Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh


Junior Member
I guess people have wondered about why these gifts were given since they heard the tale of the Nativity

My question is what happens if you mix the 3 ingredients. Does the bible mention specific amounts of each in the story.

Unusually it seems that no-one has yet tried to do this, or at least google couldn't find any answers.

Do the 3 combine in some sort of mystical/spiritual way or am I just way off base here ?
Each of the 3 Kings were from different Kingdoms...The first King brought the most expensive item from his Kingdom, which was Gold...The second King brought Frankincense as that was the most expensive item in his Kingdom,and you can guess what the third King brought :D

Each of the 3 Kings were from different Kingdoms...The first King brought the most expensive item from his Kingdom, which was Gold...The second King brought Frankincense as that was the most expensive item in his Kingdom,and you can guess what the third King brought :D

I know the stories we are told and the conventional wisdom but your reply doesn't answer my query. I realise it might be nothing but wondered if anyone has tried to amalgamate the three in some shape or form.

Ok..the bible does not mention anything about mixing those three gifts together...Perhaps you are trying to make something out of nothing, but your queries were nevertheless very worthy of a posting..:)
I dont believe anyone has ever thought of some kind of mystical potion being created by combining those three items together, you certainly are thinking outside the box on this one... and it could be very possible..Well done! :)
I wouldn't try it unless you had a gas mask. Some weird deadly undiscovered chemical can kill you :eek:
I'd try it since I have a gas mask but I can't exactly get gold at my local stop n shop and then get some frankincense from walmart.
Edit: Caps lock was on, too lazy to change so yea
The Jews of the period believed that Messiah would hold three distinct offices - prophet, priest and king. Since Matthew's gospel was aimed primarily at a Jewish audience (he constantly references how Jesus fulfilled this or that Old Testament prophecy) he wanted to make it clear that Jesus held these three offices. Gold symbolizes kingship. Frankincense, the priesthood. And myrrh (a spice used in funeral preparations) is a symbol of the martyrdom of the prophets.
Also, there were probably not three wise men. This is often believed because there are three gifts mentioned. However, it was more likely that the number was more than that, since travelling in that region was not particularly safe except in large groups. (Come to think of it, it's not all that safe now, either.)
