HDR Help (Following the passing of Mr. Gibbs)


Junior Member
SO some of you might remember a post I made awhile back, I purchased an HDR before the passing of Mr. Gibbs

I did not want to press the issue as I know the family was likely grieving. I has now been a little while and I can get no response from his Sister, I have called, Text and even sent a letter to the home. NOTHING not so much as a friendly hello.

I have seen others getting responses from his sister but not in my case.

So I'm asking for help in 2 ways.

1. If anyone can possibly help me get in contact with either the sister or someone who can arrange for me to get my HDR

2. Is anyone selling an HDR?

Thanks in Advance


Active Member
So you have paid and not receiving your nlt working hdr that cost 30 $ of matetial ?. Go to radioshak, buy somes components and do it yourself. You will be welcom to the hdr community. But at this time, no hdr that work. You need to construct your how to make you a greath members.



Junior Member
Well for 1 Radioshack has been out of business for 5 years lol.

I just want what I paid for thats all.

I would even be willing to pay a member here to build me one if at all possible


Active Member
No no, here just members that have not working hdr.

I am not american so i don t know your official electronic dealer. Here is conrad electronic .


Active Member
I have my own hdr, you can open steven gibbs book that are offer in this forum. It will be a good starting point


Active Member
But with members, we have researched proof, the hdr do not work. It work like a shaman machine, you need to put your intention and do it yourself. The hdr work for only one person steven gibbs himself.


Active Member
It is very not hard to make. I have advanced the concept with a zero to 150 kilohertz signal, not a 50 hertz signal. My hdr is very complexe, in a suitcase, very long work to make, i have do an hypnotic scession, that make you feeling like the time while be slow, but it is just the same effect than the discotec effect. My light have frequency adjustement. My hdr is very very complexe, with no cost, why you cannit be a simple circuit ?. Do not mesestimate yourself, if you can build it, you can understand it, otherwise, it will not work, supposely the hdr work.
