Fear of aliens


Senior Member
Oh by the way, on being invisible I have been going to Mayhem's place and I have plans to install a magic robot in his underwear and then park this robot next to his bed. The robot will absorb what Mayhem is, replacing him. The new name we've picked for him, is Rem Topington.
Glad you liked it


Senior Member
Hi guys so every since I can remember I have a fear of aliens :( i have to sleep with a night light on because of this fear of them . You guys can laugh at my fear by the way .
All kidding aside, I don't know? Having prominent ET myself, which makes this topic a socio-ethnic issue for me., no I don't know every single type of alien out there. Even the Pleiadeans which are supposed to be my best buddies, kind of lied, during the Billy Meier landings and tried to run a confidence scam with the Grays.

This is more than likely why Pleiadean Cosmonaut Semjase, said Sem-ya-zee got paranoid when Billy's friend Jacobus knocked in Billy's study room sliding door, making Semjase panic, supposedly rising too fast, tripping on a chair.This action making her fall and striking her head on the stone foyer mantel floor. This accident resulted in her causality, causing supposedly a big social mess with their version of intent of the said Pleiadean landings.

Thing to remember, since there was also a Colonel Wendelle Stevens said burnt out multi-thousand dollar loss of a Mirage fighters Feranti missile lock on system, that maybe crime does not pay. This was a non-signed in, as per area of Earth, district landing?

On my side of the fence, the Pleiadeans landing at Switzerland affected a twins link between Semjase and myself and they didn't even have the honesty to come out and explain just why they pulled this sh*t.

I suffered a change in my physiology, which one change is I abruptly stopped being able to eat cheese, due to molarity of substance issues in the bloodstream. This genetics parody issue simplified, says in part I was becoming like her. And these fu*kers don't even have the gumpshun to say their sorry.

There's other people that have been stove fingered by ET antics. All I can suggest with a possible ET landing coming up this year, as predicted by Nostradamus and Babba Vanga's predictions, is everyone gets their ducks in a row on both complaint and asking issues, if that should be pertinent to personal interest?

This is an issue that has effected many of us, but point yer fingers for blame, "that-a-way" and not at me. This asking cos I'm just related to them, but I don't use their bathrooms or share a hairbrush. My sympaticos and concerns to all affected in not nice ways by ETs But hey' it's a racket that does not involve Collie Lassie, the wonder dog. Sincerely' Lamdo 263.

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Senior Member
Hi guys so every since I can remember I have a fear of aliens :( i have to sleep with a night light on because of this fear of them . You guys can laugh at my fear by the way .
Linearity issue demanded for social floating. Yes, I have visited Sandusky Ohio. Did this during my earlier years and had a bang-up time going there. A lot of cheese sales places. and anyone can purchase all kinds to suit their taste. Lake Erie's there, plenty of places to stay.

There's also Put_in Bay and the E.O G. Lonz Winery, that you could fly to on a vintaged Tri-motor Ford passenger airplane. I didn't want to say all I did and ruin things for people who CAN eat cheese. You know on this Pleiadean issue, sometimes I just feel like crying. Keep a stiff upper lip, but for Christ's sakes remember to have some fun in your life. Earthlings and there's some great ones are well liked and talented can beat the bad ET issue.

Thank your lucky stars for that and as the Pennsylvania Dutch say, "Get to know what good is".



I am sure any race outside that of earth will also recognize that life is an exception not a rule. Our technology allow us to see far and we haven't seen anyone looking back at us from "outside" earth's orbit. Is it possible for them to create other tech that can observe us? Yes... Fact is we can as well but our ideas once conceived must be nurtured into life. This is true for all things within our boundaries and outside of it.

A dog will not build a satellite as but one example. Life can exist in many forms but willful thinking and cognitive ability is limited to very few types of life. Our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters must recognize this and realize its importance otherwise they themselves cannot comprehend life and bestow upon it sacred value.

In short life will go out of its way to preserve life. We as humans do it, other animals do it for other animals in the wild. We all saw the videos we all know it is real. That the value of life is that live is valued.

So when our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters come to earth, they will be here to hurt us or condemn us. They will be careful and make sure that our resolve is one of peace towards them. As I said before humans are scary and we are to be feared.

Thus I concluded that "life" will always protect "life" and only dysfunctional reasoning will try to condemn it.

Thus I for one welcome our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters we welcome them if they are serious about peace... We warn them if they are serious about war. This should be the UN narrative and not the trash we see happening today.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the predictions about trump and Putin being assassinated were baseless and didn't happen so like Nostradamus to many predictions he made didn't happen and with Nostradamus it was after the dates have passed they put his quatrains together to match events that already happened thus giving him credit for nothing and if all seers and prophets were right they would and should be all predicting the same thing thus collaborating them yet they all vary so much like they just guessed it and are not worthy of these things

Paranormal Conviction

Junior Member
I can tell you first hand it never gets easier dealing with them lol Fear of them is perfectly rational as it isn't uncommon to fear the unknown, or fear the ability of beings who can take you whenever they want.

I personally had to sleep with a TV on at all times, the noise and light helped me not focus on the humming of the ship outside, luckily now i am only down to having to use a Fan as i have become addicted to the ambient noise in order to fall asleep.

Is there a reason for the fear of them? TV or Movies? Woke up to one standing at your bed? Dreams of them?

Our emotions intrigue them, specially fear as all humans react differently, if you start getting scared just think in your mind VERY LOUDLY, you're not allowed to take me and i demand you to leave!
Hello Blast

are you saying that you have HAD contact with them? If yes, does this contact continue to this day?


Senior Member
I'd be more worried about the interdimensional beings that use your happiness aura for food. Don't use floral patterned bedsheets, their geometric complexity attracts them with higher frequency.

Where did you get the info regarding interdimensional beings using human beings "happiness aura`s", for food, including the geometric complexity of floral patterned bedsheets attracting them?
