HDR Is A Scam?


Junior Member
Hyper Dimensional Resonator is based on the scalar waves emitted by Caduceus Coil.It can assist with astral time travel .So it is not a scam. However, if the machine runs for a long time, the electromagnet will heat up.
Yeah look thanks for the tip, I'm here to see someone like the hdr kid back his claims up with proof, and it's not a debate either.

start at edge

Active Member
HDR cannot be sold to China. The real time machine should not spread to China. Because the Chinese Communist government will do evil things. I used special tools to communicate with you. In fact, there is no freedom of speech in China. The Internet in China is not open, and some websites such as paranormalis.com cannot be accessed directly without special methods.
If anyone tries to simply gift a HDR to China, he (she) would be surprised to see they refuse it and it is only natural, as they find no possible use for it … nobody does, as there is no use.
From what you wrote, I deduce you’re from China … then you should know that the real thing is already there, they already have it. However, don’t worry – nobody there will do anything evil … in fact, they will not even actually use it, only for testing purposes.


Active Member
If you sell a teleport machine, you can offer to your client the cost of the transportation. You teleport direcly behind him and put machine on his own hands.


Junior Member
If anyone tries to simply gift a HDR to China, he (she) would be surprised to see they refuse it and it is only natural, as they find no possible use for it … nobody does, as there is no use.
From what you wrote, I deduce you’re from China … then you should know that the real thing is already there, they already have it. However, don’t worry – nobody there will do anything evil … in fact, they will not even actually use it, only for testing purposes.
The only downside is the hdr doesn't actually work. This would be the reason for China to reject it.


It also collects dust and makes a great conversation piece.
When I mention the HDR in a conversation, i usually get this comment: "You have a time machine, and you don't even use it!?!".

It says a lot on the device.

Not that it doesn't work at all. But it's performances are so subjective and uncertain, it's not very motivating or engaging. Like, if I want to maybe attain OOBE or astral travel, I have to use the HDR 3-4 times a week for many months, perhaps a year, and then maybe I'll come close now and then, and achieve it once or twice later on.

It's a long term thing for a lot of people, unless you're one of the few rare, lucky ones who are very predisposed, who can reap it's benefits quickly.
