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You cant be more harmed when you astral travel than you can when you sleep normally. Same goes for the evil entities thing to the one who asked about that. When you sleep, you allready do astral travelling, your dreams are those dimensions you are traveling to. Astral traveling is being aware while "dreaming" and then choose yourself where to go. You are usually allready aware when "seperating" from your body when astral travelling. Lucid dreaming is pretty much the same, except it is when you become aware AFTER you allready have traveled somewhere, in other words, becoming aware from within the dream you have.



<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"darkbreed\")</div>
You cant be more harmed when you astral travel than you can when you sleep normally. Same goes for the evil entities thing to the one who asked about that. When you sleep, you allready do astral travelling, your dreams are those dimensions you are traveling to. Astral traveling is being aware while \"dreaming\" and then choose yourself where to go. You are usually allready aware when \"seperating\" from your body when astral travelling. Lucid dreaming is pretty much the same, except it is when you become aware AFTER you allready have traveled somewhere, in other words, becoming aware from within the dream you have.[/b]

So dreaming is astral travel? I have experienced lucid dreaming several times (hence the name lucidus) but I always interpreted this as simply being aware that I was dreaming. That is a state of being aware that I was asleep and having limited imput from the senses. I never thought that I was anywhere other than in my bed alsleep.



Well astral travel usually seems and feel (at least for me) as real as the physical reality, a real lucid dream would also seem very real, except for the fact you know its a dream and you dont think its "reality". It's not uncommon to be able to do pretty much what one would want in a lucid dream, even change the scenery completely and such.

Also, Lucid Dreams are usually happening in a "dream dimension", an enviroment that is easily affected by your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, fears, and so on. From this state you can induce a "real" astral projection or Out of Body Experience and go to other realms. Or rather exit this "dream dimension"

Other astral realms are usually more stable/dense and structured, not so easily changed or affected by your own mind.

When you astral travel you can find yourself in a different world/dimension with a body that feels as real as your physical one, experience everything as real as here, like feeling the wind, smelling smells, tasting the rain and etc. You may also find yourself in astral dimensions where you have a completely different perspective on exsitence, no "body feelings" and such, it could be like a point of existence just hovering around for example, like the air. Also you may find yourself in places completely out of the ordinary without any "physical appearances" like people, objects, nature and so. It could be just colors and light and different feelings and emotions.

You could also find yourself outside your body in this physical world (what I call an OBE - Out of Body Experience) and maybe find yourself being some invisible "ghost" with no physical body. You may see your physical self asleep in bed if you look in that direction. You can move through walls etc, and feel a resistance as you pass through. You can fly up in the air. It's pretty fun to just experiment around and try out things. Personally I love flying around, and I've done things like stretching my "astral limbs", such as my "astral arm" to be extended many times longer than it is in a physical body. Such as being able to touch the wall on other side of the room without actually going closer to it. I've also tried things like moving physical objects in my room while being out of body, usually this is not easy though i've only had success with it a few times with small light objects. It's easier to just pass through the object you try to push, pick up, or so.

Traveling around out of body, in the physical dimension, is one of my favorites, fly around in space, visit other planets, and just explore



astral travel is not dreaming astral travel is more a subconsicous thing you can see and hear things around you also your using more of a mental state then a physical state in physical you are using your body and mind together in mental you are using your mind (brain) to travel physical travel is more dangerous then mental travel because one if you visited an era and messed with it it could change your whole entire situation if you go and destroy or even change history for that matter and return back your world would be changed forever that is why being there physically would screw your whole existence now for astral travel you use your mind to see and hear noone would be able to touch and sense you you would be invisible not seen and not heard but you would be able to explore many worlds or timelines and not get hurt or in trouble (danger) like physical travel that is all I am going to say for now thanks for your time and patience!


Junior Member

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Frog186\")</div>
Quantum Leap
Hi it's Frog once again I just wanted to say I am a guy I'm 26 and from united states sorry for my spelling and grammer sorry if I sound like a little kid or teenager but I am a normal person seeking the real truth that is right I have been studying the paranormal and other related subjects for six to seven years so I know about alot of stuff if you ever want to contact me through email you can and we can discuss my experiences and your experiences if you have any sorry for now I am busy at the moment but let me know what you think I will talk with you later on and by the way those experiences really happened I am no lier or hoaxer if I was I would tell you and the others truthfully well see you around![/b]
I never said you were a liar or hoaxer?



Hi it's me once again I just wanted to say I am not calling myself a lier or hoaxer my experiences that I have before and after are real I believe the government is trying new experiments that confuse the people or the public and when you ask them if they are conducting new ones they laugh at you and tell you to go away that is how our government deals with the situation I am not talking about cover ups and conspiracies I am talking about denial of things that really happen to anyone of the public if we didn't have a government then things would get out of hand there could be aliens invading earth, visiting earth, controlling the earth, and so much more if time travel and teleportation wasn't invented then our world as a public would be boring and nothing would happen but because of science and other related subjects our scientists are trying hard to accomplish these obstacles what I believe is that time is not relative, absolute, and so on it is more of an illusion that we can not see and hear but if you look hard enough it will be in your control so like controlling time would be a skill later on as you progress and one day we will not need machines in order to time travel and teleport we will use our minds in order to do these things as our brains aquire more iq or knowledge well this is good for now I will talk with you all later on!


Senior Member

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"darkbreed\")</div>
Well astral travel usually seems and feel (at least for me) as real as the physical reality, a real lucid dream would also seem very real, except for the fact you know its a dream and you dont think its \"reality\". It's not uncommon to be able to do pretty much what one would want in a lucid dream, even change the scenery completely and such.

Also, Lucid Dreams are usually happening in a \"dream dimension\", an enviroment that is easily affected by your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, fears, and so on. From this state you can induce a \"real\" astral projection or Out of Body Experience and go to other realms. Or rather exit this \"dream dimension\"

Other astral realms are usually more stable/dense and structured, not so easily changed or affected by your own mind.

When you astral travel you can find yourself in a different world/dimension with a body that feels as real as your physical one, experience everything as real as here, like feeling the wind, smelling smells, tasting the rain and etc. You may also find yourself in astral dimensions where you have a completely different perspective on exsitence, no \"body feelings\" and such, it could be like a point of existence just hovering around for example, like the air. Also you may find yourself in places completely out of the ordinary without any \"physical appearances\" like people, objects, nature and so. It could be just colors and light and different feelings and emotions.

You could also find yourself outside your body in this physical world (what I call an OBE - Out of Body Experience) and maybe find yourself being some invisible \"ghost\" with no physical body. You may see your physical self asleep in bed if you look in that direction. You can move through walls etc, and feel a resistance as you pass through. You can fly up in the air. It's pretty fun to just experiment around and try out things. Personally I love flying around, and I've done things like stretching my \"astral limbs\", such as my \"astral arm\" to be extended many times longer than it is in a physical body. Such as being able to touch the wall on other side of the room without actually going closer to it. I've also tried things like moving physical objects in my room while being out of body, usually this is not easy though i've only had success with it a few times with small light objects. It's easier to just pass through the object you try to push, pick up, or so.

Traveling around out of body, in the physical dimension, is one of my favorites, fly around in space, visit other planets, and just explore[/b]

That's pretty much as I have learned. I have also learned that there are several bodies within the physical body, each one of a higher vibrational level and thus more 'rareified or finer' if I can use those terms. Each body coresponds to a specific level / Plane. It is also possible to have the experience as Darkbreed has pointed out where there is no 'body' per se and you are a 'viewpoint' with an instantaneous 360 degree field of perception. There is no front, back, side, above, below, it's all a matter of where you put your attention. This type of travel I would call Soul Travel where by you are not bound to the particular 'laws of that level / Plane.

All of this is predicated upon your ATTENTION. Where your attention is at, you are at. I have said befor that the fastest thing is thought. The speed of thought makes the speed of light look like molassas runing in winter.
If you were to put your attention upon the very edge of the Universe, you could be there in an instant. You would have to wait a few thousand years for that beam of laser to make it.

All those stars we see up in the night sky are but a picture of the past. No one knows if those stars are still there right at this moment when using radio telescopes.....


Senior Member

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Frog186\")</div>
Hi it's me once again I just wanted to say I am not calling myself a lier or hoaxer my experiences that I have before and after are real I believe the government is trying new experiments that confuse the people or the public and when you ask them if they are conducting new ones they laugh at you and tell you to go away that is how our government deals with the situation I am not talking about cover ups and conspiracies I am talking about denial of things that really happen to anyone of the public if we didn't have a government then things would get out of hand there could be aliens invading earth, visiting earth, controlling the earth, and so much more if time travel and teleportation wasn't invented then our world as a public would be boring and nothing would happen but because of science and other related subjects our scientists are trying hard to accomplish these obstacles what I believe is that time is not relative, absolute, and so on it is more of an illusion that we can not see and hear but if you look hard enough it will be in your control so like controlling time would be a skill later on as you progress and one day we will not need machines in order to time travel and teleport we will use our minds in order to do these things as our brains aquire more iq or knowledge well this is good for now I will talk with you all later on![/b]

Hey Frog, I do not think that anyone here is doubting your word about your experiences. You keep right on posting my friend.


Senior Member

Hi Frog:

Thanks for your post. Please tell us more about Mia and the Middle Ages.

One thing that I remember from astral time travel to the past is that people were short in olden times. Also roads were very narrow, not like now.

Hi Dark Breed:

I always have problems with exteriorization, but my astal body floats above my physical body (which is on the bed) and I am attached to my physical body by an small silver cord. One time my cord broke and I got real scared because you are supposed to die if it breaks.

Hi Lucidus:

Astral time travel is closer to remote viewing than dreaming.

Astral travel is different than dreaming, because in dreams you are exposed to situations that do not make sense like an elephant in your back yard.

Astral time travel makes a lot of sense and the pictures are in sharp focus, not fuzzy and watery like a dream world.

Hi TwOmey:

Can you tell me more about the others forms of time travel in the future?
Right now the HDR is not very accurate. I often land a few days away from my target date. Also it is difficult for me to tune the unit.

In the future machines exist that allow physical time travel. They are very accurate and do not send you to to the wrong timeline or wrong date.

Kinds of time machines, etc.
They do not rely on magnetism like Steven Gibbs HDR, but on generating a portal that allows physical objects to be transported across time & space.

Actually time and space are related, and we have space-time.

The HDR is based on work from the Philadelphia Experiment as well as other sources. According to Steven Gibbs, a time traveller gave him the plans for the Sonic Resonator which later became the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR.

Can I be physically harmed when I astral travel?
I do not think that physical harm can come to you, but you never know.

Hi Quantum Leap:

I'm curious when you do Astral Travel are you laying down or sitting up as if meditating.
Both, but I have more success exteriorizing for astral time travel if I am lying down on a flat surface. Typically, I am not on the other side for very long.

Also how do you prep for your Astral Travels?
Try to relax. Focus on the time that you wish to travel to. I was able to astral time travel before I got the HDR, but my success rate was worse than now.

Back then I used bi-aural hemisync tapes and biofeedback to achieve the alpha state. Any radionics machine should be able to help you, but I find that the magnetic field produced by the HDR to be quite effective, for me that is.

Side effects of astral time travel with the HDR include nausea, feeling tired and dizzy. Not at all pleasant.

Hi Starlord:

Perhaps you feel that a magician should not reveal his tricks. When a radio is explained to you, does it lose some of its magic?

I do not believe that Paco and Pedro are their real names, just like I do not believe that Starlord is your real name.

Giving out their real names could expose them to danger, don't you think?


Senior Member

Nope, I seriously doubt that Aliens register with the govt. like they show in MIB. Do you?

Actually my folks spent many hours in deciding my name. they wanted to makes sure I would be recognized when I crossed the final frontier. My Last name is GalaxianNova Crusher. I'd tell you my middle name but then the Time Police would become alerted and then the whole jig would be up.

By the way, that 'cord' can strech 'millions' of miles but I believe it's pretty much indistructable while you are living on the physical plane. It may have 'looked' to you like it was parted.
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