Freddie Gray So Far Not Connected to Freemasons, As Were Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin


Senior Member
But still i want the maker of that robot held accountable for the murder of the person who saved my life by killing someone else.

The maker of that robot needs to be held responsible. i mean it is eye for a eye. That person has no right to build a death machine than the person with a gun has the right to shoot someone.

Einstein there is no way around this, you cannot by any means or any forums kill someone for killing because it is a never ending cycle, there has to be ways to avoid it and there has to be situations where it isn't punishable by death, sorry but your theory holds no ground because it is a never ending murder cycle.


Senior Member
So here i am going to toss out the most far fetched idea i can think of.

So you are on your morning commute, nice beautiful day, sun is out, you see a bus of kids on their way to a field trip.

Suddenly traffic comes to a screeching halt, you hear screaming and crying and gun fire, up ahead is a man with a Rifle shooting and killing people, why? who knows he is psychotic! You then notice the bus full of kindergartners and this man is heading straight towards the bus, you see him reload and kill several other people on his way to this bus.

Now you being a law bidding god fearing true american with no history of violence at all have your rifle in the trunk because you went hunting to feed your family last weekend.

What do you do?

Do you pull out the rifle and take the guy out before he eliminates this bus of children?

Or do you say, Eh F'it i'm out and run off?

But now your variable comes into play Einstein, killing is punishable by death no questions asked.

Now what do you do? Do you set your self up for the chopping block and leave your wife a widow and your children father less by killing this person before he murders this bus full of kids?

Or do you let him do it and let him eventually at some point down the line deal with it?

Honestly and look deep down and ask your self, would you really let this bus full of kids die 20+ innocent children? If you had it in your power to stop this, would you? Or would you turn the other cheek?


Temporal Engineer
So what is your method for stopping people from killing? There has to be a deterrent that will work. We do know the death deterrent works. Eventually all those that have the MURDER gene will delete themselves from the gene pool.

I could still stop your murderer without killing him. A shot in the leg will stop him. Just how accurate would his aim be if he is now suffering intense pain from being shot?

The day is rapidly approaching where autonomous robots will apprehend criminals.


Senior Member
Einstein you didn't answer the question.

A shot to the leg could hit a artery and he could bleed out, now you're dead.
And who is to say he isn't on drugs? where he wouldn't even notice the shot to the leg.

But again you didn't answer.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
This is getting ridiculous and I feel I have to really hold back on what I'm about to say...

This issue is that Freddie Gray was KILLED UNLAWFULLY BY POLICE!! They denied him medical attention when he asked! For a whole hour! No one knows what went on in that police wagon but the police. But the fact is a young man is DEAD at the hands of those who are supposed to protect us.. Like I said, it's not the police's job to be the judge and jury. It's not their job to punish a criminal, no matter if the criminal is calling their mother a whore or anything.. He was in handcuffs, the danger was over. So what the hell happened in that hour to cause his spinal cord to be severed 80%??? And his voice box was smashed... You're telling me he deserved that? Why, because he had a rap sheet? Do you know why the police even stopped him? Because he was in a high traffic drug area and he made eye contact with the officer... Since when is that a crime? Do you know he wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the police wagon? Do you know in 2005 a Baltimore cop was charged because he didn't put a man in a seatbelt, then drove like a maniac and the man died of a broken spine from getting tossed around? Police do this stuff on purpose because they know they can get away with it... And look at these Baltimore police: "Suspended WITH PAY". Ohh, so they get a paid vacation for killing someone. How just.

It's not because of his screw-up parents, like BlastTyrant said.. Everyone has broken the law at one point, but not everyone gets caught. It's much easier to get caught in a town with police swarming, looking for drug dealers and anything suspicious... It's very heartless and inhumane to say "Just run them down with a tank". Yes, rioting and looting is not the answer, I agree with that.. But there's more ways to look at this situation than black and white. (No pun intended)


Senior Member
So answer me this then, why is it a issue with Freddie Gray? On Record more Whites are shot by the police than blacks? So why is Freddie gray the martyr? he is the Martyr because the Gov and media are using this as Race bait to separate the country and it is working perfectly.

You cannot hold all accountable for the miss doings of a few, How many cops are killed by people?? Why isn't that a statistic? Cause some little punk with a 2 mile rap sheet decided to run, this is now main stream all of a sudden?? yes he did not deserve to die, and yes the officers should be held accountable, by why does this make them all bad?

And no the police stopped him because he was a known and cops tend to come back to the people they know. Since he’s got significantly more arrests than convictions, again because he was a worthless criminal doesn't mean he had to die, but then again he put him self into that position by his life choices.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
So answer me this then, why is it a issue with Freddie Gray? On Record more Whites are shot by the police than blacks? So why is Freddie gray the martyr? he is the Martyr because the Gov and media are using this as Race bait to separate the country and it is working perfectly.

You cannot hold all accountable for the miss doings of a few, How many cops are killed by people?? Why isn't that a statistic? Cause some little punk with a 2 mile rap sheet decided to run, this is now main stream all of a sudden?? yes he did not deserve to die, and yes the officers should be held accountable, by why does this make them all bad?

And no the police stopped him because he was a known and cops tend to come back to the people they know. Since he’s got significantly more arrests than convictions, again because he was a worthless criminal doesn't mean he had to die, but then again he put him self into that position by his life choices.
He wasn't a worthless criminal. He was a human being. Like I said, we've all broken the law.. And yes, he's targeted by the police. They bother the one's they think are no good. That's wrong, though. And I actually made it very clear that not all police officers are bad. My grandfather was one when he was alive. But police know the risk when they join, they know they can get killed.. They're not all good people just because they're cops, though.. Freddie will be a martyr and that's a shame, but it is what it is.. The police keep screwing up..

You said you were in trouble when you were younger.. You live up north, I'm sure the cops are like freaking Andy Griffin.. If a cop had an attitude with you and yanked your arm would you have been so "respectful" to them?


Senior Member
And i agree he did not deserve to die, but he put him self into this situation by his own doing and his own life choices, he choose to ran, he choose to break the law enough that the police knew who he was, this was his life choice and this is where it got him, he is not fully innocent in this.

And i agree the cop needs to be dealt with and punished for it.

But it doesn't change the fact he put him self in the situation.

And yes i was in trouble when i was younger, and no the cops here are by no means like Andy Griffin Champlin, MN was the country leader in tickets for several years. And if i put my self into the situation to be thrown into a squad car, then no i would not resist, sure i may cuss em out but i wont resist because then i am asking to get my ass kicked, i am not stupid. and lets be real here 9/10 if you treat the officer with respect you'll get it back, i have gotten out of several tickets by being polite, yes sir, yes ma'am, and not lie or be a dumbshit and run


The problem isn't as simple as racism, killing, the police force, or even criminals, the problem is the overall slipping of the human condition. Collectively, we lack morals and sound judgement due to a lack of proper upbringing, education, and mistreatment of mental conditions, and that's really about it it in my opinion. I think we can argue about the causes forever, but the recurrence of these types of things every day points to a larger problem.


Temporal Engineer
Einstein you didn't answer the question.

A shot to the leg could hit a artery and he could bleed out, now you're dead.
And who is to say he isn't on drugs? where he wouldn't even notice the shot to the leg.

But again you didn't answer.

You don't have the morality that I do. You want to justify murder. But apparently you have the cops on your side. They feel justified in committing murder. The gauntlet has been thrown. So now I am sucked into your justifiable murder war. If that day does arrive, I will not hesitate to kill every murderer I can aim my gun at. It will be war. So all murder is justified. Is that the world you are rooting for? Where everyone joins in to kill? Because it sure does look like the provocation is there.

If that is the world you want, go for it.
