Re: HDRkid


The above situation is precisely why some people state that you are delusional.

You constantly make self-serving asinine statements in your posts attributing statements to members who never made them. Worse, the situations are easily discredited by doing five minutes of research. Normally one wouldn't necessarily conclude that you're delusional. We face silliness every day on these forums. The delusional part comes in when people realize after seeing you defend the statements - that you actually believe what you posted even after it is clearly shown that whatever you said never happened. And I fully expect you to display exactly that behavior regarding these two posts.
Re: HDRkid

DarbyII said:
Uh...back in 2005? Care to show us the 2005 quote where you told me that or I said "that" (whatever it is I supposedly said. Your post doesn't make it clear)?

In fact show us the quote on your HDRKid predictions blog site where you even mentioned in passing GM during 2004, 2005, 2006 or in 2007 before November when the third quarter GM financials came out?

Yes, I already checked your blog. Don't you remember 2005? You weren't concerned with GM back then. The HDRKid disaster "Flavor-of-the-Month" in 2005 was Avian Flu. We were all about to assume room temperature not by comets, hurricanes, floods, meteors or war...it was Bird Flu.

Yeah...what up with that KID?
Oh and BTW...the timelines dont mean shit. THEY ARE NOT OUR TIMELINES.
I think you spend alot of time watching all media and trolling conspiracy sites.
Funny you dont talk about the positive stuff. Oh yeah cant sell the hdr on a promise of sunshine...Doon and gloom. I forgot.
Re: HDRkid

To Gonzogirl:
Are you a girl?

I think you spend alot of time watching all media and trolling conspiracy sites.

Actually, I do watch CNN in the future. I can RV future events and see debunkers telling me that the fuel shortage was obvious. Let me see, right now gasoline is $1.76/gallon, the lowest price since pre-Katrina 2005 and gasoline ration cards are obvious?

To DarbyII:
What ever happen to Darby 1.0?

You said "easily discredited by doing five minutes of research."
Right, you laugh at me in 2005 when I tell you that house prices will go down dramatically and point to four years of double digit price increases, and when prices go down as I predicted you say "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything!"

economic crisis

oil tanker pirates

russia blames america

Watch your assets bankers, its time to cover your fannie mae.
Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
To Gonzogirl:
Are you a girl?

I think you spend alot of time watching all media and trolling conspiracy sites.

Actually, I do watch CNN in the future. I can RV future events and see debunkers telling me that the fuel shortage was obvious. Let me see, right now gasoline is $1.76/gallon, the lowest price since pre-Katrina 2005 and gasoline ration cards are obvious?

To DarbyII:
What ever happen to Darby 1.0?

You said "easily discredited by doing five minutes of research."
Right, you laugh at me in 2005 when I tell you that house prices will go down dramatically and point to four years of double digit price increases, and when prices go down as I predicted you say "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything!"

economic crisis

oil tanker pirates

russia blames america

Watch your assets bankers, its time to cover your fannie mae.

HDRU kidding me? LOL. Thats your name.
Are you a girl....
Funny we have been asking you that for years!
Remote viewing has even been debunked by the very people who tried to perfect it.
Oh but you knew that, you just think others dont
Hey, why do you Remote view when you can go astral with the HDR?
What a crock you are....

[quote=hdrkid;5180] To Gonzogirl:
Are you a girl?..
hdrkid: Are you sane?
lol.. dont bother to answer....we know already.

You dont leave your apartment do you........
Re: HDRkid

To DarbyII:
What ever happen to Darby 1.0?

You said "easily discredited by doing five minutes of research."
Right, you laugh at me in 2005 when I tell you that house prices will go down dramatically and point to four years of double digit price increases, and when prices go down as I predicted you say "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything!"

Link to quoted 2005 material please.
Re: HDRkid

To Gonzogirl:
My family left back in 2005 to swiss. I think you will understand why when you are standing in a long line waiting for food. There will be food shortages in the future.

Yes I use Steven Gibbs HDR. However, I was able to go astral before I got the HDR unit. Being psychic I can see future events without a machine, but the HDR helps me to focus my energy.

BTW I live far away from any city in an area where you cannot get cell phone reception. The city is a dangerous place to be; as you will soon find out. That explains why I ask "are you a girl?"

To DarbyII:
The website was taken down. The bird flu prediction will also come true. We are on the verge of a mutation that will allow h5N1 to pass from person to person with ease.

Well, today the maket fell nearly 700 points. Financial Armageddon and Apocalypse DOW are here - I love the smell of meltdown in the morning.

This is how people act in the real world.
If people do this to buy cheap chinese garbage that is on sale,
imagine what will happen when there is a food shortage.

People always say things like "You heard that the plaza be shutting down and the galleria is going under?"
My reply is "Well, foot traffic is way down and people have less money this year. Houses are worth less, stocks are down, and most business owners have less profits."

It does not amaze me that many malls are closing. This Christmas season is one of the slowest ever. Retail stores are cutting back on staff and giving out less hours. It is like a vicious circle. The more the store cuts back, the less money employees have to buy things.
Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
Hi Jake:
No black birds, giant vultures. That cannot be a good omen. :o

Are you sure there are giant vultures out there? You got your glasses on, do you? :p

Oh by the way.. next time you walk in the bathroom, take a good look at the freckles on your face... they're getting just a tad bigger, aren't they? ;)
