this morning i herd a clear voice call my name out
G`day cobber, welcome back to your Paranormalis family :D..
Have you been exercising your excellent engineering skills recently? :)..

I fear that our member Yoshizerba might already have been abducted, he hasn`t been seen on Paranormalis since February 24th this year :eek: :D..
About Grays or Greys...

I just learned that their features are what public says it is...I thought the same including in Close Enters of third kind and Star Gate.

But actually they look like us as in the case of Roswell Incident...that is amazing as to what Public does...
