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For example, the US won WWII, but a certain German car continued to be produced; the Volks Wagen or \"car of the people\", a symbol of German excellence in engineering.
The VW was envisioned by Hitler, not as an engineering marvel but rather as a 5 person vehicle that everyone could afford. Hitler named the car Kraft durch Freude or Strength Through Joy. At that time, engineering excellence was concentrated on the war machine. Actually, Porsche's VW factory was heavily damaged during the end of the war and its production consisted mainly of military jeep type vehicles. After the war, the British took over the factory, restored it and began production. The British actually named the company Volkswagen and were responsible for its introduction into the global market. The Volkswagen company was not under German control until around 1950 when the British, after having been turned down by Ford and others finally sold it to the German government. As with most wars, to the victors go the spoils. You can thank the Brits for introducing the VW to the world, the Nazis had nothing to with it.

- An explosion rocked BP Plc's (BP) petroleum refinery in Texas City, Texas, Wednesday injuring at least 100 people and sparking a fire that sent acrid black smoke billowing into the sky.

We just lost our 3rd largest oil refinery, expect more disruptions of petroleum products in the future. Remember, I said gasoline would be $2.50/gal this year.
The extent of damage to this plant has yet to be assessed and I think it is unfair to say we've lost our 3rd largest refinery. By the way, it accounts for 3% of the national production. Any refinery explosion will cause spikes in shaky gas markets. Gas is over $2.50/gal in places already so I'm not sure this is quite the revelation you imply. I've been around the petroleum/gas business most of my life and so has most of my family.
If you know antything about the oil/gas business son, you know it doesn't take a genius or a soothsayer to predict these price levels.

Hi GL100:

Curious about the Volkswagen, I was told that it was one of Hitler's few positive points. Now you say it was the British.

About oil I can tell you that during the gas shortage of the 70's there were gas ration cards printed, but not distributed. We will see shortages of gasoline in various places as the demand exceeds the supply. My suggestion is - get a scooter! :)

Remember the law of supply and demand. As the price of oil goes up the supply goes up because well that were low yield are put back into production, also consumption of petroleum products goes down.

To make the price go up a lot in a short period of time from $1.80 at the beginning of 2005 all the way to $2.50 at the end of 2005 you need a dramatic increase in demand (CHINA) as well as a dramatic decrease in supply (TERRORISM).

Using astral time travel I saw that gasoline will be 4-5 a gallon by the end of 2007, this will completely destroy our economy and explains why we need Iran.

Hi Magic Friend:

You know there's some people that are beautiful on the inside and ugly on the outside, and there's some people that are beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside. I've met both kinds. Maybe she was beautiful on the inside. :)

Remember the law of supply and demand. As the price of oil goes up the supply goes up because well that were low yield are put back into production, also consumption of petroleum products goes down.

To make the price go up a lot in a short period of time from $1.80 at the beginning of 2005 all the way to $2.50 at the end of 2005 you need a dramatic increase in demand (CHINA) as well as a dramatic decrease in supply (TERRORISM).

Using astral time travel I saw that gasoline will be 4-5 a gallon by the end of 2007, this will completely destroy our economy and explains why we need Iran.
Thanks for the economics lesson kid. I think I?ll hold up on the scooter and keep the Harley. Given the highly volatile nature of oil prices, I think it?s simplistic and erroneous to explain price hikes just on the two factors you mentioned. Yes, these factors play into the picture, but so do a myriad of others such as market fear and speculation, weather conditions, world-wide production, online refinery output, taxes and regulatory mandates. Our own historical consumption during the spring and summer also weighs heavily in price fluctuation. And, let?s not forget adjusting prices for inflation. The list is endless. Oil will continue to be costly. Cheap oil is a thing of the past. Now, you state that in 2007 gas prices are double what they are now. My question is why does it ruin the US economy? Saying the price of gas ruined the economy is not cause and effect. Give us the underlying reasons. What were the factors leading to this demise. European gas prices are close to these levels now and their economies have not collapsed. Oil is played on a much larger field than the US so is the global economy ruined also? Either way, I fail to see how, at that point, Iran can provide the magic pill.

Before we go saying the sky is falling ask yourself this. If you had been astral traveling form 1965 to 2005, would you have assumed and economic collapse? I don't mean to be critical but it appears to me that your answers, as well as your visions of the future, are colored with assumptions based on a rudimentary knowledge of historical and current events and the youthful arrogance to think that's all you need.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi Starlord:

Instead of worrying about what sort of soft drinks people drink in the Nazi timeline, I worry about news like this:

*** We were debating the veracity of your story regarding a certain name of a cola by the nazis. Several logical points were made on how this could not be possible which you now choose to avoid? Would it not be simpler to say that you made a error in judgement when writing your story? ?In case you haven't noticed, ?you are dealing with intelligent people with educations far past your present state. ?You cannot expect intellegent folks to swallow a poorly written story when you go against the grain of logic and make glaring mistakes like that.***

- An explosion rocked BP Plc's (BP) petroleum refinery in Texas City, Texas, Wednesday injuring at least 100 people and sparking a fire that sent acrid black smoke billowing into the sky.
*** What does this have to do with the fabricated name of that soft drink? ?You have consistently neglected to deal with the issues at hand ?and have this proclivity to side step by aserting red herrings into the fray in hopes that the issue will just go away. We all get the news. ?I am not attacking you, merely pointing out that changing the subject does not help your cause***

We just lost our 3rd largest oil refinery, expect more disruptions of petroleum products in the future. Remember, I said gasoline would be $2.50/gal this year.
*** The prediction of gas prices on your part has nothing to do with any of your 'abilities' nor of what you claim to have seen. ?It was known that gas prices would rise ever since we entered the ME in our Shock & Awe. ?There are hundreds of spots out there on the web that deal with future economic predictions regarding every commodity you can name. ?Pointing out the obvious does not lend credence to your case.***

You won't be laughing so hard when Bush starts drafting people for Iran.
*** Is this a threat or a freudian slip as to your chronological age here? ?Why would I laugh if a draft starts? ?What fool in their right mind would even consider a person laughing if a Draft starts? Why would you go in this direction if we are merely having a debate regarding your stories? ?This reaction does not become you kid. In fact it actually points out a few things regarding your veracity in this matter. ?This is a debate kid. ?You don't need to threaten people when you feel threatned.

For your information, ?I have already served my country many years ago.***

Because people point out flaws to you story does not mean it is the end of the world.

Hi Starlord:

Not a threat, just an observation that you will not be laughing at me in 2007.

Using astral time travel I saw that gasoline will be 4-5 a gallon by the end of 2007, this will completely destroy our economy and explains why we need Iran.

I know that Iraq produces a certain amount of the worlds oil... does anyone know what percentage of crude Iran produces? Is it really that much? I thought Iran was past their peak production...

Iran holds 90 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, roughly 9% of the world's total, making it the country with the fifth largest oil reserves.

China, which has been over buying and hoarding oil sure does not help the rest of the world when it comes to oil prices.
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