Hello 2013 (Time Traveler from 2043)

hmm... I am depressed.
You all operate on a presumption of knowledge.
I will attempt to answer once again. Some of you seem to have missed the entirety of my being here.
I have never wanted to be believed. I have said that since the beginning. The option of belief is entirely up to you.
Please, I fail to see any contradictions in what I have said.
On the political side, I showed levels of politics. I talked about the world stage and the American stage. Wouldn't it make sense that lower stages were imitations of larger? And why is integration for the sake of analogy any proof of deceit? Samstwitch, didn't Paul use analogies of sports without deifying a sport? I may not be wording that quite right... The point is that using example I have learned from you does not in any way mean that what I am saying is false or even based upon Titor.
Nonetheless, America is currently divided into five regions, These regions are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West. The regions of the United States are grouped by history, traditions, economy, climate, and geography. Why would the Oligarchy change that? Wouldn't it make sense for them to use these obviously different regions? These regions aren't even from Titor, but are found commonly throughout your culture.
To restate yet again the political world of my time, there is the Oligarchy which is worldwide and is lead by a council of nine. Each one of them is the ruler of a region. These regions are subdivided. It isn't easy to destroy a cultural identity. It is far easier for a new ruler to embrace the identity of the conquered. This is the concept at work.

What was the purpose of me posting about the device again? Can anyone recall? I told Samstwitch about the true nature of the device before I gave into pressure and openly said, "correct" when someone guessed it. And I told her then that it doesn't prove my existence as a Time Traveler. The emphasis wasn't so much on the device to prove myself but on events surrounding its dawn. I also commented on how the nature of the device has such an impact on extrahuman evolution. How exactly did my story change? I said that the technology was released by Apple in my worldline, but that here in this worldline HP had the patent. I also noted that only Apple had the ability commercialize the technology efficiently. On top of that, I mentioned to Samstwitch that the latest information I could dig up said that HP had entered into a business deal with two other companies, but that those companies were unknown to me.
Although, I admit that the technology is amazing and cool and perhaps I was a bit frenzied over that.
On the other hand, every single technology I have mentioned could be linked to present day. Some of the technologies I have not mentioned, but have intended to show you all, could be traced to today. Chimera's already exist. Scientists have already solidified light. The hydrogen powered spaceship I mentioned already has its engines built. Warp drive technologies are being researched by NASA. I could have talked about any of these technologies and you could say the same. Physicists have already predicted the majority of the major inventions for the next fifty years. They were discussing tablets in the late 80's.

As for pictures, why would I disappear at the request of that? I have been hounded about them since I got to this forum. Every single time I replied that they would appear when the time was right. And the majority of my posts have actually been between 1AM and 5AM. Temporal Recon even commented about that in our email chats.

Please, I invite you to take my math and the statements surrounding it to any theoretical physicist.

I have a lot more to say to catch up on what has been said. Perhaps in a day or two.
Then I shall wait and see if Obama resigns, and if the other things you say will happen. If it does, God help us all. We will be living in 1984. We are now...it's the beginning. Every department title was the opposite of what it was named. Such as the Ministry of Peace was always planning wars. And for us, that's just how it is now. Examples: The Patriot Act is totally Unpatriotic, and the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) is totally unaffordable for the Middle Class.

If Obama resigns then we know it's time for another 1776...unless Americans want to live in 1984. And if he seizes power and stays beyond his term, it will be time for another 1776. I will never live that way. I would rather die as a Patriot.

Aevi, Are you really 19?...or older?
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hmm... I am depressed.
You all operate on a presumption of knowledge.
I will attempt to answer once again. Some of you seem to have missed the entirety of my being here.
I have never wanted to be believed. I have said that since the beginning. The option of belief is entirely up to you.
Please, I fail to see any contradictions in what I have said.
On the political side, I showed levels of politics. I talked about the world stage and the American stage. Wouldn't it make sense that lower stages were imitations of larger? And why is integration for the sake of analogy any proof of deceit? Samstwitch, didn't Paul use analogies of sports without deifying a sport? I may not be wording that quite right... The point is that using example I have learned from you does not in any way mean that what I am saying is false or even based upon Titor.
Nonetheless, America is currently divided into five regions, These regions are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West. The regions of the United States are grouped by history, traditions, economy, climate, and geography. Why would the Oligarchy change that? Wouldn't it make sense for them to use these obviously different regions? These regions aren't even from Titor, but are found commonly throughout your culture.
To restate yet again the political world of my time, there is the Oligarchy which is worldwide and is lead by a council of nine. Each one of them is the ruler of a region. These regions are subdivided. It isn't easy to destroy a cultural identity. It is far easier for a new ruler to embrace the identity of the conquered. This is the concept at work.

What was the purpose of me posting about the device again? Can anyone recall? I told Samstwitch about the true nature of the device before I gave into pressure and openly said, "correct" when someone guessed it. And I told her then that it doesn't prove my existence as a Time Traveler. The emphasis wasn't so much on the device to prove myself but on events surrounding its dawn. I also commented on how the nature of the device has such an impact on extrahuman evolution. How exactly did my story change? I said that the technology was released by Apple in my worldline, but that here in this worldline HP had the patent. I also noted that only Apple had the ability commercialize the technology efficiently. On top of that, I mentioned to Samstwitch that the latest information I could dig up said that HP had entered into a business deal with two other companies, but that those companies were unknown to me.
Although, I admit that the technology is amazing and cool and perhaps I was a bit frenzied over that.
On the other hand, every single technology I have mentioned could be linked to present day. Some of the technologies I have not mentioned, but have intended to show you all, could be traced to today. Chimera's already exist. Scientists have already solidified light. The hydrogen powered spaceship I mentioned already has its engines built. Warp drive technologies are being researched by NASA. I could have talked about any of these technologies and you could say the same. Physicists have already predicted the majority of the major inventions for the next fifty years. They were discussing tablets in the late 80's.

As for pictures, why would I disappear at the request of that? I have been hounded about them since I got to this forum. Every single time I replied that they would appear when the time was right. And the majority of my posts have actually been between 1AM and 5AM. Temporal Recon even commented about that in our email chats.

Please, I invite you to take my math and the statements surrounding it to any theoretical physicist.

I have a lot more to say to catch up on what has been said. Perhaps in a day or two.

It appears you are right on the chimeras, but text doesn't really prove that someone is a TT, what I am saying is that if I wanted to I could make an account on some other forum and claim I am a TT, but without proof no-one would believe me if I just used diagrams.

Your "Break" was out of pattern, and you disappeared for around a week, which I found odd. (I was paying attention to the frequency of your posts.)

The thing with NASA and the warp drives has been going on for ages, I remember them saying they were studying that a few years ago.

According to my time you last post was at 3:42PM (Australian EST), so therefore I would be seeing it at a different time to you. (As Australia is on the other side of the planet from America)
Well, if you wanted to show us the photos, use a "Tails" Livecd, it uses a program called TOR which bounces the signal around the planet making it almost impossible to trace. Also you could also encrypt the file so that a password is required to access it.

Aevi, I have another question for you, do you have a divergence meter and if you do, how does it work. (In particular, does it use a small computer connected up to an array of sensors?)

I'm not saying that I believe you are fake, I'm just trying to say that I don't have enough proof to say you are real.

Then I shall wait and see if Obama resigns, and if the other things you say will happen. If it does, God help us all. We will be living in 1984. We are now...it's the beginning. The Ministry of Peace was always planning wars. Every department title was the opposite of what it was named. Just like the Patriot Act is totally Unpatriotic, and the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) is totally unaffordable for the Middle Class.

If Obama resigns then we know it's time for another 1776...unless Americans want to live in 1984. I will never live that way. I would rather die as a Patriot.

Are you really 19 (or older?)?

Samstwitch, we have been living in a 1984 dystopia for a long time, almost every device these days has a camera pointed at the user, and some (In particular American) smart TV's have software that will post ads based on what the user is doing. And there are street cameras on every street corner (Except for some country towns), the world is full of propaganda and (Almost) everyone is brainwashed about it, we even have the thought police. In fact the only thing we don't have (Yet) is sex crime.
Samstwitch, we have been living in a 1984 dystopia for a long time, almost every device these days has a camera pointed at the user, and some (In particular American) smart TV's have software that will post ads based on what the user is doing. And there are street cameras on every street corner (Except for some country towns), the world is full of propaganda and (Almost) everyone is brainwashed about it, we even have the thought police. In fact the only thing we don't have (Yet) is sex crime.

You are right. I've known these things for a long time, recognized them as they happened...and it's not over yet. Things are going to get much worse before they get better, be it Communism or Civil uprising. About sex...I don't think they'll do away with that, because the masses are easily controlled using sex as a driving force and/or a diversion.

On the other hand, you may be right. They are chipping away at everything good that Americans have had for 200 years. Sex may be the next thing to go...and Population Control along with it, like China...a Communist Country, which is what the U.S. has become, thanks to G.W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of them.

Related Headline: Company Admits New 'Smart' Street Lights Can Analyze Voices, Track People
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Samstwitch, we have been living in a 1984 dystopia for a long time, almost every device these days has a camera pointed at the user, and some (In particular American) smart TV's have software that will post ads based on what the user is doing. And there are street cameras on every street corner (Except for some country towns), the world is full of propaganda and (Almost) everyone is brainwashed about it, we even have the thought police. In fact the only thing we don't have (Yet) is sex crime.

You are right. I've known these things for a long time, recognized them as they happened...and it's not over yet. About sex...I don't think they'll do away with that, because the masses are easily controlled using sex as a driving force and/or a diversion.

Of course, you may be right. They are chipping away at everything good that Americans have had for 200 years. Sex may be the next thing to go...and Population Control along with it, like China...a Communist Country, which is what the U.S. has become, thanks to G.W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of them.

One of today's Headlines: Company Admits New 'Smart' Street Lights Can Analyze Voices, Track People

I'm not trying to be rude, but why is everything "Smart" these days? Why do TV's need to be "Smart"? Why on earth would a stupid little street light need to be smart? Next thing you know they'll make "Smart Walls" that's only purpose is to spy on you in your own home. (I can see that happening, like in 1984)

I'd say that (From What I've seen from Australia) America has some of the fascist properties, such as the state owning it's people, and the government having complete control over it's people. I have noticed that the Obama Administration (In particular) is taking away all of the rights of the Americans, but that doesn't surprise me in the slightest, after all, I am absolutely convinced that he is the Anti-Christ that Nostradamus is talking about.

The government of America is forcing everyone to share through brainwashing, and they are forcing them to give themselves up to the "supreme ruler", aka Big Brother. (The US Government) Because of the alliance that Australia has with America, Australia will probably do the same if we get the wrong leaders in. (Such as the greens or Labor)

As a result I have been studying time machines ever since I found out what I know, to hopefully build one and change the past. (And to go to the Origin Worldline)
hmm... I am depressed.
You all operate on a presumption of knowledge.
I will attempt to answer once again. Some of you seem to have missed the entirety of my being here.
I have never wanted to be believed. I have said that since the beginning. The option of belief is entirely up to you.
Please, I fail to see any contradictions in what I have said.
On the political side, I showed levels of politics. I talked about the world stage and the American stage. Wouldn't it make sense that lower stages were imitations of larger? And why is integration for the sake of analogy any proof of deceit? Samstwitch, didn't Paul use analogies of sports without deifying a sport? I may not be wording that quite right... The point is that using example I have learned from you does not in any way mean that what I am saying is false or even based upon Titor.
Nonetheless, America is currently divided into five regions, These regions are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West. The regions of the United States are grouped by history, traditions, economy, climate, and geography. Why would the Oligarchy change that? Wouldn't it make sense for them to use these obviously different regions? These regions aren't even from Titor, but are found commonly throughout your culture.
To restate yet again the political world of my time, there is the Oligarchy which is worldwide and is lead by a council of nine. Each one of them is the ruler of a region. These regions are subdivided. It isn't easy to destroy a cultural identity. It is far easier for a new ruler to embrace the identity of the conquered. This is the concept at work.

What was the purpose of me posting about the device again? Can anyone recall? I told Samstwitch about the true nature of the device before I gave into pressure and openly said, "correct" when someone guessed it. And I told her then that it doesn't prove my existence as a Time Traveler. The emphasis wasn't so much on the device to prove myself but on events surrounding its dawn. I also commented on how the nature of the device has such an impact on extrahuman evolution. How exactly did my story change? I said that the technology was released by Apple in my worldline, but that here in this worldline HP had the patent. I also noted that only Apple had the ability commercialize the technology efficiently. On top of that, I mentioned to Samstwitch that the latest information I could dig up said that HP had entered into a business deal with two other companies, but that those companies were unknown to me.
Although, I admit that the technology is amazing and cool and perhaps I was a bit frenzied over that.
On the other hand, every single technology I have mentioned could be linked to present day. Some of the technologies I have not mentioned, but have intended to show you all, could be traced to today. Chimera's already exist. Scientists have already solidified light. The hydrogen powered spaceship I mentioned already has its engines built. Warp drive technologies are being researched by NASA. I could have talked about any of these technologies and you could say the same. Physicists have already predicted the majority of the major inventions for the next fifty years. They were discussing tablets in the late 80's.

As for pictures, why would I disappear at the request of that? I have been hounded about them since I got to this forum. Every single time I replied that they would appear when the time was right. And the majority of my posts have actually been between 1AM and 5AM. Temporal Recon even commented about that in our email chats.

Please, I invite you to take my math and the statements surrounding it to any theoretical physicist.

I have a lot more to say to catch up on what has been said. Perhaps in a day or two.

Actually, there is no real way for you to prove you are a time traveler. Being as knowledge of the future causes alterations of it, you could not possibly give predictions to prove it. Besides, that would prove nothing more than some psychic ability. I find the whole concept of time travel to be really interesting. But that is a mute point. It totally unprovable unless one could pinpoint themselves in younger or older form and make a correct DNA match to that person.
As for pictures, why would I disappear at the request of that?

What they want is a real picture. Not a simple drawing that anyone could create with MSPaint or any other picture editing software. Show us an actual photo of your time machine, like John Titor did. Do some research on Titor's images and show us your own. He showed us quite a few.

Understandable you don't feel comfortable showing off future technology to a primitive timeline, but if John Titor was able to do that, what prevents you from doing that?
Don't take it personal, Aevi. Sam would like nothing more than for you to actually be a TT. Im sure that a lot of us feel that way. Her job here is basically to prosecute. At least it took her 10 pages to come to her conclusion. Take that as a compliment. It usually takes only about 2 or 3 posts from the alleged to receive her conviction ;). I'm more leaning your way because I want to believe that you're stuck here. Then again this is my escape from reality. I come here for the paranormal and misunderstood. Simply by logging in I'm already expecting a eureka moment. That's what this forum does for me. I'm more of an innocent until proven guilty personality. There is a forum called TTI that would've smoked you as soon as you claimed to be a TT. This has always befuddled the crap out of me because despite the title of their forum they appear only to be an institute of egomaniacs with a fun meter of zero.

I asked you one question. It was about the Marine Corps, and the reason that I asked was because I knew over a year ago that there was a bill on the hill that would effectively reduce the Marine Corps to around 150k personnel or lower. They're offering early retirement, early EAS, and taking fewer recruits. There has been talk that the Corps will not be fiscally capable in the very near future, and that integrating the remaining with Army Regiments is an option by the end of the decade. This is information that anyone can find, but the fact of the matter is that no one really cares unless they're a veteran or currently serving. The current President of the U.S. sold this idea to the American public, and they bought it. However, for someone to say they've never heard of the Corps, that it had either been eliminated, or had been integrated with the Army, tells me that you're either so oblivious that you're from another time, or you're brilliant and you knew how to answer my question without warranting a red flag to your claim. Either is worthy of applause in my opinion because my fun meter is in the red. One thing I think I can say for certain is that you haven't really convinced anyone one way or the other. Which means you're still alive in this forum.

I root for the underdog, so I would say that you need to gain access to a camera, remove any time-stamp with regard to your location, take pictures of your Time Machine, and post them by proxy if you want to be safe. This will definitely give you some credence. As I've said before, you also don't have to convince anyone here.....unless you want to.
hmm... I am depressed.
You all operate on a presumption of knowledge.
I will attempt to answer once again. Some of you seem to have missed the entirety of my being here.
I have never wanted to be believed. I have said that since the beginning. The option of belief is entirely up to you.
Please, I fail to see any contradictions in what I have said.
On the political side, I showed levels of politics. I talked about the world stage and the American stage. Wouldn't it make sense that lower stages were imitations of larger? And why is integration for the sake of analogy any proof of deceit? Samstwitch, didn't Paul use analogies of sports without deifying a sport? I may not be wording that quite right... The point is that using example I have learned from you does not in any way mean that what I am saying is false or even based upon Titor.
Nonetheless, America is currently divided into five regions, These regions are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West. The regions of the United States are grouped by history, traditions, economy, climate, and geography. Why would the Oligarchy change that? Wouldn't it make sense for them to use these obviously different regions? These regions aren't even from Titor, but are found commonly throughout your culture.
To restate yet again the political world of my time, there is the Oligarchy which is worldwide and is lead by a council of nine. Each one of them is the ruler of a region. These regions are subdivided. It isn't easy to destroy a cultural identity. It is far easier for a new ruler to embrace the identity of the conquered. This is the concept at work.

What was the purpose of me posting about the device again? Can anyone recall? I told Samstwitch about the true nature of the device before I gave into pressure and openly said, "correct" when someone guessed it. And I told her then that it doesn't prove my existence as a Time Traveler. The emphasis wasn't so much on the device to prove myself but on events surrounding its dawn. I also commented on how the nature of the device has such an impact on extrahuman evolution. How exactly did my story change? I said that the technology was released by Apple in my worldline, but that here in this worldline HP had the patent. I also noted that only Apple had the ability commercialize the technology efficiently. On top of that, I mentioned to Samstwitch that the latest information I could dig up said that HP had entered into a business deal with two other companies, but that those companies were unknown to me.
Although, I admit that the technology is amazing and cool and perhaps I was a bit frenzied over that.
On the other hand, every single technology I have mentioned could be linked to present day. Some of the technologies I have not mentioned, but have intended to show you all, could be traced to today. Chimera's already exist. Scientists have already solidified light. The hydrogen powered spaceship I mentioned already has its engines built. Warp drive technologies are being researched by NASA. I could have talked about any of these technologies and you could say the same. Physicists have already predicted the majority of the major inventions for the next fifty years. They were discussing tablets in the late 80's.

As for pictures, why would I disappear at the request of that? I have been hounded about them since I got to this forum. Every single time I replied that they would appear when the time was right. And the majority of my posts have actually been between 1AM and 5AM. Temporal Recon even commented about that in our email chats.

Please, I invite you to take my math and the statements surrounding it to any theoretical physicist.

I have a lot more to say to catch up on what has been said. Perhaps in a day or two.

Actually, there is no real way for you to prove you are a time traveler. Being as knowledge of the future causes alterations of it, you could not possibly give predictions to prove it. Besides, that would prove nothing more than some psychic ability. I find the whole concept of time travel to be really interesting. But that is a mute point. It totally unprovable unless one could pinpoint themselves in younger or older form and make a correct DNA match to that person.

I remember an example of that was in an anime called Steins;Gate (Based of the John Titor story, some parts more than others), where the main character sends a message back in time to win the lottery and the winning number was one off.

However another way for someone to prove they are a time traveler is to go back in time and tell their younger self something only what the TT's younger self knew.
