German version of what happened to the Clinton Emails

I’m going to air my personal opinions about Hillary Clinton: This is one lady I hope never makes it to the White House, why? I cannot stand her screechy voice, it gives off the same vibes of a mother lecturing her kids over and over again or a wife that is always raising hell with her husband for the little things that he didn’t do right in her eyes. I guess what I’m really saying is the tone of her voice I can’t handle.
Found this after posting my post:

Why Do So Many People Hate the Sound of Hillary Clinton's Voice?

You hear a boring political speech. A linguist hears fascinating identity politics.

By Elspeth Reeve

May 1, 2015

You know Hillary Clinton’s voice, right? I mean, you know it. It’s just so loud and annoying. Or maybe it's like a nagging wife. Or inauthentic—that phony Southern accent! Those flat Midwestern vowels! Whatever it is, her voice is burned into your brain.

sounds like a jerk. Why? In part it's because women’s voices are scrutinized more. It's also because Clinton has been in the public eye for far longer. The conventional wisdom about Clinton's character has fully matured, but it's still forming for her potential Republican competitors, like a cicada grub nestled underground. Despite our collective sexist tendencies, the Republican candidates' voices will eventually get some attention.
