Giving up, Moving On

@tflofasho - Don't lose hope. You may just have to try a little harder with the Law of Attraction. Or, if you think your past is definitely worth fixing, you could try finding a time travel expert of some sort on your own. I would recommend aliens, but that's just my idea. You don't have to heed that. ;)

Believe you me; you have no clue how much I wish this were true and accessible.
Tflo I'm sending you love Hunni.
Everything you're feeling is okay.
Expressing you're feelings is good for you.
This site is amazing bc ppl actually care.
I know what it feels like to be taken advantage off and have them get away with it. Ppl can be an ass specially when they sense that you're genuine and naive. I am also naive. It felt good for me to realize that. When i experienced the above i decided not to let circumstances and negative life events define me. When some1 hurts you it usually takes a while. Try to look at yourself from a 2nd person perspective. Can you observe yourself and what happened to you in life and think of yourself as your best friend?
Tflo you're stronger than you think. The fact that you wrote us this thread means you really want to live and we want to be here for you. We want to walk beside you through this. You're not alone :)
@tflofasho - Don't lose hope. You may just have to try a little harder with the Law of Attraction. Or, if you think your past is definitely worth fixing, you could try finding a time travel expert of some sort on your own. I would recommend aliens, but that's just my idea. You don't have to heed that. ;)

Believe you me; you have no clue how much I wish this were true and accessible.
Still, continue to have faith, and don't give up.
So how does law of attraction dissolve cases without showing up so I can go to med school and study? I'm not going thru s good time and may end up put away
@tflofasho ...I see that you have many friends here at Paranormalis by the comments you have received. I can echo their 'don't give up' as many have expressed.
Life is like a rollercoaster having it's many ups and downs...but if you hang on it can be a fun ride. I always think of the good things in life like a Whopper w/cheese, fries, and a coke. There are always these small golden nuggets out there so collect all you can, one small nugget of life at a time until satisfaction has been met.
Like others have suggested...visualize success and it will come to you. I always see my completed construction projects before I build them, then I go over step by step the construction process in my head, and when it is finished it looks the same as I had visualized.
Take a chance...make changes to your life. Go to a different restaurant, go to another town for lunch...wander like a present day Kung Fu, which was a old TV show where the character went from town to town exploring possibilities thru the journey of life.
If you feel that you have made mistakes in the past...forget them and move on. We all have made mistakes, which act as sand paper shaping our character. Hey my Ex would throw some of the past at me...I responded, "Are you writting a history book, or something?"...with a smile, of course.
Let's look forward and to hell with the past!
@TnWatchdog - Yes, if mistakes you made in the past is all you want to change, it's just not worth changing them at all. Although wanting to change more important things for the betterment of the world is a completely different matter.
Put on a fighting stance. Get inspired to fight the odds and rise above difficulties. Just wake up one day and say "I can do this", then make concrete plans to solve problems.
Try this. Take a picture of yourself wearing a white coat like the one the doctors have. Pretend that you are a doctor.
Print a gradutarion diplom and write your name on it. You can write on the diplom that you're graduating the year 2022.
Trust me this will work!
I came to europe as an immigrant, had to learn a new language and was forced to repeat high school. I thought my dream of becoming a doctor will not come true, but I hung in there. I managed to get top grades in every subject and I got into Med School, just like I had envisioned.
What I have learned is that it is not matter of if it will manifest it's a matter of when.
LOA can work for or against you. Even the fact that my surgery went completly wrong was caused because of my fears, I feared it would go wrong and it did. I was watching alot of shows about medical mistakes and bad surgeries before my surgery and I believe that that attracted the outcome that I'm dealing with today.
So my advice to you is to not worry, have no fears and be postive and things will come your way. Good luck! :)
tflo I have been down that road you don't need to do something to prove it, we all have good day's and bad day's just start over. There is no reset but you can meet more people. I have mental issues as well. You could get help. Being a bionic man is tough enough with my pacemaker I cannot play sport's ever again you know how rough that is for me. Thing's don't always go as they are planned that you can always start a fresh future line. Not doing anything you regret.
