Forum Game Fun Stuff, whatever it is!


Senior Member

ABOVE: This is pretty funny! I just saw it on the news. Gotta love these two guys!

Morgan Freeman dozes off during a TV interview. Seattle TV KCPQ

ABOVE: This one is pretty gross! :eek:


Senior Member
ABOVE: This one is pretty gross! :eek:
I saw this today on the news... but no worry as I always go pick up my pizza. I like to get out of the house and it takes too long to wait for delivery. I would rather spend the time driving than waiting for the cold pizza to be delivered. I have heard of two very gross things that pizza delivery people do to your pizza due to your record of low tipping. I will let you all figure our what gross things they do but a doesn't improve the flavor of your pizza.


Senior Member
This really cracked me up! :ROFLMAO:

Kraft came out with a very sexy ad with a...Oops, naked ;) (but covered) guy! (Photo not shown here.)

One group of prudish women are up in arms about it...but not everyone is complaining.

The part that made me LOL are the comments left on the article! See some of them at the bottom of this Post. :ROFLMAO:

Zesty Italian Dressing.jpg

Do you like your salad with a side of beefcake?

Kraft thinks you do. Its latest print ad campaign for Zesty Italian Dressing features a muscular man lying naked on a picnic cloth arranged strategically over his body. The tagline reads, “Silverware optional—Let’s get Zesty.” Since April, the brand has embraced a new approach to selling salad dressing, relying on the talents of bare-chested spokesperson with a knack for turning cooking demos into seductive innuendo.

A Kraft spokesperson told Yahoo! Shine, “We wanted to recognize our consumers as more than just moms, but also as women and give her a campaign that has her view Kraft salad dressings in a whole new way."

A nonprofit group, the faith-based organization One Million Moms (the same group behind a failed boycott of JCPenney and its openly gay spokeswoman Ellen DeGeneres), doesn’t exactly approve. This week, the group launched an online tirade against Kraft's campaign, calling it “the most disgusting ad we have ever seen Kraft produce” and asking consumers to urge the company to discontinue their campaign. (CONTINUED)



I'm a senior female and I like the add. The One Million Moms group area bunch of ignorant, humorless old biddies.

Yummy - I am now very hungry but not for Kraft :)

I love it!!! even my 82 year old Mom enjoys these commercials, refreshing for a change instead of friggin women all the time! Of course I also have a thing for the Mayhem Guy from Allstate :p

kraft dressing sucks but this guy is worth devouring until your gag reflex is no more.....women have been used and exploited in ads for men for years, why cant women get some eye candy???

If that was Kate Upton laying there in a teeny bikini, the men would be going nuts for the ad. Double standard. I'm going to buy whatever this guy is advertising. He is definitely food for thought.

Women need more sexy men like this. :)

Why would they say this is disgusting? It's f*cking hot. If it was a girl, they'd never say disgusting. Oh right.. only women can be objectified.... screw that. More hot guys please.

Good work, Kraft! Guess what "moms" (the ones protesting). We aren't all moms. Not all moms are counter to the occasional sexy ad to brighten their day. This doesn't hurt your kids any more than the dozens of ads with scantily (if at all) clad women that your kids see on tv, magazine covers, book covers, billboards, posters, etc. Drop the double standards and lighten up.

...these prudes again. I'm so sick of this One Million Moms group!... By the way, their actual membership base is nowhere near a million. So, really it should be called A Few Thousand Broads with No Sense of Humor and Nothing Better to Do.

Oh get over it. They use half naked to three quarter naked (even pushing into the zone of naked) women to advertise just about anything. Besides it's "Italian" dressing. Live a little people and stop being so uptight. Don't watch it if you don't like it.

Now that is a picnic I would enjoy!!!

I'm a mom and I like the sexy Kraft man!

I enjoyed the ad. Very rarely do women get some eye candy in ads!

they've been marketing with scantily clad women for ages, turn about is fair play

forget the dressing can i buy him?!
