George Floyd represents US all

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Active Member
George Floyd represents US all.

I intentionally did not use past tense because in OUR world connections like the one George Floyd created can reach beyond dimensions, beyond anything. George Floyd is and will always be with us.
Our duty now is to look beyond the limits that some are trying to impose to us, whether TV, newspapers or whatever.
So, this is certainly not only about those four murderers – it is about the whole apparatus behind all those atrocities … and it is not only about Minneapolis – it is about everywhere. Those responsible must know (and I think they already figured it out) that WE are everywhere. Them and those on their side are a handful – WE are billions. Awakening has begun everywhere and it is unstoppable. Those responsible will try to hide, to escape. Furthermore, they will try to compensate, by all costs to regain the power that they are losing little by little and so WE should be aware that they could strike at any time, using any draconian methods, whether subtle or in plain sight. WE should act wisely and spare useless efforts, concentrate on distinguishing and identifying those who are the real ones responsible, stick together and not allow any harm to be done to any of US.
George Floyd represents various animal species and other species that are being poisoned and murdered by some of your species including the deep state.. what you see now pales in comparison to what happens if the soup is not detoxified (there are many species with many George floyds)

even though you barely leave your home it wont skip you personally either.. it will take huge toll

having Antifa labeled as terrorists is only the start.. YH when actually gives punishments (doesn't do it a lot).. gives it hands on punishments.... to the core.. your hate towards whites and animals will not go unpunished you can be sure of that.. you already see what happened since the holy month of... NOVEMBER.. (November is very important month.. 2016.. 2019.. etc etc)

in a war between Israel united states aka the sane west against the fake jews.. the wacky extremist fanatik islam.. the deep state.. the dog earing Chinese regime (that is the de.ep state international headquarters where manufacturing takes place).. and the Iranian terrorist regime.. there is one winner and it is not your side unfortunately for you..

the winner will always be the sons of George Washington

but you will all suffer at the same time UNTIL the soup is cleaned.. you wont be able to even start a war until improvement is seen since you are going to get hit again and again and again.. whites included as you can clearly see with many whites that were also part of the toxic mess you created

detoxification of the soup a must for any improvement in the long run.. every effort should be made by each and every one on your earth to clean it.. as I said crawling will come too..


To all those who keep the George Floyd symbol in their hearts:
WE are everywhere, there is literally no spot in OUR world where the oppressors won't stumble upon us, so just stay strong - you can count on us.

To the oppressors:
WE are prepared for anything ... WE always were

All four cops who were involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired and now hopefully face jail time...Personally I know of no US cop yet, to have been charged with First Degree Murder on anybody, White or Black, although presently there is a case going on where a cop who was charged with Second degree murder, now faces a re-trial for First Degree Murder...

The video below is graphic and might be upsetting to some Paranormalis members..
If you cannot see it in your own country, please type into You Tube, "Minneapolis Releases Names of 4 Fired Police Officers"

I’ve seen this video. But thanks for posting it – there are many out there who maybe didn’t see much, especially those living in far corners of the world.
Most of the cops and not only in the U.S. but literally everywhere, are really bad guys, evil people … I think that more than half of them. Here where I live, a young man was shot in the back almost two months ago because he went out of his apartment later than 22:00 – shot by cops by emptying their guns bullet chamber, inside the building on the stairs. and countless others were beaten the crap out of them and hospitalized.
There are some videos much more graphic on this subject. In fact, I think this is part of the plan elaborated by those who try to oppress us, to enslave us, all over the world – to order the cops (and others parts of the whole apparatus) to take such abominable actions to the level where the recordings of their atrocities are too graphic to be shown and so to prevent them getting online, on TV, newspapers or whatever.
What the oppressors are doing right now, is horrifying indeed, but I think they will not stop here because they already know there is no way out for them and they’re getting more desperate by the minute. Things will certainly escalate, all over the world, little by little but pretty fast though. WE need to make sure that none of us will be hurt, we need to make sure that OUR actions will indeed protect US and target only them. Depending on local circumstances, people must adapt their actions in such manner that the apparatus can do no harm to them. If some get arrested for bringing damage to some stores for example, they will not be able to join US when WE need them most, as they can not do that from jail or from the arrest chamber they are locked in. None of US must give the oppressors even the slightest opportunity to rip US apart, WE need to stick together right now, as strongly as possible, as many as possible, as wisely as possible and in the end WE will prove that George Floyd did not pass away in vane – WE owe him this.

April 2020:

Eyewitness (neighbor) footage: Young man shot in the back by cops (bullet chamber emptied) on the stairs outside his apartment, blood completely drained until ambulance arrival (only crime scene in the footage next morning), bullet marks today still in the stairway walls, neighbors threatened to be put in jail if they talk anything to anybody. Part of the incident was captured on surveillance camera, but that was confiscated by the police and probably destroyed, because nothing was released so far, neither on TV nor online.

“Aggressed young man: Why are you kicking me?”
“Aggressor cop asshole: says nothing, only KICKS …”
The second man (the chased one) had a bad heart and died from a heart attack the next day at the hospital.

May 2018

“People: He is already down ... why do you keep kicking him?”
“Asshole cop, kicking: Put your hands behind your back! (victim was already dead)”
“Witness, seconds later: I saw and recorded the asshole who murdered him ...”

All those assholes got away with their murders, under the protection of the apparatus, but they (along with their protectors) will beg they would have been shot right then and there, because it will be much worse for them when PEOPLE will see that justice is done and this will be soon, very soon and very subtle.
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I’ve seen this video. But thanks for posting it – there are many out there who maybe didn’t see much, especially those living in far corners of the world.
Most of the cops and not only in the U.S. but literally everywhere, are really bad guys, evil people … I think that more than half of them. Here where I live, a young man was shot in the back almost two months ago because he went out of his apartment later than 22:00 – shot by cops by emptying their guns bullet chamber, inside the building on the stairs. and countless others were beaten the crap out of them and hospitalized.
There are some videos much more graphic on this subject. In fact, I think this is part of the plan elaborated by those who try to oppress us, to enslave us, all over the world – to order the cops (and others parts of the whole apparatus) to take such abominable actions to the level where the recordings of their atrocities are too graphic to be shown and so to prevent them getting online, on TV, newspapers or whatever.
What the oppressors are doing right now, is horrifying indeed, but I think they will not stop here because they already know there is no way out for them and they’re getting more desperate by the minute. Things will certainly escalate, all over the world, little by little but pretty fast though. WE need to make sure that none of us will be hurt, we need to make sure that OUR actions will indeed protect US and target only them. Depending on local circumstances, people must adapt their actions in such manner that the apparatus can do no harm to them. If some get arrested for bringing damage to some stores for example, they will not be able to join US when WE need them most, as they can not do that from jail or from the arrest chamber they are locked in. None of US must give the oppressors even the slightest opportunity to rip US apart, WE need to stick together right now, as strongly as possible, as many as possible, as wisely as possible and in the end WE will prove that George Floyd did not pass away in vane – WE owe him this.

April 2020:

Eyewitness (neighbor) footage: Young man shot in the back by cops (bullet chamber emptied) on the stairs outside his apartment, blood completely drained until ambulance arrival (only crime scene in the footage next morning), bullet marks today still in the stairway walls, neighbors threatened to be put in jail if they talk anything to anybody.

“Aggressed young man: Why are you kicking me?”
“Aggressor cop asshole: says nothing, only KICKS …”
The second man (the chased one) had a bad heart and died from a heart attack the next day at the hospital.

May 2018

“People: He is already down ... why do you keep kicking him?”
“Asshole cop, kicking: Put your hands behind your back! (victim was already dead)”
“Witness, seconds later: I saw and recorded the asshole who murdered him ...”

All those assholes got away with their murders, under the protection of the apparatus, but they (along with their protectors) will beg they would have been shot right then and there, because it will be much worse for them when PEOPLE will see that justice is done and this will be soon, very soon and very subtle.
Lets wait and see what happens before jumping to any conclusions...The 4 cops surrounding this matter have all been fired, and thats the start of proceedings….Personally iam hoping for First Degree Murder on all 4 of the cops, 2 of them have allegedly already killed people..
I think they will be charged for FDM indeed … this has gone too far, it is something that is not to be easily overseen … and what is enough is enough.
I think they will be charged for FDM indeed … this has gone too far, it is something that is not to be easily overseen … and what is enough is enough.

If you look at HDRKIDs link, you will see that murderous cop has been charged with Third degree Murder and Manslaughter, what jail time does that cover in the US, 5 to 7 years, and a reduced sentence to 3 years for being a good boy in jail?? :mad:..
I’ll check on it.
5 to 7 (maybe 3) … that is nothing indeed, considering a life was taken and it seems to be applied only to cops or former cops (outrageous indeed), because I’ve seen lots of regular people (other jobs than cops) taking life or death sentence for that.
