First ray gun - crowd control device


Time Travel Professor

First of all, I don't feel I am an expert on microwave. You've asked about the best protection from this type of weapon.

1. Do not find yourself in a position where the weapons would be used on you.

2. Stand behind a solid piece of metal: an automobile, large metal building, a mailbox the type that sits on street corners, so the energy can be deflected away from yourself.

3. Do not use tinfoil that could be one of the worst things you could do, you will get a double burn from the tinfoil. The energy will go through the
tinfoil and hit your body and burn you. Secondly the tinfoil will probably heat up and also burn you.

4. The biggest problem you do not know when the weapon will be fired and the energy can travel many many miles and last only 100th of a second.

5. When you see the truck coming with a big dish on it, at this point you'd better leave the area fast so you're not part of what could happen.


Senior Member
I can imagine this would only be used in Riot type situations, but just like any electronic i am sure it has a simple down fall such as water being on it or a EMP pulse or a zap of electricty"wich apparently a EMP is a item you can get lol" How you would manage to do any of this to it is beyond me but i imagine it wouldnt be easy and even if you could get close enough without suffering permanent injurys
