George Floyd represents US all

I was thinking about minorities and there is an interesting picture here – it seems they feel about themselves as being some sort of “resistance” only if they feel threatened, if they feel oppression, discrimination and/or injustice. They have the tendency to slip towards bad behavior only if they have a reason to, otherwise they simply enjoy some plus of so to say “privilege” given to them by the society just BECAUSE they are a minority (social, political, religious, or whatever) … then I thought of majorities and something very interesting popped out – they seem to do the exact same thing, they feel uneasy, even angry, when threatened. So, the recipe for having everything nice and smooth in a society seems to be somehow simple, at least at first sight – rulers and those in charge of that specific society (country/nation/population), please manage it so that all participants and members to be satisfied by the life they have, or at least do not create additional problems to them (be it majority or minority).
Since after 2nd WW, Germany tries to avoid any pointing fingers, so they do everything they can to make life nice and good for all the people living there … no wonder the criminality is low in Germany. The sad thing is that they managed to push all those negative aspects out of their own country … and where ?!?! – to the less fortunate (less powerful) EU members. So now, they can easily find an excuse and say “the problem is not here, it is in Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Moldova, etc.”
The U.K. did not want to be part of this masquerade anymore and so they got out of it, which was a perfect moral example, for which reason I sincerely congratulate them. If other members won’t do the same, it is only because those put in charge there, do not want to, they desperately hold on to their own advantages provided by the whole system, advantages that were given, not gained.

There is also a study of the adolescents in the 9th grade in Germany. Africans seem to be the most discriminated group. Africans means Black. But I think children of Black soldier of the US are counted for North America= Nordamerika.

Light blue if there were insulted, I think at least once in the life.
Dark blue if there were beaten.
and grey if their house was damaged.


To the German economy: Germany put 2 trillion euros into the East part of it. German reunification - Wikipedia. And their economy is still not that good as the West. Although their education (PISA) seem to be better than the West. So their advantage was that they were always part of the West. In my opinion, that is the reason why East Europe is lagging more behind economically.

I agree with you on the social issue. There has to be a worldwide social compensation. Not only the rich countries should pay more, especially the billionaires should pay a worldwide tax (maybe 60% or more of their income). So that there are no tax haven anymore and the tax is equal everywhere for rich people. Also the rich companies should pay more money for the poor countries. So that everybody has enough to eat, drink, a place to live, internet, education and a job offer. But that will probably not happen, because the countries are too much in a competitive situation and too egoistical.

You are welcome to read the FBI uniform crime report that is published every year.

You can also link it and quote, what you mean.
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Oh, … sorry for the delay – when previously looking at this^, it had a completely different content.
I see you finally realized that since you are stuck here anyway, you have no choice but to adapt to OUR world … and you also started try learning – that is good for you. You’ll catch on and get used to everything in no time, don’t worry.
Now that you tested yourself the editing feature here (and saw for yourself that WE don’t lie when WE say this is the way it works), I’ll do you the favor of replying and close any further editing – you made some progress (congratulations) and you deserve it.
The (future) signature is gone (which is good, especially for you), yet the soup thing remained … you’ll have to work on that a little more, but you’ll finally manage to handle things.
You also got rid of the slime you were forced into and you are starting to refine your tastes, your thoughts and yourself. Adapting is pretty harsh, but you’ll do just fine in the end, you’ll see.

you are a nut case... whatever you wrote.. nut case but as you can see... the karma is not going anywhere.. only get worse.. and i can tell you in detail the next 12 months too but no I WANT YOU TO FEEL IT!
you are a nut case... whatever you wrote.. nut case but as you can see... the karma is not going anywhere.. only get worse.. and i can tell you in detail the next 12 months too but no I WANT YOU TO FEEL IT!
Yeah - that is what you said two months ago … and for all of US it is going better and better every day. If for you it got worse (I mean really bad), that only means you still have remnants and leftovers from the old slime you were forced into. Like I said – you’ll get used to everything you need to, just the same as you successfully got to assimilate some small details such as “Antarctica”. All this should be a good sign for you, just do not drop the guard and keep making the necessary adaptation efforts, they will pay off, you’ll see.
My opinion and a highly worth piece of advice for you, would be to continue with and put accent on the “your species” issue, also to stop considering yourself one of their kind, as you will never be able to get back there (which is the best for you, considering the punishment they would apply to you). Here where you ended your journey you won’t be hurt by anyone – WE don’t do that.
Yeah - that is what you said two months ago … and for all of US it is going better and better every day. If for you it got worse (I mean really bad), that only means you still have remnants and leftovers from the old slime you were forced into. Like I said – you’ll get used to everything you need to, just the same as you successfully got to assimilate some small details such as “Antarctica”. All this should be a good sign for you, just do not drop the guard and keep making the necessary adaptation efforts, they will pay off, you’ll see.
My opinion and a highly worth piece of advice for you, would be to continue with and put accent on the “your species” issue, also to stop considering yourself one of their kind, as you will never be able to get back there (which is the best for you, considering the punishment they would apply to you). Here where you ended your journey you won’t be hurt by anyone – WE don’t do that.

Well put (y):D..
If the black culture is a better way of life, why do we observe such nasty shit going on in their continent when left to their own accord?
The proof is in what we see and not in the things we wish to see! Highly advanced people achieve greatness, where as we do not see such levels of technology where a monolithic area of people exist in the dark continent.
I think that it is not actually a better way of life … maybe closer to nature, … maybe safer – but I think this does not necessarily make it “better”. I have nothing against people/populations/communities living the way they think it is best (suited) for them, as long as their deeds, actions and way of life do not harm others.
I think that it is not actually a better way of life … maybe closer to nature, … maybe safer – but I think this does not necessarily make it “better”. I have nothing against people/populations/communities living the way they think it is best (suited) for them, as long as their deeds, actions and way of life do not harm others.
And that is the problem as it has done great harm to others and continues to do so.9330
