Debate Hdr Debate


Senior Member
Harte will have a field day when he gets to the "ley lines" part.

I have to say this is a well written piece of fiction. You should contact the lady who wrote gibbs fiction.
However, it proves nothing. Evidence. Proof. Not anecdotes and pseudo science.

Sears Catalog in the 1900 ='s was filled with life saving placebo claims exactly like your above piece.

123, what evidence can you provide for a test that every one can see for them self. Evidence, test, proof....

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Harte will have a field day when he gets to the "ley lines" part.
I have to say this is a well written piece of fiction. You should contact the lady who wrote gibbs fiction.
However, it proves nothing. Evidence. Proof. Not anecdotes and pseudo science.
Sears Catalog in the 1900 ='s was filled with life saving placebo claims exactly like your above piece.
123, what evidence can you provide for a test that every one can see for them self. Evidence, test, proof....

I agree with you Lord. May be somethings can not be proven for the entire 6 Billion people, but that does not mean they are False. It can apply to anything for that matter. You or I can see a UFO on our way back home, take a photo or a Video as convincing as your breath. But you will not be able to "prove it". Since one can always fake photos and videos. So sometimes it is not so practical to get hung up on Evidence. Personal first hand experience can only be proven to yourself (of course assuming you are rational, not drunk or on drugs or hallucinating) and you'll find it hard to prove it to everyone. OBEs, Astral Projection, Yogic Siddhis, NDEs - they're all fiction if we go by the black & white theory. Sometimes it's not so simple to put things and nature's secrets in that scale. Of course what we don't want to believe - we never will even if it hit us in the face :) I'm not advocating that HDR works or doesn't work - because I have 0% experience with it ;)



Of course what we don't want to believe - we never will even if it hit us in the face :) I'm not advocating that HDR works or doesn't work - because I have 0% experience with it ;)

I heard that quite a few people came to try the HDR here and there and posted on the Internet that it didn't do anything and that they knew it would never work. From what I know, using the HDR involves much more than just plugging this baby in the wall and let it work on its own. It basically enhances abilities you already have, abilities like lucid dreaming, astral travel and the like, abilities that require you to believe in them.

If you don't believe in those things and expect the HDR to magically allow you to astral travel to 1851 on the first try, it's not going to work.

I may be wrong, but that's what I understand from those "It works" and "It doesn't work" stories.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I heard that quite a few people came to try the HDR here and there and posted on the Internet that it didn't do anything and that they knew it would never work. From what I know, using the HDR involves much more than just plugging this baby in the wall and let it work on its own. It basically enhances abilities you already have, abilities like lucid dreaming, astral travel and the like, abilities that require you to believe in them.

If you don't believe in those things and expect the HDR to magically allow you to astral travel to 1851 on the first try, it's not going to work.

I may be wrong, but that's what I understand from those "It works" and "It doesn't work" stories.
+1 as I've read the same. Steven Gibbs also said that it's not a magic wand so don't expect to flip the switch and end up in 1921.


Senior Member
So, Lets take it to the next level. It's not the placebo doing it, is it. It never has been. It's the person doing what they came here with. Not $12.85 worth of rheostats, diodes, twisted wire so it can be called a caduceus coil, nor a special place to rub and wish, as Spirit allowed a special place for that already as well, or any of the other junk. One does not need to spend $600.00 to do something when we are all born with the ability.


Senior Member
Hi HH:
I have found that you cannot convince a person. People will believe what they want and that is the way it is. For example, if a person says they will believe if I tell them what story is coming in the news. They will claim I am friends with the editor of the newspaper.

If they ask for a photo they will claim it was created in photo shop. If it has a new building in it, they will claim I am friends with the architect and so on.

Also, if they ask you to tell them about a secret event from their past only they know about and you describe it in detail they will claim the devil told you.

Here is an example for you. OK since I was little I have been a psychic and had many powers. Like pyrokinesis - starting fires. This is interesting because I notice fires will start after an HDR is turned on.

Getting on with my report, a scientist told me that he would believe me, if I made a thermometer go up 10 degrees in temperature, but that it was impossible, and that he wanted me to prove my powers.

I told him it was dangerous because my control is not the best, but I would try anyway. And I did focus my energy on the bulb of the thermometer. It took a long time about an hour for the thermometer to go from 72 to 82 degrees and I was sweating and took off my shirt and was in my T-shirt. He did say I was cheating because I was blowing on it. OK, then I said, that I could make it go down 10 degrees to prove it was my powers.

He said that if I could make it go down 20 degrees he would believe me. That would be 52 degrees and I said I was not sure. OK so the temperature slowly went down and I felt like I was freezing so I put a fur coat on. It kept getting colder and colder so I could see my breath even. Finally, it got down to 51 degrees and I yelled success. He said I was cheating because I was blowing on the thermometer and he saw me. I said my breath is hotter than 51 degrees, but he said I was cheating and my powers were imaginary.

Then I said, is this imaginary. And I stopped his heart for a few beats, later he was taken in an ambulance far away. After that he did not giggle anymore like a moron. He said I got my power from demons and was an evil minion. He called up the minister in my church even. Funny thing, he was an atheist, as are most men of science.


Hold the phone there a moment Num, the whole crux of the matter pivots on the fact that that placebo either works or it does not.

Why is it that in, ALL these years, since the nonsense started, no one has been able to bring forward evidence that proves the gizmo works?

The smoking gun is glaringly obvious due to the absence of anything worth while. Who do you know that is foolish enough to waste any kind of money on a placebo in order to prove it does not work? All the claims from timenonsense central show there has always been a severe lack of veracity when it came to any claim.

What's the sense in turning the table into a strawman point of "Prove It Does Not Work"?


Senior Member
Hi HH:
I have found that you cannot convince a person. People will believe what they want and that is the way it is. For example, if a person says they will believe if I tell them what story is coming in the news. They will claim I am friends with the editor of the newspaper.

If they ask for a photo they will claim it was created in photo shop. If it has a new building in it, they will claim I am friends with the architect and so on.

Also, if they ask you to tell them about a secret event from their past only they know about and you describe it in detail they will claim the devil told you.

Here is an example for you. OK since I was little I have been a psychic and had many powers. Like pyrokinesis - starting fires. This is interesting because I notice fires will start after an HDR is turned on.

Getting on with my report, a scientist told me that he would believe me, if I made a thermometer go up 10 degrees in temperature, but that it was impossible, and that he wanted me to prove my powers.

I told him it was dangerous because my control is not the best, but I would try anyway. And I did focus my energy on the bulb of the thermometer. It took a long time about an hour for the thermometer to go from 72 to 82 degrees and I was sweating and took off my shirt and was in my T-shirt. He did say I was cheating because I was blowing on it. OK, then I said, that I could make it go down 10 degrees to prove it was my powers.

He said that if I could make it go down 20 degrees he would believe me. That would be 52 degrees and I said I was not sure. OK so the temperature slowly went down and I felt like I was freezing so I put a fur coat on. It kept getting colder and colder so I could see my breath even. Finally, it got down to 51 degrees and I yelled success. He said I was cheating because I was blowing on the thermometer and he saw me. I said my breath is hotter than 51 degrees, but he said I was cheating and my powers were imaginary.

Then I said, is this imaginary. And I stopped his heart for a few beats, later he was taken in an ambulance far away. After that he did not giggle anymore like a moron. He said I got my power from demons and was an evil minion. He called up the minister in my church even. Funny thing, he was an atheist, as are most men of science.

Unfortunately, you are not dealing with some debunker as you like to call anyone that happens to point out your mistakes, you are dealing with someone that knows you from your very first attempts at prevaricating about gibbs placebo.

I was around reading your first greatest mistake regarding 25 cop cars in a precinct up in WA state that didn't have 25 cop cars.
I was around when Darby pointed out all of your hundreds of mistakes over at Time Travel Institute, which by the way, they are still there.
I was around before you ever decided to call your trips "astral time travel"
I was around when you were completely crushed by your Coke Blaq debacle tour de force of how not to get caught at lying.
I was around when you were regularly busted for borrowing info from the news, science, stock market sites and using them as part of your nonsense "i saw in the future" prediction pitches.

The bottom line is that gibbs placebo does not work. You lying and then getting caught at those lies did not do much for you back then as it does not do much for your case now.

If the placebo actually worked, why were you caught at so many lies? Why would you have to lie so much and make up so many stories?

No animosity or anger, just plain facts that anybody can research here and over at TTI when they get ready for the truth.

Himalyan Hermit hit on something I have touched on more than a few times. "OBEs, Astral Projection, Yogic Siddhis, NDEs " pick any of the great spiritual teachers that dealt with any of those a thousand to two thousand years ago or more. Were they calling gibbs? Nothing has changed since then. People are born with the same abilities as they were back then. No body needed electrical based placebos back then. To fall into the trap that "it makes it easier" or people "need it" is all based on current hype and shill speak. Gibbs could have easily said that the Aliens handed him a "Special Alloy Of Iron Pyrite" and have been selling poor unsuspecting folks chunks of Fools Gold that "work better over ley lines" for all the veracity either one has, they are both the same.


StarLord, you ask HDRKID over and over again to post links to his old claims and provide proof. Can you provide us with links showing HDRKID's past mistakes?

While I agree that some 10 years old discussions may make you think HDRKID isn't what he claims to be, I'm not sure it should prevent people from having an actual discussion about the HDR device 10 years later. Especially since there are much more HDR enthusiasts now than back in the days.


Senior Member
For anyone who's curious, here's the earliest post I can find where HDRkid asserts that 20+ police cars came to his house:

I also recall Starlord having posted extensive proof of HDRkid's lies in the past. The one about Coke Blaq comes to mind... I'll see if I can find it.

There's also this:

WWIII draft? Fail.
Clinton president in 2008? Fail.
Russia threatens the us in 2009? Fail.
