Freedom from Reptilian Mind Control


Active Member
To put it shortly without going to too much details:

Certainly it cannot be tinnitus. I've just contacted a being earlier from a certain organization who originally came to me because I have requested to quit the Earth Directive (read Tom. T Moore's The Gentle Way and you'll get the point) and much worse... outcomes, if you will. Which makes me wonder if my real guardian angels have known all along about my MBOs or no.

I've become a shell of my own self. What is worth living without half or your whole soul? He took my subconscious. I've becomes like a robot.

And when the 'heavenly' court arrived for my trial, I'm afraid it's too late. Except I do believe help is here and more help is to come.. And it turns out my life force is leaking out. I'm litterally dying. I found out through the same being that I used to hurt so many people and that I used to be a German monarch who killed a lot of people (billions?). I know this is my karma yet the lost of control of my other half is too much to pay for the karma of the past as I have only killed people from their physical life and never their souls. As I type this, there is no denying that I cannot feel. And because my mind has been broken, I cannot think, feel, imagine etc. right and the inner voices of ky mind is so tiny. It may also have to do with my life force leaking out. My subconscious has all my imaginations, creativity, emotions etc. I am merely a conscious of my self. And yet I cannot fathom my life force leaking out as a bad thing. I understand that it is bad news yet like a robot, I cannot 'assess' this with any association of emotion whatsoever. It is as if I can acknowledge it for what it is like the awareness that I am.

It was as if I have gone through complete dettachment that serves no benefit of my best interests.
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Active Member
Please say this out loud, whisper or by writing down: I ask any and all benevolent beings that Jill may be guided and assisted as she servers energy cords not in her best interests, and as she rid herself of any and all attachments from malevolent entity or entities not in her best interests and aa she rid herself of all energies not in her best interests. Let this be more than we can imagine or expect, in love's name I thank you.

Please everyone. I need all your support. I hear my other poor half fighting this being she doesn't deserved to be in a relationship wirh for all the right reasons. No matter your belief, at least say this prayer for me. A simple prayer can go far. Thank you.


Active Member
Ok so I found out that the entity isn't really a reptilian. It's a malevolent entity that was pretending to be a reptilian and I have no idea why. All of the things that has happened were actually staged by the malevolent entity. There was no divine court or whatever BS that I said before. It only stopped when I started listening to 'Develop an Energy Shield' subliminal for 2 weeks.

Also I'm back everyone after a long time of absence.


Senior Member
Someone has told me a lil of you. id like to here more of you now.

May the road rise up
to meet you
May the wind be be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rains fall softly
upon your fields
and until we meet again
May GOD hold you
in the palm of his hand.

My many doors are always open my friend:)
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
I'll recommend everyone to read this person's post first before reading mine because it's too long to copy-paste it:
Freedom from Reptilian Mind Control

I never thought I'd go back to this conspiracy. Ever since THEY happened, I really try not to go back to any kinds of conspiracies. Now I'm back again to help myself or perhaps... save myself. No one's gonna help you if you don't help yourself after all...

To put it simply, I found out that there are these... things(?) spying at my mind when I was at my lowest years ago... Hmm when I was 13 yrs old and then that's when everything went to Hell. Now I know they've (I really hate reptilians so let call them 'they') been planning things for a very very long time. Even when I was a kid when my curiosity was so awfully big and at the wrong subject (they were all about conspiracies and ETs, go figure). Or at least I have a sneaking suspicion that doesn't seem to be far off from just being my mere assumption/s. (As I write this, I am thinking that I probably sound like a lunatic). I used to be a very negative person and I think that they used that to their advantage even before I was aware of them and now I really regret being negative. Being 13 is a hectic phase as well. I believe I was also abducted at 13 yrs. old and until now I can see scar marks in my hands and I think there is some in my feet as well. My hands and feet used to be sore a lot for some reason and I thought back then that it was just me. They've used my beliefs and I found out recently.... Now I know the truth and Carl Miller I'm still so very sorry for what I've said to you in the past.

There's this very loud frequencies that changes depending on what I think, my mood, my actions etc and I used to think that it must be benevolent ETs helping me as I talked to one of the paranormalis members here in the past who claims to be helped by benevolent ETs by hearing frequencies in her walls and I believed her. Not anymore. Until now they're still doing it. I don't know if I'm becoming worse and I don't know if I'm improving even just by a little everyday or if I'm regressing and progressing and back again. I think my health is at risk also. My mind especially. It got to the point were that tiny voice in my head is so small and low that I can hardly hear it and my I'm sttuterring in my speech and sometimes forgetting what I was talking about in the middle of my speech or my train of thought. The mystery frequencies are probably playing a role in it as well. I'm sure that it's not cell phone towers, TVs etc emitting the frequencies either. I know what those sound like and these unknown frequencies change on what I think, feel, behave etc. from what I notice.

I haven't had proper sleep the past few months. (I hate these dark circles) and I fear sleeping because of what I dream. I know my subconscious is being influenced the most because during my sleep (or attempting to), my mind easily goes blank so I guess I go to this certain mental state wherein I can hear voices. I assure you my sane mind is still intact so please let me explain in a way that I can explain from my lack of knowledge (although I'm pretty sure you can achieve the same thing through meditation. Was it the Alpha or Delta state? It is also another useful tool to use to communicate telepathically through the otherworld). I got wacked so much so that I can't even sleep if I so much as have a last song syndrome stuck in my head. I kid you not. I was able to stay awake for 3 straight days (and nights) and the only tiredness I felt was my eyelids dooping every now and then. I am very sensitive at this point so I have to be extremely silent to fall asleep. I can have a few minutes of sleep. An hour. Lesser maybe? I don't know. I don't want to make it a habit to look at the clock.

I'm afraid and have to be constantly vigilant when dreaming because that is when they tap into my mind (not that they already did) and make dreams that I know is morally wrong. I can't even imagine for very long anymore! How is that possible when I used to be overimaginative? My head was literally always on the clouds and I never had that much attention lasting long enough to listen in class. They've also made me numb. Worser than depresses numbness. It's hard for me to feel emotions. My emotions usually come in a like a tide from within me.

My dreams can be vaguely suggestive or blatantly suggestive or something else. And when I mean suggestive, I mean that it's sexual inuendos. I see myself dancing under a tree with a banner tied on it saying, 'human collectible', I see myself writing notes in class listening to the teacher lecture something before a penis vaguely comes into view, I see myself teasing my classmates like it's "playful banter" and everyone would just laugh when I tease a particular person. Another one who chose to look like one of my classmates (just a bit differently) would say things about how I shouldn't trust men. Men this. Men that. I've never been sexist before. Idk why they insist I should. Sometimes I have these mental image my classmates or people I've met before (but slightly different) and they have disfigured faces. I know that dreams are all in the head, symbolic, a realm to the unknown etc. but I'm not and never will be a perverted person and my dreams aren't like this before. I am sure as the sun blazing in the sky. These dreams aren't normal.

The most scary thing is this certain voice whom my subconscious refers to as 'master' and no other names. Sometimes when I am at a relaxed state of mind and my mind has turned blank (even when I'm still awake and not sleeping or somewhere in between), I hear my own voice (my subconscious) talk to this certain being (the 'master') and many times I would hear him reply. The most disturbing of all was how 'I' talk to 'him' (I'm very sure it's a male) like we are friends. Confidants. Family. I don't know.. It's something that is deceptively friendly. Sometimes I sleep only to shift to consciousness and I catch 'him' telling my subconscious things over and over like how I trust him and I love him.............. And when I say, 'no!' (fully awake at that point) I am engulfed in this awful energy. I don't know how to explain it. It comes like a tidal wave and it is NOT a benevolent kind if energy. Sometimes 'he' uses it to force me to sleep. At worst 'he'll' send me this horrifyingly loud and dull frequency when I am having a sleep paralysis and I am off to stuttering and having mental-related problems again. Sometimes I would go paranoid at the effect of it. I am usually very very sleepy during sleep paralysis so it is hard to shake my body off so I'd be rid of it and that damning frequencies.

A few things that I remember and the few things that I want to mention is that one time when I had a wound on my wrist. When I went off to attempt to sleep, 'my' voice suddenly said to 'him' in a childish voice (one that sounds like innocence and naivete), "I have a wound on my left wrist!" and I heard 'him' reply in a caring voice, "Oh! What happened?" I broke off the communication by waking up and saying something like, "Now that's when I'm cutting in!"

Another time was when I was being engulfed by their malevolent energies, in the flurry of it all I heard my subconscious say something that I couldn't catch and I heard 'him' reply, "I'm busy." Sometimes I say something that I didn't intend to say whenever 'he' forces me to obey to him. It was as if I had not control of my own inner voice.

I wish I never 'opened my eyes' at least not from their existence and maybe I wouldn't have been experiencing these kinds of things. 'He' doesn't want me to hurt or kill myself either. I can hear 'his' voice even when I am not in a relaxed state. It would usually be, "No!" and "Stop!" or "Listen to me!"

I would entertain questions and elaborate some as much as I can understand and know from my situation if I am asked. There are some things that I have left out too as they could be redundant and partly because I have shared it a lot of times in comments in some threads that I had derailed (again, sorry for that).
without reading it all lets see the part of the humen brain the pinal gland said to of hold many secrets if its what they use to controll us then all those who have lots of calcification of that penal gland maybe lucky cause it maybe stops them from controlling us then maybe the flouride in our water which was said to also calcify the penal gland would also make it inoperable so they cant controll all of us because our pinal gland are to calcified otherwise we would of been taken over long time ago if you think they can controll all of us then through what in the humen brain can they do it the only suspect is the penal gland and when you read all about the toxins in our water and food and how its said to calcify the penal gland then maybe they are trying to stop us from being controlled by clogging up the part they can cotroll us through by calcifications of the main part of our brain that gives them controll over us i wouldent blame it on the alien blood many are said to of have it may very well be just the most tiniest unsuspecting pineal gland they use to control our brains if they do . through
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