Good Morning Paranormalis Folk

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Senior Member
No porn, eh?
Well, I'll just have to bring my artistic mug then.


It's a Masterpiece!


Hen House Cafe

Junior Member
Ok Friday freedom has arrived am I too late for coffee? If I give you my mug can you put something a bit stronger in it? View attachment 6044 Do you have an after hours lounge in the Cafe that serves us drifters on a Friday afternoon?
I don't know about that Shady Tree, I will check with Madam Hen b6c584cbfa504eaaa139f5bd3799aa93.jpg the owner of the Cafe when she gets back from out of town and see if that is a possibility.


Morning I have been an observer/robot I guess for a while. Seems like the place is coming back to life a bit so I decided to join up and open a morning Cafe and participate when I can. Starting this thread for Good Mornings and just other random material but no porn please. Bring your own mug.View attachment 6020

Mmmm coffeee...9:30am and I'm still in my PJ's because it's Saturday!

Buzy Bee

Junior Member
Morning I have been an observer/robot I guess for a while. Seems like the place is coming back to life a bit so I decided to join up and open a morning Cafe and participate when I can. Starting this thread for Good Mornings and just other random material but no porn please. Bring your own mug.View attachment 6020

Mmmm coffeee...9:30am and I'm still in my PJ's because it's Saturday!
I am still in PJs to, Saturdays are my lazy don't care don't have to be anywhere days.


Good morning Busy Bee. I guess it qualifies as morning for me - I've only been a couple hours and I'm on my first coffee. I'm an old member who became inactive, well actually I was banned - for years :). I check in now and then and silently bemoan the lack of participation. In times past you couldn't keep up with the activity here. It rocked - but it was also volatile. I have been reading around this morning and started feeling kind of comfortable. Welcome to the edge.

Buzy Bee

Junior Member
Good morning Busy Bee. I guess it qualifies as morning for me - I've only been a couple hours and I'm on my first coffee. I'm an old member who became inactive, well actually I was banned - for years :). I check in now and then and silently bemoan the lack of participation. In times past you couldn't keep up with the activity here. It rocked - but it was also volatile. I have been reading around this morning and started feeling kind of comfortable. Welcome to the edge.
Thank you for the welcome Snow, I have visited the site a few times in the past and did not know if it would be a good forum to join up but I have noticed that it is ok to join and there is nothing to be afraid of here. I tend to skip over topics I have no interest in and are complete turn offs. I like to laugh and have fun don't like having to be serious all the time and enjoy using my imaginations to their full potentials. I am sure in time I will venture out and become interested in other topics and talk to more people. I really like this thread because when you just want to be silly and be around people without all the drama, go to the Café lol. It is what made me more comfortable to try and participate. I really don't know much about the other topics but will learn the ones I show interest in and maybe one day will comment on other material.
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